would this have created a more peaceful Europe?
Would this have created a more peaceful Europe?
>punishing Germany but not Austria
Attack the root, not the branches.
>polish fascists still exist
the most peaceful europe is one wherein germany and france are equally disbanded
No, this would have.
The fuck are those things in Bosnia?
For centuries France has been responsible for nearly all conflicts in Europe. Only due to Great Britain, Europe has repelled the eternal Gaul over and over again. Still, the world remembers the victims of French nationalism. The Basques, the Corsicans, the Alsatians and many more lost their cultural identity. The smaller German dutchies were devastated through unfair peace treaties comparable to serfdom. And dont even get me started on Napoleon. I think its unfair to blame all European conflicts on Germany for starting 2 wars (one of them is even debatable) and ignoring the previous history (remember Frances behaviour started German nationalism)
You're gonna get 100 replies attacking you but you're right
France has literally been the scourge of Europe since 1460.
Were Germans barbaric tribes destroy the Roman Empire by inside and Gauls doing Gaul thing? This like the Europe give up of the nato and blame the Russians (or prussian) for invading their countries.
If Scania gets Zealand, Scania proper (Scania, Blekinge, Halland), the southern parts of Smaland (ethnic Scanians) and becomes a client state to Nazi Germany, then I'm fine. Funen should also be Scanian.
t. lindybeige
Basques, Corsicans, Alsatians, are privileged to be part of France. The Germans are cursed that they couldn't have been liberated and placed under French rule which would have cured them of their autism.
I'm sorry that you have to be stuck with your shit english or german language and your inferior cultural traditions instead of being part of France
>getting rid of Germany the only legitimate European country (all other countries are derived from it)
>Giving "muh natural borders" France this much room for imperialism
You can never get rid of Germany user.
German IS Europe.
Would glass ya.
>Basques, Corsicans, Alsatians, are privileged to be part of France.
Holy shit fucking kill yourself
I love how the French claim to be the light of liberty yet post this imperialist drivel.
'We're allowed to expand our borders beyond linguistic and ethnic barriers, but if anyone else does it, they're scum!'
Fuck off.
No, only Germany can unite Europe. It's the youngest western nation, and thus the one with the only remaining formative possibilities. Some butthurt pole or kike made this image.
>leaving South Tyrol in the hands of filthy Italian terrones
Luigi pls
No, but this would have.
>Not noticing Austria has cities named in Italian.
>All other European countries are derived from Germany
What is that supposed to mean?
the problem is the land of the frogs
nationalism would create a lot of unrest, just look at the fucking balkans and yugoslavia.
England - Germanic
Celts - Germanic
Frogs - Germanic
Scandinavia - Germanic
Central Europe - Germanic
Italy - Vandal rape babies, Germanic
Spain - Goth rape babies, Germanic
They were invaded by Germany (aka the country of peace) at some point or another.
>Not restoring Königsberg
>Smålänningar=ethnic scanians
Germans should be partitioned three ways, with all the Allemani forming one state (Bavaria, Austria, CH, etc), then an Eastern state based on Berlin, and a Federation of the Rhine that includes Holland and Flanders. There's enough cultural distance between these three that if they can be kept apart for just a few generations, the myth of a united Germany can finally die.