Based Jews

All right everyone stop shitposting.

Let's talk unironically about Jews you respect and admire.

I present to you Golda Meir.

>born in Kiev under the Rus Empire
>lived during active pograms
>5 of her siblings died during her childhood
>her father had to get them OUT
>moved to America and worked hard in a railyard to bring them to America
>opened his own store and frequently entertained guests
>Golda exposed to debates on Zionism, literature, women's suffrage, trade unionism early on
>became a kibbutznik in 1921
>stays active in politics, family moves to Jerusalem
>Golda Meir was one of 24 signatories of the Israeli Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948
>founding mother of Israel
>meets John F. Kennedy
>meets the Pope
>becomes Prime Minister of Israel
>meets Nixon
>Munich Massacre of 1972 happens
>11 dead Israeli athletes
>Orders Mossad to hunt down and lol every last motberfucker involved

Operation Wrath of God! She retired after the Yom Kippur War and was eventually buried in Jerusalem.

Now I don't care what anyone's politics are, you cannot argue that Golda Meir wasn't absolutely BASED

Your turn Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Isaac Asimov.

>be the only author to have books in every category of the Dewey Decimal System
>most of the books are pretty good


One of the greatest philosophers and intellectuals of our time who exposed communism for the dangerous ideology that it is.

Respects to the dude that gave away penicillin.

Im taking this to /pol/

Jesus Christ
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Oh that should turn out nicely

>Rus Empire

Tsarist Russia isn't the same Kievian Rus, you dumb fuck.

It's the Russian Empire you inbred Hasidic nancy boy

How about a ex-Jew?

She was a massive two faced piece of shit, she also called for clemency for the Jews in the Rivonia trial.

>Hey r/tD check out this BASED Jew haha she's also a woman which is even cooler lol Based #MAGA

Why did she have to leave us so soon :'(

Marx was jewish

nuff said

disraeli and marx would fit that bill as well

>Rick Rubin
>Founded Def Jam
>The reason we have Public Enemy
>12-inch beard
>Kanye wouldn't be Yeezus without him

She's probably the most "Reddit" philosopher to ever exist.
>I care only for myself but will try to make it look like I care for you and am just

Kek, I'll keep an out for this thread

fuck yes


Meir was quite a dove when t came to the Arab states themselves.

My all time favorite jew

Marx was the opposite of based.

>Moses Ezekiel
>First practicing Jew admitted to Virginia Military Institute
>Took part in the 80 mile march from Lexington to Sheandoah in miserable weather
>took part in the most savage fighting at the Battle of New Market
>deserted hospital to rejoin his fellow cadets
>spent the rest of the war defending Petersburg
>graduates VMI a year after the war
>studies at Royal Academy of Art
>becomes world renowned sculptor
>first foreigner to win the Michel-Beer Prix de Rom
>Dedicates " Virginia Mourning Her Dead" in 1903 as the official VMI Civil War memorial
>Final major work before his death was the Confederate Soldier's Memorial, honoring all those who gave their lives for Southern independence, and proudly stands watching over the Confederate section of Arlington cemetery to this day
>tombstone simply reads "Moses J. Ezekiel Sergeant of Company C Battalion of Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute"

Motherfucker was probably one of the greatest sculptors of his time, and he still considered serving in the Army the greatest accomplishment of his life.

Yup, he changed his opinions according to wind and totally didn't started one of world's leading ideologies...

>marx invented socialism
oh fuck off with that shit

Marxism literally made the world shittier with his autistic version of socialism, that is all

Marx may have not invented socialism, but he invented scientific socialism, which was the most important variation of socialism.

>Marxism literally made the world shittier with his autistic version of socialism, that is all
First, he did more than that, second it doesn´t make him "the opposite" of based.

>Let's talk unironically about Jews you respect and admire.

There are none


>First, he did more than that
Not really, it was pure autism. If you want to be generous you can say it forced Bismark to end the kulturkampf and start establishing the first form of a "welfare state". Which is basically what all the mainstream leftwing movements have actually followed in one way or another, and they tend to stay more true to the utopian socialism ethos than the one of scientific socialism.

>second it doesn´t make him "the opposite" of based
It kinda does. You can't be based if you're cancer.

>Based is all about being yourself and not caring what anybody else thinks
Seems to me that cancer is pretty based. In fact it's one of most based diseases there are.


