Could Jesus have been white?
The Middle East was always a diverse place, maybe he was a Kurd?
Could Jesus have been white?
The Middle East was always a diverse place, maybe he was a Kurd?
Cancer spam
Arabs and Jews are white you DENSE fucker.
Caucasoids ! = Caucasians
Kurds look like Gypsies. Their languages are closely related too.
Jesus was Celto-Semitic. The Galileans had roots in Celtic people.
Some are. Most aren't. The Levant at this time hadn't be arabized so it was probably lighter.
>maybe he was a k*rd
Why couldnt you worship pic related? Is the appearance that important?
Prior to the shitskinned invasion the maghreb, levant, and anatolia were all basically white
No, that was the Galatians
But Boondocks said Jesus was black
Only Europeans are white, white is not a skin color it is a genetic cluster you fucking retards.
If you told anybody in that region prior to the Arab invasion that they were basically those filthy Germanics and they'd sock you.
With the exception of the Maghreb, maybe, because they'd been invaded by filthy Germanics. Even they didn't like them, though.
You made the thread just to post that, didn't you. You must be really bored.
>Caucasoids ! = Caucasians
the lengths /pol/ goes to deny genetics
>Maybe he was a kurd
Maybe read the bible, he was a Jew, there's no doubt about it.
There are good looking Levantines too
Also Persia was still white prior to Islam
He probably looked no different than the average Syrian or Lebanese man of today so no he wasn't what would be considered white
>inb4 morons say the ancient middle easterners were blonde haired and blue eyed
That's like saying not all humans are Homo sapiens. Like what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm pretty sure Augustine said that the incarnation of Yahweh couldn't be ugly
>maybe he was a Kurd?
another reaston to kill all christcucks
The ancient world was more multicultural then you think kiddo
>germanics are the only Whites
Wrong. White has been used as a racial descriptor since the days of the Old Testement and in that context referred to Indo-Europeans around the Middle East and Europe.