Can we have a pre-colonial Oceania thread?
> Papa New Guinea
> Australia
> Maori
> Fiji
Can we have a pre-colonial Oceania thread?
> Papa New Guinea
> Australia
> Maori
> Fiji
Other urls found in this thread:
Does it include Micronesians and Polynesians ?
Also Maoris, Papuans and Finnjis are Melanesian
Maori's are polynesian.
They descend from settlers who came from the Cook Islands.
>no Hawaii
I'm gonna sacrifice someone to Kū for this faggotry
That music is kind of cool
Literally can give you everything you want to know about the region so long as we don't get into dynastic politics
Oops, I've mixed up Maoris with Kanaks
*blocks your path*
I unironically find Abo history cool
*Gives VB can-*
tell me about dynastic politics
quite sure the didnt write shit down. so what do you want to talk about? bones?
How do I become well-versed in Aboriginal Australian history? I'm interested, but everything I find is so vague, like it's all guesswork.
>ooga fucking booga
If you don't want to have a respectful discussion of pre-colonial Oceania you can go back to your /pol/ thread thanks sweetie : )
Maoris are Polynesian dipshit
> clearly, the Australian weren't all one people. Can you explain the main cultures and tribes for us?
> what was Fiji before Britain?
I know a lot of these cultures made versions of maps, did any of them have written language?
>this mad
Kiwi here, Maori never developed a written language thanks to a very fine oral culture but Thomas Kendell, a member of the Church Missionary Society learned the language living with Maori and worked with them to produce an alphabet based on the Latin one and even wrote a book on it. The end goal of course was to eventually produce a book in Te Reo ("the language").
Whoops, the book I mean is a Bible.
bumpu desu
>some of the most remote and least civilized peoples on the earth
>raw right of might
>leftists are the ones to defend it
Never understood this. It's like another guy said in another thread, anthropology is filled with leftists for some reason.
What I mean is that I'd expect a lot of radical traditionalists or anarcho primitivists to like a thread like this 2bh
Not that guy, but I don't think leftists want to promote a tribal lifestyle, but rather understand it instead of writing it all off as "ooga booga the spirits need blood"
Also that's a great album
An immature non scholarly person understands it better by being ever so slightly sincerely closer to it
That's when happens when nobody writes anything down.
India shares Australoid heritage with Aboriginals and Papuans.
india was Greater Papua from time immemorial, bro
We Wuz Papuans
from Australia to Papua to India: Australoid Power!
>That's when happens when nobody writes anything down.
Hear, hear! Barbarian lot, that! And no exceptions!
>What I mean is that I'd expect a lot of radical traditionalists or anarcho primitivists to like a thread like this 2bh
Anarcho-primitivists would dislike them still because they did something that violates the "primitive" part for them.
Traditionalists look up at the traditions of their own culture, not others.
But Indians are caucasian
caucasoid is the most flexible and convenient phenotypical grouping that is extended to include superficial "caucasoids" (that actually belong to other races)
mixed groups such as north africans, middle easterners, indians, hispanics (mestizos), amerindians, ainus, east africans, central asian turkics, have all been labelled caucasoid due to weak superficial similarities.
it is ignorant and supremacist to favor the caucasoid grouping over non-caucasoid when labelling mixed groups
truth is:
north africans are a mix of west africans, east africans, mediterraneans and arabs
middle easterners are a mix of west africans, east africans, mediterraneans, iranians and indians
hispanics (mestizos) are a mix of africans, amerindians, europeans, arabs
indians are a mix of native veddoids, elamites, arabs, mongoloids, iranians
central asians are a mix of mongoloids, iranians, indians
caucasoid is misapplied as the default race for anyone that exhibits superficial traits as: straight hair, non-snub nose, non-everted lips, round eyes
fact is caucasoid grouping is abused, misused and misapplied
>anthropology is filled with leftists for some reason.
Two words. Franz Boas.
>radical traditionalists or anarcho primitivists
henlo. I meme but I don't agree with either of those positions totally but I'm sympathetic. You'll find anarcho-primitivism as it exists in literature is massively leftist. Without exception in fact. The motivation to returning to a "primitive" state is often to end structural oppression, social constructs and I kid you not matriarchy. If you're not totally retarded you'll guess pretty quick that it in reality would be a non-stop roller coaster of rape, brutality and suffering. Slavery too likely. And before someone says it no Ted K was not an anarcho-primitivist. He actually wrote an essay refuting it
Beware completely outplays any other song in that album
No the actual native indians are Australoids, the "Indian" you see today are actually Caucasoids that originated from east Iran and entered the North of India. The brown people in India are hybrids of these Caucasoids and Australoids. That is why in every Indian civilization only the purest of these Caucasoids were the rulers of those civilizations while the Australoid hybrids of untouchables were always at the shitter level.
these Iranian Caucasoids were brown Elamites and unrelated to Aryans who came later. the Aryans were insignificant to the Australoid-Elamite composition of Indians.
the few and rare Caucasoid looking Indians are derived from Elamite and Arab Caucasoids and are similar to the Australian Abos mixed with Europeans or Ethiopians mixed with Arabs
>Ancient Religions in the Austronesian World: From Australia to Taiwan
Franz Boas was a big party pooper
Oh it is.
If you listen to only the notes, I'd seriously be willing to propose the hypothesis that this is the earliest ancestor to metal that we know.
This came about around the time of contact with Europeans.