"Scientific" socialism is shit. Marxism has had its theories tested repeatedly and been found wanting each time. Marx had a lot of good analysis but Marxism itself is secular millenialism. And by associating socialism with Marxist autism other forms of socialism (especially libertarian socialism) will never be taken seriously even though they're less full of shit than Marxism.

Also everything Bakunin predicted about Marxism came true

Does Donald Trump count?

Ah yes. The famous but distorted Adolf Shekelgrabber

>Great-Grandmother's name was (((Kober)))

I don't see why not


>never worked
>never owned a business
>never held a political office
>great philosopher

He's my second favorite rabbi of all time behind Moses

You're thinking of Jonas Salk, the man who invented the polio vaccine.

>Albert Einstein
>Niels Bohr
>Hermann Minkowski
>Carl Jacobi
>Felix Klein
>Abraham Michelson
>David Ben-Gurion
>Moshe Dayan

>implying that isn't the very summation of what makes a great philosopher

do you think socrates worked?

You are just proving my point.

Does making historical nationalistic movies when nationalism was not cool counts as being based?

One of the greatest scholars of his time.

My man Oppenheimer.

Gave birth to destruction of the human race.

Realized he did a wrong.

It was just a prank bro!

>he betrayed Jesus
>thanks to him we can sin all we want and Jesus has us covered
>there would be no Christianity without Judas
>made the New Testament more interesting

he literally did nothing wrong

You're correct.

w życiu bym się nie dowiedział, że miał żydowskie pochodzenie. dzięki anonku

>Golda Meir

She's a racist who committed ethnic cleansing on an indigenous population. How is this based?

Ethnic cleansing?

Lel you bring up an instance and I'll tell you why you're autistic. Golda was a staunch humanitarian operating under siege and constant threat of attack.


I'm a direct descendant of Chaim Soloman

>was a Polish-born American Jewish businessman and political financial broker who immigrated to New York City from Poland during the period of the American Revolution.

> He helped convert the French loans into ready cash by selling bills of exchange for Robert Morris, the Superintendent of Finance. In this way he aided the Continental Army and was possibly, along with Morris, the prime financier of the American side during the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.

Responsible for the creation of the best nation in the history of the world.

>Ctrl+F Hannah Arendt
>0 results

disappointed in you Veeky Forums


civic republicanism lad



>Ethnic cleansing?

Is Israel not a colonial settler state? It's comprised of European Jewish colonists and later on Middle Eastern Jewish settlers.

what a weird looking man

The fact that he gave away the polio vaccine is kinda made up. There is evidence that he tried to patent it but was given legal advice it was un likely he would be able to because of previous public disclosures he had made. So he instead gave it away to earn good boy points.

It's not

"""palestinians"""" are literally EATING their own land

>saudi arabia is numer 2 for women
Wait what,i guess they only eat cheap shitty junkfood.

Everyone in the Gulf Arab states is either

1. A NEET living off oil money
2. A """migrant worker""" (read: slave) from India/Nepal/Philippines

Fuck off. They are nothing like slaves. Israel has been occupying Palestine for over 50 years. They kill children and bomb schools. Do they do that? They bomb hospitals on purpose.

Killing children is genocide. Period.

t. Mohhammed Abdul



Typical, you Zionist sympathizers tend to think like that. You and I both know I hold the moral high ground in this argument. You can't defend slaughtering thousands of innocent Palestinians, but you will anyway. Shows what kind of person you are.

Vile woman.

Oh bullshit, he was never remorseful. Shortly after the war ended he was in Israel instructing the Israeli government how to make their own nuclear bomb, as was Teller. What a fucking American patriot.

>t. fawzi al qawuji
talk shit , get hit

Isaac Asimov is also based for this:

>“I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back.


>because 2000 years ago, PEOPLE THEY CONSIDER their ancestors, were living there

most important part. the jews of today aren't the same as the Jews of 2 thousand years ago. most of the so-called Jews of today are Turkic converts from the Eurasian Steppe.

Zionism is built off a lie. A lie that the European Jews are any different than ethnic Europeans who practice Judaism. There is no genetic difference between a Polish Jew and a regular Pole, just look at them.

>will try to make it look like I care for you and am just

isn't her whole shtick that she doesn't give a shit, and that altruism is gay and stop virtue signalling before you wreck everything?

