nice thumbnail
What is this, an insult for ants??
Uh, I've never seen a picture of an Irish who looked like this cartoon.
Its my clay anglo, get off.
>People still post this piece from a satire book made in the 1800's as if this was a scientific study and not parody
An hero Anglo scum,
Even jacksepticeye looks like that cartoon
That's the most handsome irish face even when you google 'handsome irish man' ?
*blocks your path*
The cartoon was on point. Check out Patrick O'donnel
>These people look in a way we find undesirable therefore they are inferior
pure ideology
pure physiognomy
>deceitful nose
>deceitful mouth
also tfw B
Ireland is one of those real countries where if it was on mainland yurop it would be as forgotten as bulgaria or estonia.
Ireland being its own self-contained landmass is what makes it interesting I guess, the very edge of Europe.
Utterly irrelevant in every way other than their interactions with Anglos.
That being said, I still cannot fathom how they pulled it off. Ireland being a soverign nation free of British Rule baffles me every single day. I don't know whether to commend them for achieving it or laugh at my own country for fucking up occupation of them so hard.
Weird but very interesting little place.
You realize this was a cartoon from a humor magazine? It's just politically incorrect humor for fuck's sake.
It's still ... well, it's still weird. Because Irish people don't fucking look like that.
It would be like making fun of a Chinese person for being cucked by the Ottomans, or an Eskimo for having giant lips. Wrong group, wrong stereotype, not offensive, not funny, just weird.
And George Bush doesn't look like a monkey yet there was a fuckload of cartoons equating him to one.
That always confused me too. I always just figured one caricaturist drew him that way and the rest, mostly being hacks, followed along for eight years.
I think it comes from there being very little actual ammunition to attack Irish people with.
At best you can get:
>LOL drunkards
>LOL EU cuckolds
>LOL Anglos bullied you
>LOL Mickey
The reality though is that they weren't relevant enough to have attempted any foreign expeditions or wars which went terribly for them. Their most noteable affairs are either getting invaded or rebelling against invaders, the latter being something they became extremely good at to a point where an Irish man is considered by many to be the father of modern guerilla fighting.
It is an interesting land with a rich history but a very confined history. The whole "lol irish are monkeys" thing is a result of them being too irrelevant to have anything to properly mock them about but too close to home to Britain and America to be forgotten like many other little european nations.
But real irish people do look like that, today's irish are largely mixed with white genes.
Meanwhile in the realm outside Anglo delusion called "reality" the Anglos and Irish are pretty much the same.
Are they really?
Not that guy but this looks like the average Anglo to me.
>Not that guy but this looks like the average Anglo to me.
>irish troll detected
Oi baggorah dis anti-irish racist bigotry will not be tolerated outside of pol
May the mods have mercy upon your soul boyo
how long did irish slavery exist in amercia?
wrong thread, those are english people getting btfo
>But real irish people do look like that
No they don't
Provide a single fact to back that up that isn't British propaganda