How come zyklon b left a blue sludge on the walls of the delousement chambers but not on the walls of the alleged killing chambers?
How come zyklon b left a blue sludge on the walls of the delousement chambers but not on the walls of the alleged...
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Is it so hard to believe that the nazis kept painting the walls?
It takes 20x more Zyklon B to kill lice than it does for killing humans
Also many of the original Auschwitz gas-chambers were destroyed by the retreating Germans
Painting them red with jewish children's blood!
>it's racist to say 6 million Jews were gassed as it implies Jews have different bone structures
>check m8 LIBTARDS
Its funny how despite all this talk and all these years from deniers and stormfags, not ONE of them has ever volunteered to expose themselves to zyklon b to prove its just a delousing agent.
Haha this nigga thinks in the middle of a blockade where the Germans couldn't get food lol they scourge up all that gas to kill millions of people when starvation and disease was doing it all for them
Blame the British haha they ran the blockade lol and started World War II
>implying you have to be a stormfag to not want to expose yourself to even a mild poison
How come when actual forensic investigators looked at the Auschwitz ruins, they found traces of HCN in the extermination chambers even after 50ish years of exposure to the elements?
They also found that the amount of zyklon left, after taking into account degradation, wouldn't indicate concentrations sufficient to kill a room full of people in 10 minutes
JIDF pls go
>tfw you have to leave a room for 24 hours to be able to kill the ticks but the nazis were somehow able to kill a room full of people 10 minutes at a time.
>I'm going to spout bullshit.
Why are stormfags so retarded and dishonest? If you bothered to read their actual paper, (Here's a copy
>After an interval of a month the mean decrease of hydrogen cyanide content in this material was 73% and so it was
markedly greater than in the run with hydrogen cyanide only. In as many as four samples that loss ranged from 97% to 100%
and then airing was nearly complete. This statement is significant in as much as in their reasoning the
revisionists did not take into consideration certain circumstances, namely, the simultaneous action of cyanides
and carbon dioxide on the chamber walls. In the air exhaled by man carbon dioxide constitutes 3.5% by volume. Breathing
for 1 minute, he takes in and next exhales 15-20 dm3 of air, comprising on the average 950 cm3 CO2; consequently, 1000
people breathe out about 950 dm3 of carbon dioxide. And so it can be estimated that, if the victims stayed in the
chamber for 5 minutes before they died, they exhaled 4.75 m3 of carbon dioxide during that period. This is at least about
1% of the capacity, e. g. of the gas chamber of Crematorium II at Birkenau, the capacity of which was about 500 m3,
whereas the concentration of hydrogen cyanide virtually did not exceed 0.1% by volume (death occurs soon at as low HCN
concentrations as 0.03% by volume). Therefore, the conditions for the preservation of HCN in the gas chambers
were not better than in the delousing chambers, despite what the revisionists claim. Besides, as has already been
mentioned, the chamber ruins have been thoroughly washed by rainfall.
user, you do realize that they tried gas chamber executions in the U.S. in the 80s, right? And that they didn't need to wait a day to bring the body out?
>why do stormfags spout bullshit
Be honest, you're OP samefagging
>proceeds to post "information" from a Jewish owned propaganda website
Are we getting raided by /pol/tards? The leuchter report has been refuted a million times. Proper forensic studies do detect cyanide compounds.
And delousing requires a higher concentration than killing people.
Are you retarded? I'm not even him but nizkor is just quoting a research by the krakow forensic institute.
It's all speculation
>besides that the chamber walls had been washed by rainfall
Bullshit, those camps were preserved day one after liberation for MUH SHOAH REMEMBERANCE.
They literally agree that there wasn't enough HC on the walls, they then try to calculate it away.
Frankly I want to see a recreation of the gassing process used for scale on rats or primates.
fuck off OP
>It takes 20x more Zyklon B to kill lice than it does for killing humans.
This is 100% correct and one of the most serious blindspots in the Holocaust denial theory and people who treat Irving's books as gospel.
>Bullshit, those camps were preserved day one after liberation for MUH SHOAH REMEMBERANCE.
Nice revisionism m8.
The recommended dosage for Hydrogen Chloride (by concentration in air) for fumigation to kill insects is 16 g/m3.
A concentration of 0.22 g/m3 quickly kicks humans and mammals.
Its non harmful to humans. Purely used to disinfect clothes IIRC
Is it?
The crematoria in Auchwitz was (supposedly) destroyed by the Nazis, not the delousing chambers.
This. I put zyklon b in my coffee every morning.
It's in the study itself:
>Crematorium I at Auschwitz - building preserved but reconstructed several times
>Crematorium II-V[*] at Birkenau - ruins. Only the ceiling of the chamber of Crematorium[*] II is in part fairly well preserved.
