If you don't max out your

if you don't max out your
>physical body
>mental capacity
>financial security
by the time you are 30 you basically failed at life

how many years do you have left?
how's your status?

lol at this autism thinking you can quantify "maxing out relationships"

i think we know what your status is OP

3 years left
>no body
>max IQ
>all in crypto
>no gf

fuuuck I'm only like 40% there

found the gflet friendless virgin


Says who?

> 5 more years
> Lost fuckton at crypto
> 0 relationship
> 0 physical shape

I'm fucked.

how do I get gf? I bought 50ANS so I'm gonna be a millionaire but no amount of money can cure autism

3 years left
>physical body
Started working on it 1 month ago.
>mental capacity
Got a master in mathematics, I'm considering doing a Ph.D if I get rich with cryptos
>financial security
started working on it 1 months ago, +10k already

5 years left

>physical body
Need to work on this, but I eat very healthy so my body looks like it's in shape without actually being in shape.

>mental capacity
Software Developer and I like to do maths as a hobby, no problems here.

>financial security
The one thing I'm working on the hardest, but it looks pretty good at this point. 6 figure job and I have made some really impressive gains on crypto. If the market keeps rising I might be able to get out of wageslavery

Have a gf, dunno about the long term prospects but things are stable. This is an aspect of my life I could improve a lot.

-1 year
Out of shape
Slower-minded than ever
10k in the bank, no assets
2 years relationship with a girl way too young and hot who loves me deeply

Here's some advice OP, get the best out of yourself right now. At 30 your brain doesn't work as fast as 20, nor do you have the same energy levels. Knowledge hides aging, but it doesn't reverse it even at this relatively young age.

>not living the /fitbiz/ lifestyle
to be honestly user..

Be carefull with your gf they can be more deadly for your wallet than a jew AAA.

>PhD in math
>hasn't had 20 children yet
we need your genes, user
t. the human race

OP confirmed autist

some of us are still sorting ourselves out
t. depressed millionaire

>Veeky Forumsizen
>iq 125ish
>work for huge conglomerate plus crypto gainz
>gf of 2.5 years going strong

Still got 6 years to go senpai
Feels good

Not sure if I should put my entire portfolio in ANS or keep it like that

Shit wrong thread lmao

ITT normgroids

All that matters in life is being a rich NEET. Fuck everything else to be honest familia.

>Veeky Forums as fuck
>studying finance independently and at university
>working since 15 so I have $5k saved in addition to ~$3k in crypto
>absolute shit relationships

learning normie-tier social skills is hard desu

As someone who's studied mathematics to a high degree, do you have any advice for someone who finds math very unintuitive? I'd love to improve my skills (and need to for my calc and physics classes).
Perhaps a book that can change my perspective?

Are you one? Or trying to become one?

>Veeky Forums
>getting a double degree Engineering / Finance in top university
>100% up in crypto, about 8K, but fucked in the ass by school fees
> gf of 3 years

/comfy/ here, see you at luxury resort in 10 years

got 8 and a half years left at 21. Physical body is great, but can be improved. Mental capacity good right now, worse at school due to my latent alcoholism- but do have a high IQ so there is hope. Financial security is a shit but I at least am aware of how to change that. Relationships are fantastic in terms of friends that will be very powerful people in some years, and girls. Lost my oneitis though :'(

that's a pretty cute girl in your image there, why don't you just ask her out?

28 here.

>physical body
Literally a fat pig with lots of health problems.

>mental capacity
Computer programmer, but mostly just do hobby stuff. Guess I'm doing alright here.

>financial security
Maybe these cryptocoins will take off...


9 years left
>Need to lift again
>Need to play less vidya and read more
>On a good track to financial security
>Healthy 1 year+ relationship with qt azn gf and a solid circle of friends

Just need to stop being lazy and work out and be tfw to intelligent

I'm not good enough for her...

