>exposes the Jews and their lies
>modern Protestants are Zionist cucks to Israel
>exposes the Jews and their lies
>modern Protestants are Zionist cucks to Israel
Protestant theology (Luther, Calvin, zwingli) emphases the Judaic roots of Christianity instead of the Greco-Roman roots Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox emphases.
Most modern protestants aren't Lutheran, dumbass.
Also, it's less
>Expose Jews and their lies
And more
>Try to convert Jews
>Think that if they're treated nicely and you focus on the Old Testament that they're familiar with, they'll convert en mass
>Gets nowhere trying to convert them, probably because that old testament focus is very counterproductive when dealing with Jews.
>Anal annihilation
Did he try to convert?
He was a massive failure desu lads
So what exactly was the big problem here?
Nothing on him ever trying to convert to judaism
Haha you're an energetic liar
Protestants literally can't grasp that catholicism, as a body, is deeply by roman institutions. The curiae vote, the dioceses system, pontifex maximus, etc. Platoism is literally inscribed in their theological DNA. Then Aquinas married it with aristotlean thought through the summa theologica. Not saying cathocucks did stupid shit or preserved only the "good" side of rome, but to deny their rich greco-roman heritage is pretty much retarded.
Protestfags gave up on the entire church institution and want to go full sola fide or sola scriptura. Well...you reap what you sow.
Jews have since infiltrated most Protestant churches.
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, but I thought I was.
Luther never attempted to convert to Judaism. Luther was, however, especially in the 1510s-20s quite energetic about converting Jews to Christianity.
Ahhh thanks for clearing that up
Yes he was an annoying and pushy person that much is clear
Some time in the 70s, Lutheranism was replaced with an altruistic suicide cult called "political correctness".
Look at any Lutheran country, or even Lutheran parts of the United States like Minnesota and you will see this. Sweden, Germany, etc. same thing.
Anglos are natural slaves and cuckolds. Germans are more noble people, that's why.
Modern Protestant cuckery has nothing to do with theology.
Everything is economics based. American protestants have all of their material needs met and so they focus on the eschatological portion of their religion, which involves sucking Chosen dick in order to get good boy points with God.
t. Kraut
>American protestants have all of their material needs met
You're an idiot
Not an argument.
oh fug :DDD
Why is it considered infiltration? Surely they're able to vindicate their alliance through a common interest. As if this alliance with Jewish people is somehow tarnishing Protestantism? It's not, as far as I know.
Jews & Protestants have conflicting views on subjects such as usury from what I know. It's why Martin Luther was basically Marxists economically and stereotypical banker Jews are capitalistic. Therefore they are at ends with one another if one believes in conspiracy theories or even some theology.
>Protestants literally can't grasp that catholicism, as a body, is deeply by roman institutions.
Sure they do. That's directly where criticism of the Saints and Mary comes from as an extension of Greco-Roman polytheism, or criticism of the concept of the worldly political power of the Pope as an extension of the combination of the Emperor and Pontifex Maximus. It's just that their understanding of the Classical orgins of Catholic doctrine come in the form of criticism.