And stalin certainly didn't give a fuck about "MUH SHOAH REMEMBERANCE".
I know you are joking but it really isn't harmful to humans. ((they)) just don't want you to know that.
Juss 4 u an only u
>lack of food supplies (which didn't happen) means Germans can't gas jews
You stormfags are really really stupid and have no logic to your retarded internet conspiracy theories
>Crematorium I at Auschwitz - building preserved but reconstructed several times
Yes, almost completely. By the Soviets. For over 50 years, the staff at the Auschwitz main camp told visitors that the gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp was original and not a reconstruction done by the Soviet Union. After Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by Soviet troops on January 27, 1945, the gas chamber in the main camp, which had been converted into a bomb shelter by the Nazis, was reconstructed by the Soviet Union in 1947, during Stalin's regime, with a new door cut into the wall for an entrance into the oven room.
Pic related shows the original blueprint for the Krema I (Crematorium One) building in the Auschwitz main camp. The morgue, shown on the bottom right hand side of the blueprint, has a door into the oven room and another door into the washroom. On the blueprint, the morgue is labeled Leichenkeller which is the German word for a corpse cellar. The gas chamber was originally in the same location as the morgue and it did not include the area of the washroom, as it does now.
Note the door from the vestibule into the washroom that is shown on the blueprint; this door no longer exists and the area of the former wash room is included in the reconstructed gas chamber. I would also note that the image is a post-war Soviet sourced discovery.
The walls of the gas chamber themselves were plastered over and used as a raid shelter for the SS, I personally find it strange that the SS would use such a room for their safety.
So the Polish report would be wrong on multiple accounts, as are you
-the plaster would preserve the levels of HC
-Stalin, the great historical revisionist, was the one who authorized the rebuilding of the crematoria
-the rebuilt Auschitz Krema isn't an exact representation of the original (in fact the chimney doesn't properly attach)
No one cares about your screenshot
Forgot pic
Also noticed the room for a maximum of 3 bodies to be cremated at one time, online sources report the Nazis could cremate 320 bodies in 24 hours.
I honestly don't see what your point is, unless you are agreeing that the original chamber wasn't well preserved.
I'm saying the original chamber had it's walls plastered over and was used as an SS air raid bunker (hey guys let's use this room we killed those Jews in to hide in) which refutes the Polish lab's claim of erosion of HCA due to weather, if anything it would have been preserved.
I'm saying you're either a liar or uninformed when you denied Stalin was the one who ordered the rebuilding of Krema 1.
I'm not actually saying, I'm forced to repeat everything since for some reason you cannot grasp what I have said, I'm assuming you're not a native English speaker so I won't entertain the thought that you're failure to understand comes from dimness but rather ideas lost in translation.
Concentration camp inmates died because they starved to death or succumbed to diseases such as typhus, both caused by German infrastructure being destroyed by Allied bombings.
>I'm saying the original chamber had it's walls plastered over and was used as an SS air raid bunker (hey guys let's use this room we killed those Jews in to hide in) which refutes the Polish lab's claim of erosion of HCA due to weather, if anything it would have been preserved.
I'm not a chemist, I don't know how plastering over a wall would affect the compound remains. But the quote about rainfall isn't specifically about krema I, so you're arguing imaginary shit.
>I'm saying you're either a liar or uninformed when you denied Stalin was the one who ordered the rebuilding of Krema 1.
More imaginary shit.
Oh look, it's this shit again. Was William Eassie a time traveling Jooo to make up lies about how 1870s crematoria could incinerate a body in under an hour?
If the deaths were really caused by muh allied bombing destroying the supply lines, how come groups like the British PoWs at Auschwitz didn't suffer and die in such numbers? Why are there no reports of food shortages due to transportation difficulties? Why did Bergen Belsen have an operational bakery within walking distance to the camp, yet somehow, only the Jewish inmates were the ones starving?
>I'm saying you're either a liar or uninformed when you denied Stalin was the one who ordered the rebuilding of Krema 1.
Who the hell denied this?
Why do you think? And why do you think ((they)) don't let anyone do their own research.
Truth does not fear investigation after all.
I should invite you to one of my parties, we get so fuckin high snortin zyk B and then inhaling tabun, it's fuckin awesome
>Why do you think? And why do you think ((they)) don't let anyone do their own research.
That's why Chris Browning, Robert Van Pelt, Richard Evans, and Peter Longereich are all in prison, right?
(someone else): The HCN (more exactly CN-) remains are basically held together by the iron in the wall, and virtually non-toxic, which is why it was used as the pigment prussian blue for a long time. Not saying they were used as bunkers, just for clarification
Here>And stalin certainly didn't give a fuck about "MUH SHOAH REMEMBERANCE".
