Has the intelligentsia of today moved to youtube? I have watched some videos by sargon of akkad, and it seems to me that he and people like him are carrying the torch of reason through our crumbling modern age. I do take Sargon as a man of letters, watching his videos it's quite obvious.
Has the intelligentsia of today moved to youtube? I have watched some videos by sargon of akkad...
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Yes. Sargon is a walking, talking encyclopedia. He's like Chomsky except smarter and more eloquent. This may sound like a bold claim, but I expect people will still be talking about him two hundred years from now.
His deep knowledge of Islam and Marxism is especially astonishing. I guess this is why he's able to produce such in-depth and measured critique of them.
A lot of communist hate him for a reason I don't know why but it doesn't matter if he is wrong or right since he is a Liberal and historically Liberalism doesn't lose.
>historically Liberalism doesn't lose
I feel like that's a mantra that you really want to be true
Can't tell if nose bending sarcasm or legitimate praise
It's because he a rational, moderate classical liberal and has debunked both far left and far right extremists.
Your sarcasim aside, nobobdy will be talking about Chomsky 200 years from now. Chomsky is just controlled opposition to neoliberlism.
Like I said it doesn't matter if he is right or wrong.
The liberal system is in power.
he is a pseudointellectual who tells you what you want to hear
>nobobdy will be talking about Chomsky 200 years from now
wikipedia scholars using avatars of people they heard about playing age of empires
lol. sargon is one of the most ill-read people I've ever heard. he routinely mixes philosophical concepts, has a tenuous grip on history, and argues from circular logic. if that is the example of intelligentsia then I fear for the future of mankind.
Some of his friends are genuinely insightful.
>Has the intelligentsia of today moved to youtube?
To an extent, sure. They use it just like anyone else. Most people on this board are part of the intelligentsia, by the way. It just refers to educated middle-class person who uses their education in their job.
All the actual interesting intellectual stuff is still in books, though. You can't reasonably do long content like that any other way.
People all ready arn't talking about him and he's still alive. His work in linguistics is being debunked and his politics amount to bush era liberalism which already has evaporated as a meaningful political ideology.
>le shoe
People didn't talk about van ghogh.
wtf i like pol pot now
Carl isn't even a pseudo-intellectual, fuck off.
This is about right
I really don't think the guy is trying to be an intellectual giant. Just wants to point out crazies
>Your sarcasim aside, nobobdy will be talking about Chomsky 200 years from now
>pseuds unironically believe this
Chomsky would put the fat neckbeard known as Carl Benjamin in the dirt.
Hahaha you people seriously think the generations of the future are going to wv watching a 2d OLD WHITE MAN?
Oh wow, you have no idea what the demographics look like.
Haha good meme, keep posting them.
You'll get your utopia very soon!
>I really don't think the guy is trying to be an intellectual giant
He wishes he was.
>the youtube generation is now old enough to join the ideology culturewar
Part of the problem with Chomsky, is not Chomsky, but us.
He is absolutely brilliant, but tends to elicit in us a form of intellectual inferiority complex, that makes us either worship or declaim him, based on a few of his intellectual points.
I agree with many of his views, and disagree with many others. Should he not speak unless he's sure everyone will agree with him? Should I never broadcast an idea that might be, 20 years in the future, considered obviously wrong?
No, and this is the problem with Chomsky. He inspires hero worship, or complete antagonism.
>That time he got humilliated by a random social sciences professor.
It never gets old.
Also, daily reminder this "intellectual" thinks having your documents checked by a cop for speeding is an example of "guilty until proven innocent".
Haha wat I'm pretty much neutral on the guy to be honest. Listened to some of his stuff awhile back but I'm neither of your extremes.
But if you SERIOUSLY think Western people 200 years from now are going to care one iota about some FUCKING WHITE MALE from this era you're very naive.
The demographics prevent it.
>When poltards pretend to be lefties, the animation.
Why does it matter?
>Leftiboos will NOT defend this
Haha wat?
You can't have it both ways pumpkin
>an uneducated literal cuck seminigger
Gas yourself Karl.
>left-right dichotomy
When leftypol pretends to be right
Gross misrepresentation of all on this horse shoe. And I'm an altradical-centrocentric-Steinertree-vegan-centrist.
I hope you guys are joking, then again I'm too autistic to detect sarcasm.
Anyway, Sargon is a pseudo-intellectual LARPing as a philosopher. He picks the lowest hanging SJW fruit--a feat that requires hardly any talent. He has oblong 25-minute videos where he cherrypicks outrageous headlines and cackles about them like a condescending cunt. There's nothing intellectually stimulating about what he says; it's the same regurgitated rhetoric from the Gamergate anti-ESS JAY DUBBLEYEW side of Twitter. I give him kudos for being a rational person but anything above that is going too far.
>muh language module iz impurtunt
Yeah no, post-modern linguisticfags will be remembered by history as sophists of the highest degree
You haven't actually listened to his videos lol
But cool opinion
I haven't seen anything remotely intelligent on youtube channels that have more than 50k subscribers.
