Love without sex? Is that possible?
Love without sex? Is that possible?
& Humanities was a huge mistake
Fuck off
Why are Jewish women so fertile and gorgeous?
Gotta maintain the tribe.
>Hitler wants to genocide this
Rly makes ya think
A man can love another man and not want to fuck him.
Fucking is just the icing on the cake.
Mods are asleep post more Kat dennings
Holy shit that fat chick is hilarious!
Just wow what a comedic wit. Bagels!
Getting skinny is hard amirite???? YAAAAASSSSSSSSSS QUEEN SLAY
Shut up goyim
She tried anorexia for 4 hours hahahahahaahahahaa!
I fukken pissed myself she is GOLD!!!!!
Also, did she convert to judaism?
Because that is a basic white chick. I mean, maybe she converted to judaism because it's trendy haha but let's not kid each other.
That woman has NO historical claim to the middle east lol! So I hope she's very observant to use the jew identity to get her through life
I love my family and close friends. I have not even thought of having sex with them. Except my sister and some of my female friends. And my aunt.
Ewww overshare much?
She is a born jew.
Sure if you say so.
Looks like a million other Europeans to me. Why do you think that European girl has claim to parts of the middle east exactly?
Because her people, who are jews, possess nukes
Haha the secular state?
It's a joke. Israel is just a shitty Hawaii for Europeans LARPing as Ancient Hebrews.
And they throw their own religion out the door it's a hot mess.
What do you need a 'jewish' state to be secular in nigga?
Jewishness is BLOOD.
Then, it even gets worse!
The observant jews, the only actual Jews in Israel lol, get picked on and hated for....
You wacky zionists sound more like nazis every damn day!
>The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common BLOOD. - Adolph Hitler
>This is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the BLOOD which God has given it.
Hahaha bro you're unironically Hitler right now dude just stop holy shit!
Ahahahah tfw you see the poor victimized oven dodgers become what they hated the most and they're too brain dead to realize it will be their downfall in their lifetimes!
Oh never change. Wew
>muh blood
Full jewish nazi right here folks
>there is one error which cannot be remedied once men have made it, namely the failure to recognize the importance of conserving the BLOOD and the race free from intermixture and thereby the racial aspect and character which are God's gift and God's handiwork
But see, Jews mix with anyone lol
Hmm...sounds like an anti semitic fairytale. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Tee-hee!
how'd that turn out for him?
Haha fukken kosher nazis in their middle eastern Shit Reich!
>implying asexuals cannot have a romantic relationships
Back to >>>r/thedonald you white supremacist
Go back to /r/Israel you zionist
No one fucks with the jews don't even try!
Just fucking make it a History board only, take this stupid shit to /r9k/ or /b/ or /pol/
Lol nigga wat literally everyone fucks with you
You're the whipping boy, punching bag and red-headed step-child of all of history.
And that's not ending anytime soon.
>muh BLOOD muh JEWISH B-BLOOD!!!!!!
You don't even believe in your own God.
Oh come on I'm having a hilarious conversation with some irl kosher nazis and they are telling us all about THE BLOOD it's great
Hehehehe you're hilarious
Israel is a nation with extremely similar interests. it is a Jewish state for the Jewish volk. Israeli leaders have constantly denied unification with Palestine because it will no longer be a nation by, for, and of Jews. yes, there are ethnic minorities in Israel along with many Muslim Arabs, but it is at its constitutional core a Jewish nation.
That's true!
Not as hilarious as your whacked out modern identity.
It's so flimsy and thin. You're not 'jewish' anymore than I am. You're a confused european.
Excuse me that's wrong.
It's a secular state that actually penalizes the real jews living there. Israel is not more 'jewish' than any other country.
Put the Star of David on an Atheist and all you have is an atheist in a costume.
Sweety that's wrong on many levels! But if it helps you cope....stick to what works.
Lying faggot their actions speak louder than words
Okay, I'll bite. Which Tribe are you descended from?
Are you observant and do you follow the Torah in your life and rabbinical law?
Do you practice kosher eating habits and do you work on the Sabbath?
Their actions as far as.... creating a secular State and suppressing the religion?
Haha nigga you don't need your own State to be an atheist European in. Either be Jews or leave Israel to the jews.
Still waiting my confused eurotrash
I would fuck with that Jew.
That's not how identity works at all.
This thread is cancer but Dennings is a total babe.
Oh fuck it then I am now jewish. Shalom bitches the tribe just got one person larger.
I have as much claim as you or Denning does lol
Your point was like saying you can't be American unless you're Protestant and know the Bible inside and out.
If you consider yourself a Jew and most other Jews consider you to be one too, then you're welcome to join in as far as I'm concerned.
Hitler confirmed as a Jew.
Maybe that's why i haven't been attracted to anyone this past 3 year, because i have terrible sexual anxiety.
It's not like that at all.
I understand we're entering a time of post-identities where every aspect is being challenged but Americanism is due to birth or legal citizenship.
Of course even that is being challenged and right now being overthrown across the country.
And so it will happen with 'jewishness'. It's too weak to maintain since there is no true 'jew' anymore.