Clearly he did enough to order a rebuilding of the camp Krema
>6 bajigorillion Jews were gassed
>Germans just repainted the wall after each gassing
>Reading comprehension.
Go up a few posts to
>Bullshit, those camps were preserved day one after liberation for MUH SHOAH REMEMBERANCE.
>Stalin rebuilds the camps
>I.E. Stalin does NOT preserve the camps.
But I suppose trying to keep track of something longer than 5 minutes exceeds the mental capacity of your kind.
>If the deaths were really caused by muh allied bombing destroying the supply lines, how come groups like the British PoWs at Auschwitz didn't suffer and die in such numbers?
They did suffer from food shortages.
>Why are there no reports of food shortages due to transportation difficulties?
Of course there were food shortages in Germany. Hell, even von Luck (whose wife was a Jew and had no reason to admire NSDAP) wrote about food shortages that started all the way mid-war. If general population dealt with that, of course a prison camp in a middle of Polish nowhere would get the shit end of the stick.
There sure are some great mental gymnastics involved in your reading comprehension.
>They did suffer from food shortages.
They didn't starve en mass, nor did some 80+% of them disappear.
>Of course there were food shortages in Germany.
Due to transportation difficulties. Not due to things like, mass conscription, bombing of the cities themselves, general rationing, etc.
>. If general population dealt with that, of course a prison camp in a middle of Polish nowhere would get the shit end of the stick.
It would also be bombed far less and much closer to the actual agriculturally exporting areas under the Nazi administration.
Let me put it to you another way. Go look up the Transport Plan; the Allied bombing offensive in France prior to D-Day, with the express intention of putting transportation out of commission so the Germans couldn't move their forces around effectively.
German military logistics were hampered, but not completely destroyed. They were still able to field literally more than 2 million troops in France in 1944, and not only supply them with things like food, but enormously bulky stuff like ammunition as well. And you have the French population itself, which did not starve en mass.
To suggest that the massive death tolls in places like Auschwitz were due to Allied bombing is asinine, as areas where there were enormously heavier bombing and significantly more population as well as competing demands for the railroad load did not die in anything like those numbers. People died in those camps because the Germans wanted them dead and were killing them.
>get btfo
>i-its not the same thing, he didn't order preservation on day one that anti-Semite!
Stalin didn't care about "muh shoah", he cared about crimes against soviets. The same way the auschwitz plaque stormfags love to talk about exaggerated soviet deaths, not jewish ones.
He literally didn't. He ordered a reconstruction of the camp, which is your own fucking point.
It's amazing how well stormfags fit with that passage in Mein Kampf about debating Jews.
Are you retarded? You said I said something I never say. How the fuck did I get BTFO?
Stormfags live in a world that only tangentially intersects with ours.
Haha but no one cares about the gypsies
>They didn't starve en mass, nor did some 80+% of them disappear.
Obviously they were on top of priority list, as opposed to criminals, communists and other political prisoners. But even they experienced food shortages, especially in the late stage s of war.
>To suggest that the massive death tolls in places like Auschwitz were due to Allied bombing is asinine,
Yeah, as we know it there was no such thing as typhus.
>Obviously they were on top of priority list, as opposed to criminals, communists and other political prisoners. But even they experienced food shortages, especially in the late stage s of war.
If the Wehrmacht could move as fast as you moved those goalposts, they'd have won the war in Russia in a month. Show me how Allied bombing kept food away from Auschwitz, and that the death toll was from that and not deliberate extermination.
>Yeah, as we know it there was no such thing as typhus.
We know that the typhus epidemic was over and done with before the mass importation of Hungarian Jews, the single biggest group killed at Auschwitz. But good job with that false equivalence. Also, if it really was a typhus or other "natural" problems, why exactly were the Germans building enough cremation capacity to incinerate the entire camp's population in a week? Why were they installing gas-tight doors?
>Stalin cared about the Soviets
>not Stalin cared about delegitimization of Nationalism in his newly acquired "Soviet Republics" so he collaborated with the propaganda campaign against the pre-WW2 Nationalist Parties
>equating logistics for German troops in France to prisoner camps in Ukraine and Poland
Actually, I'm equating effects of Allied supply bombing. If they couldn't stop millions of troops who need far more than just food to be able to fight in an area they focused heavily on, why do you think they could or did wreck the supply lines to Auschwitz and caused all those "typhus" deaths instead of things like bullets and gas.
You're treating everything as if it is static, German troops in France receive logistical supplies through more routes than merely rail lines, whereas the camps relied almost solely on rail lines for food, medicine, etc.
>malnutrition is solely what causes typhus
Yeah user. Yeah.
