/asg/ Antshares General - Ethereum btfo EDITION
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make me rich, chinaman
My bags feel lighter already. Now fucking MOON so I can dump with profit that was worth the stress and sleepless nights reeeeeeeeeeeee
400 when?
Monday night
how do i get in?
is a useless and dead coin that never had any future
This is a shitcoin, buy DGB instead
are you trying to trick me again?
Beyond me. Someone who wants to keep the price down maybe.
This Faggot makes at least four threads all at once, as soon as he comes online, every, single day for over two weeks:
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And tell me how this is normal. NO simple troll puts in this much fucking effort:
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Swarm too:
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Good to be here, even if it's just as a pansy for your P&D scheme
it will dip again
Hope so, I get paid today
And rise.
Such is crypto.
There's the dip, it's coming in now.
Excellent post.
explain how virtual reality currency is money when it's being traded like a commodity.
hopefully people will consider this cheap and buy more
>edgy is still cool
show me your bitcoin
-10k sats is a dip, or the start of one, yes. I would prefer a rise, or better yet, a moon, but it looks like that's not happening right now.
>tfw too greedy to sell at .0039
It will be the end of me.
Yep, same. I'm retarded.
If you are putting yourself under this high risk, might as well gamble with a couple of hundred with UP cryptocurrencytalk.com
Shut up, pajeet.
You will die poor pajeet
I wish that SEC shit was real instead of an elaborate fud. Go to hell
How should I read the current price? it's poking the 24 hour low.
Will I get back in a 30k?
Hell yeah
Dont expect it to drop much lower.
Sold at 9.04 getting back in at 300k sats
I hope not, I'm a nervous bagholder since the 19th.
No your not.
This coin is so volatile I feel it's better than sex when you're able to sell high and buy super low.
Am I a degenerate?
Likewise. Things have changed since then though. Bittrex is no longer a dumping ground. It's mostly whales trying to goad weakhands into selling 5-10% lower than the wider market.
No because greed is good
are you me?
They're probably stalking you. Many such cases.
Still, makes me mad when I miss so many obvious opportunities to increase my position. At this point I just want it to reach 400k+ again so I can sell most of my stake for enough profit to make the stress worth it. And cover jewbase+bittrex fees, of course.
It's hard not to let greed try to get the better of me too even when I've seen/experienced the trainwrecks it can cause.
bags are getting havier
thanks FOMO
Going even lower now. Fuck.
I didn't even realize there was a 2.5% commission until I traded this coin. Makes it kinda hard to buy dips
.25% commission, not 2.5.
Bought at 366k (only $40 worth), should I keep watching and buy more ANS when it hits bottom? Or should I wait til it returns to ~370k and gtfo?
Just wait man, this is a long hodl.
buy more but its not done dipping. can easily see 300k dip
Bought at 365k fml.
Haha just the typical weekend dip right haha guise
It's $40.
>Implying that it won't be near 400k in a few hours.
this is fucking ridiculess....
i threw the majority of my wallet in it and it just drops like crazy, i hate my life
Fuck this dip, its whales removing walls at will to get cheaper shares.. the volume is crazy it can reverse any second, im holding this shit... just keep buying all the way down
I took all my ANS out over night because I thought it would dip. Then in the morning I saw this immense buy pressure and thought it would go up massively and put everything back into ANS.
But then suddenly the like 20k bids for ANS suddenly vanished and it started going downhill from then on....
Im really bad at this.
Its whales fucking over novice day traders my man, just buy the dips and hold. Will be $20 by end of the month. even my stupid nigger genes see that
already recovering faster than it dropped.
what a wild ride
Also happened 4h ago and then it crashed even harder.
jesus fuck
Dude just buy and HODl until it's really pricy.
Dumb niggers like you is why it goes up and down all the time.
Lies, faggot. This has been the biggest plunge in over a day and it has already recovered.
Last time somebody told me this was when I was in DGB thread.
Fuck off, pajeet.
don't bother with idiots
keep your money safe if you belive a dip is coming
DGB wasn't made by a heavily rising powerful economy, driven by a culture with a collectivist hive mind, being shilled on their media.
This is the new Etherium. You have to HODL and calm the fuck down.
Go invest in some small shit coins if you need to check 24/7 and have shaky hands for every minor up and down. Distract yourself.
Maybe get a nice girl and get laid, I dunno.
Newfags keep ruining the market but splitting money everywhere and then selling whenever you get a fucking dollar.
Moon it man, and to moon it we all have to HODL.
Maybe a casino would be a better bet to gamble with money and get some short-term wins and possible large gains. It's good for impulsive people to a point but not long-term stocks.
What did it mean by this?
probably that i can buy some real food again
>The same as when you pay by visa.
Fiat is backed by Gold/Oil
worth of a Company is reflected in Stocks
worth of a Companys product/service is reflected in Crypto
what's your problem?
still not boing ANS? just here to shitpost?
well no need to slow down you can bitch an moan all the way to the lambo dealer
USD is only backed by Fed collateral (((securities)))
its fucking monopoly money held up by petrodollar shenanigans and US military hegemony
crypto is actually better than fiat
sure is but (((they))) ain't controlling it for now
Look at it as though you are buying back in with the same value, not the same units.
A rise is a rise.