>Not strictly browsing Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums and /g/

How one dimensional can you get

Try 24
t. 22y/o

>>physical body
I am healthy.
No need to max out stats I have no use for.

>>mental capacity
No problem. I am quite smart and open for everything.

>>financial security
I earn good money in a secure job and make some money besides it.
But why is this important to reach at 30? Are you 12?

11 years in now, child is on the way.
I think we are stable. But I dont know why this should be a priority... my best friend is single after 4 years of emotional abuse from his wife and he is the most happy guy you can immagine.

>how many years do you have left?
350 days

>dating under 30

lol, have fun wasting your money
women don't mature until they hit 31

>irrationally attatching a catastrophic failure to an arbitrary age which is not even half your life expectancy
>peaking at 30
Therapist tells me not to do this

prepare to be disappointed, op

life isn't a movie or videogame where there's a certain reward at the end of the level

>inb4 bitter, old fuck
most of the time is pic related. you will get there eventually. trust me.

>80% check
> x
>100% check
>would rather fuck prostitutes than marry/have kids

I maxed at thirty. Then got better every year. Go figure.

I wish I was this man
>will be a PhD in Math very soon
>probably 300k starting
>any job he wants

>well built did gym for 1 year so i dont have chicken breasts
>pretty smart just not using my full potential cuz drugs and women
>Kinda broke
>fuck a bish

4/10 i'm a fag

Well I'm french so, I only know of french books, but reading math isn't a passive activity like reading a story, you need to make the effort to actually do every step described.
My best advice would be to develop an intuition, it's just too useful to pass on, don't try to cheat by learning "methods".
There is only one way to develop your intuition, do every full proof (even for minor/obvious properties) at the beginning of a chapter untill you become familiar with the mathematical objects in question in this chapter.
You also need to be able to prove every major theorem (not just understanding the proof, but re doing it).
Big theorems proofs take me 2h to 20+h to understand, sometimes I'm blocked for days on a single seemingly obvious step, but that's normal and that's how you develop an intuition, by messing with the mathematical objects.
Usually on a 30 pages chapter, I pass 2 weeks on the first 3 pages, and 2 days on the rest. Once it clicks you are good to go, but it needs to click, and most people think they shouldn't be blocked so they continue by building on very shallow understanding,wich leads to not feeling it intuitive at all.

>405x5 deadlift, shit bench tho
>maybe slightly above average, i never took a test
>10k saved up
>no gf (but i dont need one), few friends, im introverted tho so idc that much

12 years to go....

31 and failed everything.
going to do software engineering at uni this year hopefully it will fix my life

I'm only doing a Ph.D if I'm rich first (>500k), the 300k thing is a meme, except for some big-data scientists maybe, and I'm only interested in pure math, so my employability won't be very good, that's why I wan't to be financially independant before doing it.

>extremely fit, workout 5 times a week and cardio on days off.
>intelligent man, however my current job is slowly killing my brains capacity and making me dumber by the year.
> have average paying job but not managed to save much, 5k savings and 3k crypto
>been married for 2 years, but not sure it will last a lifetime.

>hopefully it will fix my life
Wrong attitude.
You fix your life. Nothing else will do it for you

Who is this waifu demon.

>manlet lanklet
>working on my PhD in biochem
>saved a lot of money living at home
Not that bothered desu, life feels much better now than it did as an undergrad.

Nah, I'm turning 30 this summer bro life is coming together real fast Actually had tons of great qt gfs. Make great money on the outskirts of a major metro living at my friend's place for $400 which is 1/4 the cost around here. Drive a nice BMW too. I don't work to death and can invest tons in crypto. This was all strategically designed over five years to trade some salary for time to work out, flexible schedule and research investment. When the normie stocks collapse there will be a flood of money on decentralized quality coins. People are beginning to doubt the FED this is just the beginning.

