How does it feel to be rich ?

how does it feel to be rich ?

I can only imagine.

Sure it doesn't mean you will be happy.

But you won't be stressed about making it every month and you have the possibility to do most things.

probably alot of pressure to be doing things all the time

I'm not rich at all, but I was broke 3 years ago and just crossed 100,000 USD
after 3 years of saving and trading crypto
Never had that much money in my life

It's funny how miserly habbits stick. Last weekend I pondered 10 minutes before I bought an 8$ burger. Felt really decadent
I still keep my gas tank 1/4th full until I spot a really good price, and only then fill it up 100%

I keep reminding myself that 100k was only possible with a frugal lifestyle, so I'll keep that.

I'm poor, but I know a rich guy. Sure, he has a lot of responsibilities, and he works like a bitch. But he's very liberated, he doesn't have to work if he doesn't want to, always makes time for family and friends.

Must feel nice to just buy whatever you want if you want it.

>Must feel nice to just buy whatever you want if you want it.
Most wealthy people are cheapskates.
The average millionaire drives a $35000 car
The average decamillionaire drives a $47000 car

My stepfather is a multimillionaire and he got there by working every single fucking day of his life until retirement. He drives a sensible car (A ratty white van actually), he eats sensible food.

The only expensive items he buys are clothes and even then he buy sensibly, good quality suits and belts, not just buying a name.

Growing up on a welsh farm in the 40s instilled a good solid work ethic in him.

My point is though, how did it feel to be rich to him? Well it felt like work.

Enlighten us how you made 100,000 USD in 3 year senpai

You just save 3k per month and live with the rest.

Bought Bitcoin around $400
Mined XMR on Amazon EC2 servers when it was $1. At the high point I rented 20 high-end Xeon servers.
Some early ETH

I cashed out around $25000 over the years to live off
$100k in crypto remaining

nice. what's in your current crypto portfolio?

70% BTC
15% LTC
10% ETH
5% XRP

I hope muslims kill you all, fuxking jews


why haven't you gotten in on any ICOs?
or have you redistributed gains back into your major holdings?

It feels like buying 10000 bitcoins back in 2010 and holding them.


Around $1200 in the new StorJ ICO
I also farm StorJ myself

Thinking about buying SJCX to convert to the new StorJ token
SJCX is around $1
STORJ ICO price was $0.50

But probably won't, instead buying STORJ during the early dumps when it hits Bittrex soon


Yeah, your portfolio is solid for long term holding but you might wanna forget about the whole Storj thing. Shit is made by straight up retards.

broken wallet and broken feeling.

Help me u fuxking Jewsss plss

If it makes you feel better, I bought DGB at 30 sats and sold at 70 sats

Not sure why StorJ has such a bad reputation on Veeky Forums. It works and is actually used by actual users.


hm. interesting strategy.
no offence, 100k in 3 years is pretty bad...unless you started with like 1000 bucks.

personally I allocate about 30% of my holdings to ICOs, sell 50% at 3x (move that back into my long term holds), then let the rest ride.

Heres a tip: never buy another shitcoin, buy BTC/ETH/LTC and hodl some actual fucking research, invest in undervalued/good tech (bonus points if you get in during the ICO) and put most of your profits back into BTC/ETH/LTC.

holding btc/eth will net you a 10x MAX over the next 2 years. there are much better opportunities in the short term.

>100k in 3 years is pretty bad...unless you started with like 1000 bucks.
I did start with 1000 bucks and cashed out $25k over the years when crypto was much lower than it is today

.. but I agree, it's not stellar.
Worst mistake was selling ETH after the DAO disaster.

ah that makes a lot more sense.

in that case, props!

no happier than when i was poor. except with the added worry of losing it all

I have feeling being rich doesn't feel very different than being not poor, and when you become rich you find it odd how much importance yourself and others put on being rich.

i will thx u jew sir.
got like 5k to invest. go crypto.

pretty good my dude

I worry about small things but not big things like retirement

Yep and the worry of having a gold digger.
being rich sure is a hard life

$600000 will become too small.

