All right everyone stop shitposting.
Let's talk unironically about Jews you respect and admire.
I present to you Golda Meir.
>born in Kiev under the Rus Empire
>lived during active pograms
>5 of her siblings died during her childhood
>her father had to get them OUT
>moved to America and worked hard in a railyard to bring them to America
>opened his own store and frequently entertained guests
>Golda exposed to debates on Zionism, literature, women's suffrage, trade unionism early on
>became a kibbutznik in 1921
>stays active in politics, family moves to Jerusalem
>Golda Meir was one of 24 signatories of the Israeli Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948
>founding mother of Israel
>meets John F. Kennedy
>meets the Pope
>becomes Prime Minister of Israel
>meets Nixon
>Munich Massacre of 1972 happens
>11 dead Israeli athletes
>Orders Mossad to hunt down and lol every last motberfucker involved
Operation Wrath of God! She retired after the Yom Kippur War and was eventually buried in Jerusalem.
Now I don't care what anyone's politics are, you cannot argue that Golda Meir wasn't absolutely BASED
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