Over 30,

>physical body
1000 club achieved for all my Veeky Forumsbros
>mental capacity
i.p lawyer
>financial security
should be ok, got out of school with only 30k$ debt, started at 140k with 50k bonus target, working with 2014ish crypto portfolio
a few good close friends, koreanqt gf

>by the time you are 30 you basically failed at life

you already failed with this thought

Tfw this guy didng know which ant to buy so he bought both


Tfw this guy never banged a 16 yr old while it was still legal for him


>wanting a demented femdom sexual abuser as a waifu

I'm sorry.

>physical body

Fucked myself, toremy my bicep now I'm a dyel


Pretty average tier, I struggle despite being software dev


Wage cuck, ready to kms


Kissless virgin

3 years left.

Have thousands in cryptos, parents having my invest tens of thousands and letting me keep some of the interest
No job yet
Girlfriend is 5'8" Jewish PhD blonde hair green eyes DD tits and smoking hot body who never gets mad at me
Look alright, body nothing to write home about p average at best

Have passive income supplemented by crypto gains.

Live where I want, change countries alot.

I think unless you're still a wagecuck at 30 you're doing OK.

>have thousands
>look average

>Girlfriend is 5'8" Jewish PhD blonde hair green eyes DD tits and smoking hot body who never gets mad at me

everything checks out
pic related is your face when she breaks up and cleans out your bank account

>brain and energy drop off at 30

Only if you give up. I'm 35, and I have more energy than ever, and my mind is quicker and sharper than any other point in my life. It just takes effort to get yourself in that kind of condition, whereas it comes naturally in your 20s.

>ip attorney
What's it like to be in an imploding speciality? Plus all the competition that's flooding in now.

And only 30k debt? Where'd you go to law school?

She doesn't believe in marriage because of some libertarian BS and in any case is the actual breadwinner.

my life will be perfect in the earliest moments of my adult hood.

yah..... right

She only abuses what she considers inferior, show your dominance m8.

>how many years do you have left?

As of today, five.

>how's your status?
Not good but getting better.

Physically, I'm 6'4 280 lbs (used to work out until I got a knee accident, still have somemuscle built) -- going on a diet next week. Want to reach 190 lbs by next year
mentally, I've reached max, no need to know more
Financially, I've become a millionaire as of late, so that's cool but it's not secure, so it's half half, as it's all in crypto
Relationship, I'm a kissless virgin, so welp

I'm turning 25 soon.
5 years left to go. I think I'm going to make it.


do you honestly think it stops?

it ends when you die.

30 is for women. If they're still single by then, especially the good looking ones, there's a damn good reason.
Men financially secure before 30, yeah fuckin' right faggot.

big and ripped by normie standards
still not 1/2/34
>mental capacity
im pretty smart. lots of people out there smarter than me though.
>financial security
22k in savings 6k in crypto, and a 70k software job currently. No debt, going to quit to finish up my bach degree in a year and hop onto a job that actually pays me well.
muslim qt gf, and a lot of close friends. Most are pothead degenerates (i cut down a lot) so I need to network a bit more but i love my pothead degenerate friends


turn 29 tomorrow

finally got a good position at my job. there is no ceiling to how much it pays but usually caps around 100k

gained over 80lbs of lean mass. 115lbs - 195lbs
15% bf

broke up with gf. single. confidence is good. and getting better

30s are gonna be dope. still ways to go.

protip: we're all gonna make it


>physical body
im a big fatass, wanting to work on that over the next two years so ican join the military. beyond that im okay.

>mental capacity
i think i may be atleast a bit intelligent, but i have alot of self doubts so who knows. i enjoy mentally stimulating subjects like art, philosophy, economics, computer sci ect

>financial security

broke af, parents are idiots with terrible spending habits

hoping to put myself into a much better siutation then them.


few gfs and got laid, talking to this one very sweet girl right now.

amen to that. I'm 44 and still peaking, just takes more effort.

If I can gain 14 lbs of muscle in the next 14 months I'll be fine.