I grew up lower middle class. Family didn't have much money and remember a lot of tight months for my parents regarding rent, bills, etc. Today I'm 30 and make just about 200K a year. I still
>am very sensible about buying things
>drive a 15 year old car
>live in a moderately priced apartment
>invested only a couple grand into crypto
Nothing changes desu

What would you say your net worth is roughly? At this rate, do you believe that you will be quite comfortably rich by the time you're 40? Anyways, your frugality is impressive desu

I don't know man. I sold my etherium

I'm 31 and worth about 5m. Acquired it in the last 2 years or so. More money more problems. And, as always, there are some things money can't buy... Including happiness. It's been cool to not worry too much about expenses... And it's cool to be able to help my family out and assure them that I'd never let anything happen to them financially... But money really isn't everything. Life still happens, not every day is rainbows and shit... I just have different problems now I guess

Ib4 how'd you make your money user?

The wave I rode is over. Find a hype train and get in on the ground floor

whats new hype train ?? need to get millions like you boyo

>I just have different problems now I guess
Like what? Give me some perspective
Unless you got serious health problems or drama with your girl, I dont see how you can have other problems @ 5M

Pressure or motivation?

The world loves the next thing. Think in the last 5 years... Hoverboards, fidget spinners, Pokemon go, etc etc
Taxes... How to invest... How to keep girls/people out of my pockets.

I'll give you an example... My father was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and I've spent the last 18 months watching him deteriorate and I'm helpless. Money can't fix that.

Also people fucking hate and judge. I bought a lambo cuz why the fuck not and now a lot of people that see me or didn't know me before assume im arrogant, boastful, a prick, etc.

>how does it feel to be rich ?
The same.

you still make the same kind of problems up for yourself. i've never seen money correspond to more or less stress. lazy people without money or responsibilities are technically even more spoiled than rich trust fund kids, and they all act out and whine about the same. one just buys shit at $5, the other at $500.

people with fulfilling, high impact careers are okay i guess, but that's less about money and more about how they value their time. being actually "rich" has the soft implication that you are maintaining a high volume of meaningless deals and transactions, and that kind of experience wears down any sane person. unless you're talking about a top problem solver in a new industry, just about every "rich" guy is miserable. better to have like 500k salary and go on vacation 2-3 months every year.

>25 year old college diploma in computer programming , 3.9 GPA + Internship + networking
>cant find a job, not even at mcdonalds just to make ends meet
>argue with mom every month about money, she needs help paying rent,internet bill
>never had a car, cant afford to even do drivers training
>no money to buy nice clothes, get haircuts regularly or go out
>cant meet women, told to "lower my standards" AKA date whales, single mothers or mentally unstable women
>dreading the clock, hate getting older, my youth is passing me by, lost my looks and my energy

I just want a job so i can provide for my mother, i just want to be able to drive a car even a shitbox, i just want to go on a date with somebody and get into a relationship

i hate being poor, if i had any money i knew i would invest it, buy property and easily double my money every 10 years but i cant

have to watch all my wealthy friends move on, buying apartments with help from their parents, seeing their kids grow older and see their vacation pictures

i am slowly considering suicide but i cant leave my mom alone in this world

if you have a solid job that you even mildly enjoy, you are a part of the top 5% in the world

>most wealthy people
the average millionaire is upper middle class, not even close to rich

Became a millionaire recently.
Never spent anything, but now that I'm rich, I feel brash and free. It's a weird feeling, but after buying a good couple of things I wanted, I just feel empty because I don't know what else to buy.
Being nihilistic just gives me an 'oh ok' feelings now that I'm rich.

:( good luck dude

>how does it feel to be rich ?

Problem: can't empathize with rich people

Solution: Self knowledge that you can't empathize with anyone, although you think its your secret power.

Dude what if you can't find a job with those credentials and networking then you need to take a serious look at why you are unemployed, Most importantly, you need to move to where there are jobs.