>Confederate Soldier's Memorial, honoring all those who gave their lives for Southern independence

I thought Jews were blue-pilled abolitionist shills

Children die in every war.
That makes every country genocidal and puts israel somewhere among the least of them.

Arabs kill children and bomb schools verifiably on purpose, then celebrate if the victim was Jewish.
Meanwhile Arabs live freely in the Jewish state, hold office, and have their choice of seating on the bus. Jews caught killing civilians indiscriminately are jailed. Jewish medics treat "palestinian" wounded.

If that's genocide it's the most lenient fucking form i've ever seen.

Euro Jews have, at best, a bit of the old Mediterranean blood in them to support the "homeland" argument. Even if they don't, that didn't save them from eons of persecution brought about through a "lack of assimilation" in the eyes of their host countries.

Therefore Israel has at least two reasons to exist.
Brits took the land from the ottomans, and left it with the jews, to be shared with the arabs.
This is how war works. Third valid reason.

Lets consider "palestine":
brits took the land from the ottomans, and gave it to the local arabs, to be shared with the jews

they accepted. they made an ethno-nationalist arab state called syria.
not palestine. there was no such identity.
that's 0 - 3

then they changed their minds about israel's part of the deal.

but then, as the years passed, they fostered a convenient, new, nationality, in addition to the syrian one. a nationality with borders coinciding with israel's already established ones.
they flew a flag, sang some songs, gained an identity, taught their children. those children grew up knowing no other flag.
they have a national spirit.

1 - 3

but then, what have the israelis been doing this whole time, if not exactly the same thing, plus national religion?

1 - 4 israel wins

until the arab world succeeds in wiping israel off the map by force, the same way it was initially forged through force, it will stay legitimate.

then they could establish palestine there, if they really gave two shits.

Eh, not at all. Many Jews, especially those involved in Atlantic trade, were slavers, usually "Dutch" Jews or Jews who had recently fled Portugal.

Quite a few professors, Leonard Jefferies and Tony Martin being a couple black professors, have researched into it and found that the Jews played a large role in the slave trade to the Caribbean, Brazil, and US.

Tony Martin is actually a great source on the subject, the ADL amd other Jews have been quick to deride him.
Naturally they're afraid, they have been building themselves up as a persecuted people and the progenitors of the Civil Rights Movement. If the knowledge of the massive Jewish involvement of the early Atlantic Slave Trade became common knowledge it would damage the image they have been cultivating.

The King of the Jews.

>found that the Jews played a large role in the slave trade to the Caribbean, Brazil, and US.

Not in the US, that's not true at all. In 1930 11,000 Southerners owned 50 or more slaves, 4 of them were Jewish. It's very misleading to say they even played a disproportionate in America. There were so little Jews in America prior to 1880 it would have been statistically impossible if every Jew owned slaves (even in free states) for them to be even half the slave owners.

The Caribbean and Brazil are different stories though. A lot of them held off Slave Auctions because they were Jewish holidays. The Dutch colonies usually had a lot of Jews, that was the only time that a group of Jews came close to "dominating" it

1830* lmao

>they have been building themselves up as a persecuted people

Please go back. How did the Russian Jews in ghettos getting killed in pogroms benefit from Slavery?

It's unfair to blame broke ghetto-dwellers who came in the early 1900's after seeing their families slaughtered in pogroms for shit they had nothing to do with. I've read those NOI "Blacks and the Jews" books and the vast majority of the Jews were rich Sephardic Jews from Spain/Portugal so it makes no sense to push the blame on the poor Jews who had just been emancipated.

>Arabs kill children and bomb schools verifiably on purpose, then celebrate if the victim was Jewish.

give literally one example. you can't

Reading comprehension, slave trade not plantation ownership.

What do you mean then, the bankers? African countries benefited a lot off of slavery, but you wouldn't blame some poor African for it.

Collective crimes are immoral, period.

He worked out

African Kings I should say. Certain Africans made a lot off of slavery, but I think in general when well-over 90% of the Jews in America came after Slavery it's ridiculous to look at them funny and call them hypocrites based off people who aren't even their family.

