Was Joan of Arc a hero or a villan. And was she justified in the things she did
Joan of Arc
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She was French
She was a villain. Violence, no matter how justified or seemingly righteous it is, is never okay.
This so much holy shit
do anything?
Fucking this, this, thiiis.
Fucking THIS so much shit
>On the one hand, Joan stated that she carried her banner in battle and had never killed anyone,[44] preferring her banner "forty times" better than a sword;[45]
Villain who got what she deserved
ur english is howing
Did English win the war against the French, or did they absolutely destroy the French?
Best waifu
Considering England was pushed back to their swamp, I'm pretty sure France won the 100 years war.
She ran around with the French army lifting up their spirits. She probably "cheered" the Lords and Barons leading those armies in "other" ways too.
She a hero in my book.
Nice thread anglos
The bestest.
>same fagging
She probably didn't exist...
This is the worst thing about history. If you aren't registered in a royal or an imperial document of some sort (mostly taxes btw) there's no proof said person existed.
Except Jeanne's trial was well documented.
A heroine moved by divine providence, or a schizophrenic angel that believed god was speaking to her.
Ummmm, no. The English won the war. Lindy said so.
So was she the first waifu? I mean from the French account of her she's sounding a whole lot like a waifu.
>Eyewitnesses described the scene of the execution by burning on 30 May 1431. Tied to a tall pillar at the Vieux-Marché in Rouen, she asked two of the clergy, Fr Martin Ladvenu and Fr Isambart de la Pierre, to hold a crucifix before her. An English soldier also constructed a small cross that she put in the front of her dress. After she died, the English raked back the coals to expose her charred body so that no one could claim she had escaped alive. They then burned the body twice more, to reduce it to ashes and prevent any collection of relics, and cast her remains into the Seine River.[93] The executioner, Geoffroy Thérage, later stated that he "greatly feared to be damned."[94]
She was both.
Fuck the English and the Burgundians.
Neither. She was a useful idiot.
buttmad Anglofag
dont speak ill of the based duchy of burgundy or they will inherit your lands as well
>devil trips
Makes sense. Still, they won't be so based with a axe splitting their skull open.
>makes the French turn around their shitty situation
>gets burned at the stake
I'm not familiar with Joan's story? Why did she get executed if she turned it all around for for the frenchies?
The Frog is a naturally treaterous creature. One of them grew bu8ttmad that a girl was leading troops, and sold Joan out to her enemies the Burgundians, who tried her for witchcraft. She was acquitted, but then burned because she refused to stop wearing men's clothes.
She appeared out of of nowhere, boosted French morale immensely despite failing to attain some of her objectives, but then got captured by the Burgundians, who sold her to the English, who accused her of heresy. She was acquitted, but since the English still wanted her gone, they accused her of cross dressing (she had been wearing male clothing to be more difficult to rape in prison), then she was burned to death. Which then gave a martyr for the French to fight for, which boosted their morale even more. The Burgundians, who had backstabbed the King, then backstabbed the English. And it was all downhill for them from then on.
Her trial was annulled 25 years later, and she was considered a national hero from then on, but only beatified and canonized in the early 20th century.
Is that what they teach you in Anglo countries?
>tfw this little sketch in the margin of a manuscript is the only contemporary depiction we have of Jeanne
>Samefagging this much
careful with the multi posting
>if you're a butthurt Anglo
>If you're catholic: She was named a saint
>If you have any remote knowledge of History
>If you're not gay
>If you think a 19 year old girl riding into battle and rallying all of France was any bit of an unordinary thing
Before anyone gets any wild fantasies, realize that she came from a time when women were, shall we say, more hairy and less groomed?
utilitarianism motherfucker kill one to save many
Utilitarianism isn't as objective as you think and it's the ideology of defeatists.
She was a witch and anal whore.
>eternal anglo
Nice tits tho.
t. butthurt Brit
lindy is a fag and should be castrated
being made french is indeed a terrible fate
This, pretty much.
Anybody coming from an objective place would see that Jeanne was pretty much a textbook heroine.
>tfw you'll never teach joan how to be a proper woman as she return from the battlefield
There's word for word transcripts of her trials, in addition to numerous mentions in other sources.
That doesn't mean anything in french and in the oldest representation of her she doesn't look half Mexican like this
Drawfag on /sexyhis/ thread who drew a bunch of pregnant Anne Frank pics
His name's Livium, apparently.
