Your thoughts on this book?

Your thoughts on this book?

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Bullshit. Crypto is about freedom, not left or right.

Problem, communists?


quick rundown? Looks interesting.

>Bitcoiners are libertarians
>Really evil people
>Don't want to share their wealth with the poor

Take your pick.

Shill squads or death squads.

Either way the left is fucked.

Lol about what I figured. We're tired of a central bank abusing us and printing money to give for free to their friends. That makes us the bad goys.

>We're tired of a central bank abusing us
The book calls you a conspiracy theorist.


why is pol always right?

Here is a medium rundown for those interested:

Lol. I've been called a conspiracy theorist for claiming the federal reserve is not part of the government.

Well I Googled "forerunners ideas first" and it's an entire series of pseudo intellectual books that read like theyre straight out of madlibs.

This guy has written at least one other book trashing bitcoin, this is a highly advanced level of salt

no normal person understands this

sad considering they basically control america

>claiming the federal reserve is not part of the government
when it quite literally is not in any way part of the government but a privately owned unaccountable institution owned by a rootless international clique

But the left hates freedom


I got here as soon as I could guys. Now wheres the dirty commie in the thread at? I've got the chopper already good to go


The Fed is separate. However, the government appoints members and can pass an act of Congress to more closely control it. These powers definitely make it part of the government. Also, what does the fed do to control everything? Do you have any idea how limited monetary policy is?

'crypto is about freedom'
Just like the libertarian right?

Yeah, what's wrong