I have watched every single video sargon made ever and I agree with the man you quoted. The only value he has is politically veiled entertainment.
What? MENDACIOUS! SOLIPSISTIC! Of course it's actual praise, who can even compete with such colossus of intellectual debate and rationality? Philosophers of old pale in comparison to Him, the giant of Swindon. He will be remembered as the man that put an end to the madness known as humanities and restored the dignity of ACTUAL science, along Bearing, Davis Aurini and Lindybeige.
hey reddit
>it's yet another white supremacist meme pic scavenged by redditors and forced into their ideology
Why do leftists have no humour?
Almost all of /pol/'s memes are stolen from other boards, namely /int/
>Le I'm in the middle so I must be right may-may.
pic related is the real deal, folks.
Because they are a reflection of their ideology:
Vapid, parasitic, and childhish.
Just look at Antifa. They had a chance to make themselves seem reasonable by opposing further useless and corrupt wars instead their own stupidity caused them to cede that issue to the fucking alt-right.
It would be funny if not for the danger they present to western civilisation.
We're already making it in Rojava
You realise /Pol/ is pretty much just where all of the other boards as well as young political junkies go to shitpost, right?
Back to r/the_donald with you
>stealing from nazis and fascist is wrong
t. reddit
There's plenty of shitposting and quality posts on the other boards. /pol/ is perhaps the worst board on Veeky Forums, full of redditors, non-whites LARPing as nazis, stealing others' memes, delusional about their impact IRL and autistically devoted to le god emperor xxddd
>commies trying to morally juxtapose themselves as spookily righteous-er than fascists
I still remember when Pepe was a stoner meme.
>mfw I make a thread about automation and its implications
>it gets deleted because muh 25 yr rule
>shit like this keeps getting posted.
I agree. the Starcraft Broodwar boys were THE intellectuals of the early social media internet.
Pepe is /r9k/ clay!
r/socialism hates /leftypol/ for being un-PC shitlords, they do not collaborate in any way whatsoever.
Creating a thread to discuss a political position on a supposedly free board for doing exactly such a thing does not constitute raiding. In reality /pol/ is jist a gigantic nazi hugbox.
/leftypol/'s numbers are too small to effectively raid one of the largest boards on Veeky Forums, the real reason there is much more left wing posting (which has always existes on this site) is because Trump is such a comical failure that he invites mockery against his supporters.
Please stay in your hugbox.
he got his ass handed by millennial woes...twice. he s afraid to go after the right because he knows he would lose. hard.
Sadly that also goes for TheAmazingBanana for most of his videos.
He's a smart man but too often he limits himself to feminists and religious retards of the lowest kind for cheap humor.
Arumba cheesing paradox's games really makes you think.
He loses constantly, the point it does it matter?
>alex "obama turns frogs gay" Jones is an intellectual.
so like everyone is a pseudo intellectual? kek
This, Sargon is just the right wing equivalent of Anita Sarkeesian and scams betas from the Gamergate and r/TumblrInAction into crowdfunding him.
Sargon is not right-wing, he is a classical liberal
>chomsky in that list
I don't understand why he upsets people so much.
the worst thing are retards like you making false equivalences. typical ledditor
He talks with a lisp
>chomsky not in that list
Alright boys, what youtubers are you subscribed to?
Why is Zappa, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Jesus, Vsauce and Bill Nye on the same image as Onision, The Young Turks, Paul Joseph Watson and a bunch of feminists?
How do they even relate to each other?
Not really.
Can you not read top of image?
Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Socrates, Sartre and even Chomsky and Zizek, no matter what you think of them, don't deserve to be on that list with those hacks.
>american education
what's his education
Can't believe Veeky Forums stooping down to /v/ levels of shittery. So unbecoming of this board.
Greg Sadler is pretty good
Seems like Alex Jones has said plenty of stuff one could legitimately attack him on, why do people do this? The chemicals in the water are messing with the sex function of amphibians. It was a real story.
>always campaigns for "muh freeze peach"
>makes a petition to try and shut down social justice courses at universities because they don't agree with his worldview
What did he mean by this?
It's funny how redditors reduce everything to environmental factors except for when it comes to things like trannies and gays then all of a sudden it's genetically hard coded.
Carl we know you don't even believe that
The intelligentsia is more Twitter than YouTube anyway, as like always they nag about change but never provide a superior system to replace the current one
>calls other people cucks
>is a octaroon and an actual cuckold, AND is raising the kid
>camapaigns for ethics in game journalism
>still hasn't refunded people that backed his kickstarter diablo rip off
If he's your clay come and take it from us ;)
at least you still have wojack right..?
filthy frank is all the proof i need that whites and asians shouldn't mix desu
totally not samefag from totally not /pol/
Anthony Fantano is the greatest philosopher of this generation, you cunt.
Truly a Renaissance man.
eh, why?
You can't really claim to be part of the intelligentsia when the demographic of person you most often ridicule shits on you in what you claim to be your comfort zone, so it casts doubt on the OP's dubious question.