If the nazis really did mean to feed the jewish prisoners and they only starved because of lack of food, then why did the government issue this? Telling civilians that if they were caught helping any jews out, including feeding them, would result in being executed?
Why did they make Aktion 14f13 which was about killing off any camp inmates too sick to work anymore? How come you deniers have nothing backing up your claims at all? If the supply lines were bombed to shit, then how come the allies who liberated the camps had no problem at all shipping in supplies to them?
>You're treating everything as if it is static, German troops in France receive logistical supplies through more routes than merely rail lines, whereas the camps relied almost solely on rail lines for food,
I'd like proof for both of those claims, actually.
>Implying that typhus is what killed most of Auschwitz's victims, and that Auscwhitz was the sole death camp.
they were the ones who got stabbed in the back
Good image, but it needs some source links at the bottom.
I am just waiting for some Stormfag to post debunked memes about Yugoslav partisans or some shit
>the merchants guild
>literally showing you're jews
doesn't disprove the holohoax was fake
this all incorrect
>half a century of wind and rain
the "gas chambers" were not destroyed, the crematorium was. The gas chambers were in fact preserved, the walls were plastered over which would have preserved the residual remains of Zyklon B. The crematorium was rebuilt just years after the war ended and made into a museum.
It then attacks Leuchtner based upon his degree although he wasn't the one who completed the lab work. It expressed rage over the fact Leuchtner "stole" the evidence from Auschwitz (oy vey how dare they look into our shoah), and makes a point out of how the lab "wasn't aware" of what they were testing. Whats wrong Chaim? Unbiased and blind research scary?
>the same lab then went and found different results AFTER they found the reasons for the original testing
I bet the ADL put so much pressure on them to republish results that were favorable to the holohoax narrative.
Why are you still talking about all the gas chambers as if they were the one in krema I? Why are you still implying reconstructed = preserved?
the chambers were preserved
the Crematoria was destroyed
Krema 1's chamber was never destroyed
Part of the crematorium was
They didn't get different results, they did a different test. A relevant one. The fact that the scientists didn't know what the purpose of the first test is relevant because they didn't know if the results were relevant what leuchter wanted to prove. Neither did leuchter, because he wasn't a scientist. You seem to be unable to finish a single sentence without some meme, imaginary quote or straw man.
inb4 someone tries to post forged Red Cross documentation, even though the organization was only ever allowed one visit to a propaganda facility and denied further visits to that same facility - not to mention the director or some other big wig from the IRC denying the organization having ever published a circulating report of only 20k deaths or something.
>let's get all of our information from literal propaganda and internet jpgs and treat as irrefutable evidence
The only people dumber are those who still believe the stab in the back theory a century fucking later.
But, user, Leuchter examination showed that the walls were containing cyanide.
He's just a retard who didn't taken in account shit happened decades ago.
>Everthing and person that disagrees with me is a jew!
Stormfags are fucking idiots
>Krema 2
we're discussing Krema 1
>the wrong tests giving us the results we don't want were done, we wanted THESE tests with these results that we wanted
>implying he was called a Jew
Nizkor is a Jewish owned and operated website ran by B'nai Brith Canada
>we're discussing Krema 1
No, I asked why you were treating all chambers as if they were krema I and you responded "the chambers were preserved". The use of plural implies that you are still talking about all chambers. And the text is not specific about krema I either. I don't know if you're retarded or doing this on purpose, because we've been through this before.
>the wrong tests giving us the results we don't want were done, we wanted THESE tests with these results that we wanted
Nice imaginary quote. The test that leuchter did has well documented methodological problems. We want tests devised by, you know, actual scientists that know what the fuck they're doing.
Ok user, Krema 1 was preserved.
>we've been through this before
You've made a caree substantiating the holocaust online?
>imaginary quote
>implying I didn't summarize exactly the points you were making
next time you get sick make sure to check the balance of your humors, that will definitely tell you what disease you have
>Ok user, Krema 1 was preserved.
Good, so you admit you were wrong. Case closed.
>You've made a caree substantiating the holocaust online?
You tried to pull the exact same shit when the nizkor link was posted.
>I didn't summarize exactly the points you were making
It must be easy to believe retarded things when you discuss with your own imagination instead of the people you quote.
Fuck off faggot with that gay ass screenshot. You want to know the reason OP and other so-called /pol/ack post this shot here? It's because faggots like you make it so clear you're against /pol/ and you call /pol/ a hug box so much that either:
A: They decide to troll you for being hysterical faggots
B: They take the hug box accusations to heart and ask the question here as they assume they'll get a different response here than on /pol/
Stop freaking out so much about /pol/ and maybe you'll see less of it
t.David Cole