Was there really exists a secret order that ruling the world from the shadows?
Was there really exists a secret order that ruling the world from the shadows?
Do hablo Engles?
Yes it's called the Jews
There are thousands of secret orders and they're all pulling against each other and disrupting each other's impetus.
It's like the crabs in a bucket. One make progress and almost reaches a goal and the rest of the crabs drag it back down.
Problem is all the groups are so entrenched that we can't escape them. It makes existence very nuanced and inefficient.
Jews don't run the world but the world is run by jews.
I would be surprised at this point if there wasn't a single group that held the most power and if that group isn't correlated with the US's interests, though this is contemporary discussion and not historical.
I think the cold war was specifically about the two most powerful groups at the time trying to get leverage over the other, and though I wouldn't necessarily say that the cold war has ended the way the west claims, it's fairly obvious interests defended by the USSR fell behind.
I think a hundred years ago what your saying applies, but I think power has been consolidated quite effectively into a single group today and continues to be consolidated in their favor.
Its just a club where powerful rich fags meet up to decide whats best for them to become more powerful and rich while having a couple of drinks and dessert and wacky games, only to realise that there are thousands of clubs each having its own political strings and resources and agendas. All these clubs try to cuck each other
yes and I am their leader
I'm also black
Have you read anything about south korea's 8 goddesses?
Yes and everyone is in it except you. We all laugh at you behind your back cuz you're such a dork and you did that one embaressing thing that one time
>implying i don't contemplate this every day
There is in Korea.
The world is composed of various groups. Some stronger than others. International Jewry, Bilderberg, freemasons, and CIA all the most power.
This. Even if there is one group that is more powerful than all others, it still depends on the less powerful ones, kinda like the US economy relies heavily on Latin America's.
sunn o)))
>no right-wing group
Who is behind this this post?
There is no right wing or left wing groups, they only look after their interests and they will milk whatever ideology fits them the most at the time, certainly not only one
you know secrecy is a hassle and competence is pretty rare
im sure lots of people have power without telling anyone about it, but secret organizations? you can't make them very big and they don't really appear without some direct profit so the nefarious plots tend to be simple and obvious.
if the jews really did everything /pol/ believes they'd have to be some kind of overmen.
So, where is the circle in list?
This is the thing about pol.
A group or movement could be 99% regular Europeans and .5% jewish and .5% other.
And that .5% jewish will be evidence of nefarious anti-goyim plotting every single time. The regular people were all just duped you see, by the powers of the jew.
They carry no agency or responsibility.
In this way the average polemic can slough all guilt and responsibility to a handy outside group.
Not that pol is always wrong. Just saying they aren't always right either.
yes, they are called politicians
It's not secret.
Just a bunch of rich dudes staging a play for the masses, pretending they answer to hidden agendas, gods, demons etc. just smoke and mirrors as they ply their trade for profit and amusement.
How the fuck is one supposed to know the intentions of someone who controls all but maybe 3 Countries lifeblood.
Yeah, i won't name them though. I'll give you a hint however, they speak Hebrew.
What if that .5% jews run all that?