Why isn't it like that at all? Most modern nations and ethnies don't put up such strong rules as you mentioned yet they still have strong identities.
I can agree that having a weaker identity and higher intermarriage potentially leads to extinction in the longer run but right now, an atheist Jew with a Jewish mom is still basically a Jew.
I know Hertzl had to cast the widest net possible. He himself was a secular jew and likely had no real interest in the theology of religion.
In his early life he was quite the happy germophile and would declare the German culture to be the best of European culture. He even joined a German nationalist group lol.
Of course the Dreyfus Affair would change that and kindle in him the desires of nationalism.
And it wasn't long before he was calling all the diaspora by any tedious means necessary to band together. Across cultures and languages and continents and political motivations and ideology.
But for many the identity rings hollow. The most rightful claimants are those who follow rabbinical liturgy and the teachings of the torah and talmudic law.
Less so the estranged atheists who got roped in with only loose affiliation being your grandmother and mother were jewish, haha welcome to your lifetime identity.
In a way, this lends itself to the apartness the 'jewish' people feel today.
And you seemingly have crazy atheists chanting about the jewish blood or some such nonsense.
Either way, specific groups of Jews would still have a common wider identity. Germans, Italians and any other geographically extended nation will have those problems basically. I don't see anything you're mentioning as being specific to the Jews.
>without the presence of seduction
You can agree that 'jewish' identity is unique on Earth right?
It's multi-faceted but there is no hard trait or value.
If x or y or z is true = jewish
If x is true, but y and z are false = jewish
If y is true, but x and z are false = jewish
If z is true, but x and y are false = jewish
There's nothing definitive. It's a very loose concept with noting but the identity itself arbitrarily tying humans together.
It's a religion and not a religion at all. It's a tribe but not a tribe at all. It's a nation but not a nation at all. A heritage but not a heritage.
Jewishness is a meme identity
No, I don't find it unique. Very diasporic and geographically spread people tend to be like that.
Traditionally you of course needed more things in common to feel some closeness to each other but in the modern world with instant communication and knowledge you can preserve a pre-modern identity on much less, even without having a nation-state (and the Jews have that now too).
Well i don't fuck my cat.
I can't think of other examples outside of secret societies and fraternities.
As far as having and keeping a nation state in increasingly turbulent times based solely around a pre-modern identity... good luck.
I don't know if there is still time for that with the exponentially shifting social landscape. Look to Europe, who has taken millions of migrant strangers and overnight attempted to declare them European.
The trend persists to the United States with undocumented residents attaining levels of citizen status and large swathes of society fighting to integrate them all.
National identity is increasingly malleable and fluid.
Jews may have achieved their own State just in time for States to collapse or shift into unrecognizable forms.
yeah but what's the point? Sex is part of human life and plays a very central role in all of it
Do you love your family? Do you have sex with your family?
Yes and yes.
No Southerners allowed.
Southern where?
lmao Jewishness is no more made up or an "unstable" identity than anything else you're either a butthurt stormnigger Palestinian or a self hating Jew
Lol nigga you're not jewish just because your mom is jewish haha my mom was a Baptist but I don't call myself a secular Baptist just be a normal person nigga give it up
Don't let mom tell you what to be your whole life smdh
>Zionism is bad
Everyone can have their own ethnostate, they just need a colonial overlord
It was some /tg thread
We were talking about all the weird players we'd had. Someone played with a 'asexual lesbian' so it was basically just a close friendship, and some caps were taken and dubs occured
The fuck is with this mouthbreather going on about the joos
>bible says it descends via the women
>let's just ignore this
>bishops exist
Southern USA
Haha this mommy's boy!
Let go of those apron strings mein bro time to move on
As possible as the reverse (in other words, yes, very). Naturally not very common between romantic partners of the opposite sex, asexuality and other sexual/romantic mismatches are aberrations as are homosexuality and paedophilia. Of course, only two of the above are frequently innately harmful (the latter two).
You also see cases, especially with women or with homosexual men in a heteroromantic relationship, where a partner is not interested in sex but submits to it for the sake of a partner out of love. It's not love because of sex or the desire for sex because of love, it's sex being exchanged for what superficially might be mistaken for love. And that's pretty sad.
Also this probably belongs on /lgbt/, don't see what it has to do with Veeky Forums unless we're gonna bring up shit like that Muhammad supposedly didn't fuck Aisha until she was sexually mature despite doting on her and appearing to love her intensely.
Sure, it's called platonic friendshi... oh, I guess you probably mean erotic love. Sure, actually the penis-in-vagina part of erotic love is the least interesting part. The most interesting stuff is all mental.
Eastern looks + Western intelligence.
>unironically using northern 'german'
Teutons were a mistake
Tell me how homosexuality is harmful.
I can't honestly think about anything besides religious reasons
It gets you aids and a relapsed anus.
It can be said about ethero couples too
Gay men account for 82% of all those diagnosed with Aids.
She is hot
>82% of all male diagnoses and 67% of diagnoses regardless of sex.
All you had to do is read one sentence.