Why is America much more religious than the rest of the developed world?
Why is America much more religious than the rest of the developed world?
Because America is less white. White Americans are about as irreligious as Europeans, Canadians, etc.
Inb4 "race don't real"
Inb4 "Hispanics and Middle Easterners are white"
Inb4 "controlling for variables is unscientific"
Ah yes, the white havens of Japan, South Korea, and Greece.
America isn't wealthy. It's average wealth is brought up by millionaires. I bet you money that most Americans don't make more than the average Greek even, and thus they fall more in line with other shithole nations
America is the worst, most violent, most subhuman place on the planet. I'd be terrified to be American, and I laugh in pity at all those who choose to be American.
It's a cultural thing desu. Pilgrims and all that.
>White Americans are about as irreligious as Europeans, Canadians, etc.
Don't think so:
Our Asians aren't religious either. Nice try faggot.
>Literal warzone created by Americans
Most serial killers
Most mass shootings
Most terrorist attacks
Most police brutality
Most genital mutilation
Most rape
Most violence across the globe
Nuke America, for the sake of humankind!
>U.S. Ranked 6th, gross household median income 43,585. Gross per capita median income, 15,480
>Greece. Ranked 30th, gross household median income, 11,719. No information on per capita median income.
>anecdotal examples are the same as statistics
>Chinese state employees still expecting us to believe the "le we're not religious" LARP
70% of American Whites are Christian. That's still a high percentage and not too far from Blacks (79%) and Hispanics (77%).
Aka: Murricans claim 5 kids as dependents while superior Europeans only claim one.
Due to proximity, Europe was overrun with Soviet agents and their catspaws so the state of their society reflects the decades of subversion by Satanic Marxism it experienced.
>inb4 newfags think I'm meming or being a butthurt fundie
>I have never been to Texas, Mississippi, the Dakotas, or Maine.
>Most serial killers
Most recorded serial killers*
>Most mass shootings
Not even the most per capita
>Most terrorist attacks
>Most police brutality
Not even in the top 10. Brazil has 1000 times America's police brutality.
>Most genital mutilation
Which has decreased substantially and isn't a relevant factor in your arguement.
>Most rape
Not even top 100
>Most violence across the globe
Except for the hundreds of thousands dead by the Assad and Saudi governments in Yemen and Syria...
Not american but people from big cities seemed to me as non religious as their european counterparts. There's just more rural cletuses in america that drive the percentage up.
Memeing butthurt fundie spotted.
Tumblrist science in action.
Its an
> America celebrates less violence than Afghanistan and Somalia
>you use tumblr if you're a race realist who wants statistics instead of bullshit anecdotes
You're pretty retarded user.
All the religious nuts moved here because no one liked them back in Europe.
Also, you have to factor in blacks and hispanics.
White Americans have comparable violent crime rates to Belgians.
The "violent white American" meme needs to die.
>It's a dumbass who can't read his original arguments and instead says shit that isn't true episode
This is "look at what's happening in Sweden" tier misinformation.
People mentioning hispanics are retarded. Can't you see they're all close to the curve, and most under it? How would they explain a lack of correlation biased towards religion if they maintain the correlation with a slight bias against religion?
A better question would be why American fundies see themselves as some kind of persecuted minority when the exact opposite is true.
It's like the "siege mentality" of Northern Irish protestants but with less WeWuz-ing
Spain is hispanic, poorer, and much less religious than america.
Christianity is pretty new in the New World though.
> Spain is hispanic and poor.
Stereotypes are not real world.
It's the South's fault. America would be a lot more advanced if not for those rednecks.
>*watches RT once*
ITT: Butthurt Yuropoor shows he doesn't understand what median means. Look again, the INDIVIDUAL median income in the U.S. is still higher than the household median in Greece. If you have a wife and one dependent, that means that they're still making over 3 times as much.
Spain is literally, by definition, Hispanic.
Spain != Latin American countries
Spain is latin, not hispanic. They are waaay different.
Spain is both Latin and Hispanic.
Hispanic = related to Spanish culture
nigga you ever been to the bible belt/Mormon country/new England/north bible belt. mother fucking white people can't get enough Jesus.
Are you retarded?
New England is the less religious part of America. They're basically Canada-tier.
Hispanic is related to southamerican cultures, which are different by far to spanish culture.
Like british culture are not like american culture.
>Hispanic is related to southamerican cultures, which are different by far to spanish culture.
No, they actually aren't.
Why would you discuss something without even googling it? Seriously, why do people do this?
Are Ecuador and Argentina the same?
Are México and Colombia the same?
Southamerica is not like Angloamerica. They have a lot of different cultures.
I agree, but that's not the discussion.
Maybe because i am from Spain and i know what im talking about?
Do you want to teach me about my own culture?
The way we colonized America was different than british did with the north.
you are the king of retarded faggots
It's a matter of knowing what a word means, not knowing about your culture or not.
>Because America is less white.
Exactly, it tends to be low IQ whites and non-whites who are religious.
You're a low IQ white I would imagine, if you're white at all.
regards, religious high IQ white.
You certainly have quite the imagination.
As do you.
Except it is statistically true that blacks tend to be more religious than whites and that non-religious tend to have higher IQs than the religious. This has been shown in large numbers of studies.
On the other hand your "point" was, as you openly admitted, purely a work of imagination.
Well I reject your claim.
That's because you have a hard time telling fantasy and reality apart.
You're looking up two different indexes. You should take both values from the second table on your link, there's so much wrongness in the first table's description, it hurts to read it.
>tfw you're having a nice thread about religion and Satan shows up
No need to project your deficiencies onto me.
This is quite interesting, and I'm betting by your attitude that you've only read the first page.
You're right, I did. Coming up with that we have
>U.S. 30,960
>Greece 11,719
Which is still a smidge less than 3 times as much.