Glorified cheerleader
When will he grace us with his presence and draw female Napoleon?
thot. probably would be wearing a choker if she was around today.
please not not sexualize my wife
Must be a Paean fan
You could always throw up another /sexyhis/ thread using his OC to try and coax him back in.
I just hope he keeps doing these Anne Frank drawings, on top of being great fap material, they're just nice to look at and imagine the kind of life she could've enjoyed (i.e. becoming a mother) had the Nazis possessed the slightest decency and restraint or had the Allies had been faster in subduing them (no offense intended to the Allied soldier, especially Americans who did more than could've been asked of them for a fight that some argue wasn't their's to begin with). But it'll definitely be funny to see his spin on Napoleanne now with this faceapp crazy.
He said the Anne Frank fetishists weirded him out, and that he lost all interest in it. Doubt he'll ever show up again desu.
Good job, guys, first decent drawfag we get, you run him out of Veeky Forums by being thirsty creeps. And you trying to justify your creepy fetish with verbose feelgood bullshit makes it even worse.
She was God's prophet and warrior
Is there any race, any people, any nation as vile, disgusting, and wicked as the Eternal Anglo?
>"how can we make this teenage french girl in her prime more attractive?"
>"I know lets make her 20 years older and three times as large!"
Men really have shit taste when it comes to women haha.
>implying it wasn't the French who decided she should be burned
>the French
>a tribunal entirely bought and controlled by the English authorities
I'd Jeanne her Arc, if you catch my drift.
t. Revisionist Anglo
>English education claims they won the 100 Years War
this is the most homosexual thing i've read all day.
World's best cheerleader desu
Who wouldn't fight to the end to protect their pure, chaste waifu?
>Veeky Forums
>not expecting literally everyone to be degenerate sexual deviants
t. pic related
Are you claiming most men don't like younger woman more?
He said he liked that Anne Frank copypasta /pol/ uses to troll Jews, which was vastly more fucked up than any request he got.
Are there any contemporary descriptions of Joan of Arc's appearance or is the dark hair she's frequently featured with just the artist's tastes?
So you're saying that they were willing to condemn their national icon and savior, for shekels?
She was condemned by a Rouen tribunal, a city which had been under English domination for a long while. Impossible to know how the average person felt about the English, but the city's elites were probably pro-English, as most of them had ties to the English crown. And until that point, the English had been pretty consistently winning.
This is speculation on my part, but I'd say the people who condemned her didn't see her as their national icon or heroine, they probably just saw her as a crazy but innocent girl used by the opposing side in a war they probably saw as a French dynastic war rather the conflict between two nations we imagine today. They even acquitted her at first, but the English thought it wasn't good enough.
>French dynastic war rather the conflict between two nations we imagine today
I think its safe to say the intense rivalry between France and England was born out of the Hundred Years War. The Valois would've had ample propaganda reason to portray themselves as fighting a war of national liberation to quash whatever remaining dissenters they had at the end of the war as "collaborators".
I still don't understand how they can claim this. What exactly do they point out to say "the English won"?
Yes, there are contemporary descriptions
Her hair were back/brown , her skin was pale, her nose was straight ,she was tall, beautiful
And if my memory serve me right, she had green eyes too
Artist taste, given that she was from northeastern France (Lothringen) she probably looked a lot fairer than those Mediterranean looking representations of her
Find me one contemporary description please.
>Best Waifu
Well, the French do have the best, but I believe in a different reality, she would of been he best. I would walk through hell and Russia for you, ma chérie.
These are in French so you will not be able to understand them, and there are a lot more detailled than what i said
But if you want to go back to the sources these are :
Chronique de Phillipe de Bergame
Déposition de Guillaume de la Chambre
Déposition de Jean Aulon
Déposition de Jean, duc d'Alençon
>These are in French so you will not be able to understand them, and there are a lot more detailled than what i said
They are in French, thus, you will not be able to understand them, and they are a lot more detailled than what i have said
As I'm French I'm fairly sure I'll understand them alright.
she was not that kawaii
also she didnt exist
After going through all of them i didn't find a so glad mention of how she looked except that she had nice breast and a good body, and a guy who never met her and who's known to have been incorrect on many things said that she had black hair.
Since you're French you can check pic related, the author gives all the sources that he is using
t. didn't read anything
Stop LARPing m8
Some sources were in latin