>I've read the NOI books

Wow, a Jew itt spreading pro-Jew propaganda just as I said they were.
I quoted two professors with PHDs, not the NOI. Martin was a professor at Wellesley University in Massechusets, he had been a researcher of Marcus Garvey and the TransAtlantic Slave trade and had over time gained increasing awareness of the overrepresentation of Jews in the Dutch and Portuguese TranAtlantic slave trade. After publishing two books about it he began to receive numerous threats and deridement from the, your, Jews in the media and academia

>Then there was the American Historical Association. Three Jewish historians actually went to the American Historical Association and got it to decree – that’s the only term I can use – to decree, by executive fiat, that the Jews were not involved in the slave trade. [Laughter] I’ve never ever heard of any such thing. This is totally antithetical to the way that academia operates. Who’s ever heard of such a thing: historical fact being determined by presidential decree from the American Historical Association. “We decree…” [mocking]. It’s like a Papal Bull in the Middle Ages… “We decree: The Jews were not involved in the slave trade.” [Laughter] It is absolutely amazing, but they actually succeeded in having this done.

I always thought the pro-Jewish posts were leftist trolling nazis, but to find it is actual butthurt Jews is amusing:

No, they owned the slave ships and bought the slaves in Africa and sold them in the Americas.


Actually good philosopher pic related.

>I always thought the pro-Jewish posts were leftist trolling nazis, but to find it is actual butthurt Jews is amusing:

I'm not Jewish i'm just a history buff. The only reason I read the books is because I like Farrakhan and it was controversial.

I find it funny you addressed zero of the points before but instead replied with "Reading comprehension, I wasn't talking about plantations." You instead reply with quotes from Jews who said there was "no" Jewish involvement, which if you read the previous post, was a claim I never made.

Jews played a part, but to say they "dominated" the slave trade in America is ridiculous and unfounded, and the only place you could even make a case for it is in the Caribbean.

>No, they owned the slave ships and bought the slaves in Africa and sold them in the Americas.

I see .jpgs with no sources claiming this all the time. One said "James DeWolf" who owned a shit ton of the ships, and when I looked it up, there was no source for him being Jewish.

If you type in James DeWolf Jewish you'll see a bunch of Stormfronters and people claiming he's Jewish because his name sounds Jewish. I've yet to find a source anywhere that proves he was Jewish.

I have more from that interview, care to read?

>Then there’s one of the most amazing cases of all. I was invited to speak in the city of Worcester, Massachusetts, by Worcester State College, round about 1994 or 95. And the Jewish groups were actually able to get the mayor of Worcester – one of the largest cities in the state – to call together a special press conference, in which he had leaders of all the major religions. He had a Roman Catholic head. He had a Baptist head -- heads of various Protestant denominations -- and rabbis, ADL types, and so on. The mayor assembled an entire coalition of religious and apparently civil rights organizations. For what? To denounce me prior to my appearance at Worcester State College. They had already tried to put pressure on the college, and on the people who’d invited me. To their great credit, those people stayed strong. They refused to bow, and I spoke. You would think that the mayor had more important things to do. [Laughter]. But here these groups were powerful enough to get the mayor of a major city to pull together a special conclave on a Jewish press release to denounce me.

>There’s a group on campus called “The Friends of Wellesley Hillel.” This is a group of faculty and alumni who work very closely with the Hillel students. In the midst of this campaign they actually put together a packet of mostly libelous information, and mailed it to the mother of one of the students who was very, very vocal on my behalf. The students rallied around me. It’s quite incredible the extent to which these folks would operate. This is a group of grown people, such as deans of the college, professors, who take the time to sit on committees to put together a packet of basically lies and misinformation, and send it out. They actually targeted this one student because she was a leader of the students who were supporting me, and they sent this information to her mother.

This is from an interview.

Professors with PhD? So a "PhD", when will people learn the fact that professor is a separate degree.

What jpgs, I didn't post any images. Is this a bot?
Both Martin and Jefferies are black stupid. Martin, like I said, was a researcher for Marcus Garvey and the Atlantic Slave Trade, Jefferies focused more on broad African American history.

Quit strawmanning cunt.

No, he was a professor at Wellesley University who had a PHD from Michigan State, you have no arguments.

Oh. So he has a professor degree from one, and PhD from the other? Fair enough

Jesus Christ, Professor is a career, a rank of traching at a university or college.
A PHD is a level of education, a doctorate.

Quit posting anytime.

I just looked it up, yea it's quite different in America. Sorry for the confusion you defensive cunt.