It's not a real written language, but mimicking our script with little drawings.
Thanks user.
Papuans are native to Philippines
they are natives to India, Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, SEA, China etc
Why didn't the Maori colonize Australia instead of New Zealand? Were the Abos really that much of a threat?
All I remember about Maori are they got the guns from Europeans and they killed/ate their neighbors to extinction.
I remember reading about how they'd skewer women/children/etc on top of a pike and leave them on beaches to slowly die after their invasion.
Who were the baddest, meaneast, strongest mofos?
Boomerangs are scary man
No srsly, anyone have an explanation? Its RIGHT there and it's huge. They collectively creamed all over themselves when they finally found NZ so why didnt the same happen for Australia?
These are people that very literally damn near ate other indigenous peoples intol extinction and abos seem monumentally retarded in comparison so what gives?
Why weren't Polynesians colonizing the fuck out of Australia? Is it just inexplicably hard to get to?
I read Collapse by Jared Diamond where he talks about the civil war that destroyed Easter Island's civilization. Very interesting
If you're engaging in Palaeolithic warfare, a boomerang is actually a nightmare to encounter. It's a "sharpened" club designed to break your skull and legs at range.
>Wanting a rational discussion of people in Pre-Colonial Oceania makes you a leftist
I guess being a right winger makes you racist?
Shots fired
I can sort of see what you mean.
just use a shield
there's no evidence of that
Well they did
Ok so wtf was the problem?
>October 31st, 1839, Thursday. This morning we witnessed a shocking spectacle. Twenty (20) dead bodies of men, women and children were brought to Rewa as a present from Tanoa. They were distributed among the people to be cooked and eaten. They were dragged about in the water and on the beach. The children amused themselves by sporting with and mutilating the body of a little girl. A crowd of men and women maltreated the body of a grey-haired old man and that of a young woman. Human entrails were floating down the river in front of the mission premises. Mutilated limbs, heads, and trunks of the bodies of human beings have been floating about, and scenes of disgust and horror have been presented to our view in every direction. How true it is that the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.
>November 1st, Friday. This morning a little after break of day I was surprised to hear voices of several persons who were talking very loudly near the front fence of the mission premises. On going out to ascertain the cause of the noise, I found a human head in our garden. This was the head of the old man whose body had been abused on the beach. The arm of the body had been broken by a bullet which passed through the bone near to the shoulder, and upper part of the skull had been knocked off with a club. The head had been thrown into our garden during the night, with the intention no doubt, of annoying us and shocking our feelings.
These poor victims of war were brought from Verata, and were killed and brought away by victors to be roasted and eaten. Many women and children were taken alive to be kept for slaves. About 30 living children were hoisted up to the mastheads as flags of triumph. The motion of the canoes while sailing soon killed the helpless creatures and silenced their piercing cries. Other children were taken, alive, to Bau that the boys there might learn the art of Feegeean warfare by firing arrows at them and beating them with clubs. For days they have been tearing and devouring like wolves and hyenas.
Long debunked nonsense by a totally discredited white supremacist ornithologist.
>One of the servants of the king a few months ago ran away. She was soon, however, brought back to the king’s house. There, at the request of the queen, her arm was cut off below the elbow and cooked for the king, who ate it in her presence, and then ordered that her body be burnt in different parts. The girl, now a woman, is still living.
>Two men that were taken alive in the war at Viwa were removed from thence to Kamba, to be killed. The Bau chief told his brother – who had been converted to our mission – the manner in which he intended them to be killed. His brother said to him: ‘That will be very cruel. If you will allow the men to live, I will give you a canoe.’ The Bau chief answered: ‘Keep your canoe. I want to eat men.’ His brother then left the village that he might not witness the horrible sight.
>The cruel deed was then perpetrated. The men doomed to death were made to dig a hole in the earth for the purpose of making a native oven, and were then required to cut firewood to roast their own bodies. They were then directed to go and wash, and afterwards to make a cup of a banana-leaf. This, from opening a vein in each man, was soon filled with blood. This blood was then drunk, in the presence of the sufferers, by the Kamba people.
>Sern, the Bau chief, then had their arms and legs cut off, cooked and eaten, some of the flesh being presented to them. He then ordered a fish-hook to be put into their tongues, which were then drawn out as far as possible before being cut off. These were roasted and eaten, to the taunts of ‘We are eating your tongues!’ As life in the victims was still not extinct, an incision was made in the side of each man, and his bowels taken out. This soon terminated their sufferings in this world.
>We cannot tell you how many have been slain. Hundreds of wretched human beings have been sent to their account, with all their sins upon their heads. Dead bodies were thrown upon the beach at Vewa, having drifted from Bau, where they were thrown into the sea, there being too many at Bau to be eaten. Bau literally stank for many days, human flesh having been cooked in every hut and the entrails having been thrown outside as food for pigs, or left to putrefy in the sun.
>The Somosomo people were fed with human flesh during their stay at Bau, they being on a visit at the time. Some of the chiefs of other tribes, when bringing their food, carried a cooked human being on one shoulder and a pig on the other; but they always preferred the ‘long pig,’ as they call a man, when baked. One woman who had been clubbed was left upon the beach in front of our house at Vewa. The poor creature’s head was smashed to pieces and the body quite naked. Whether it was done by the heathen to insult us, or not, we do not know.
>One Christian man was clubbed at Rewa, and part of his body was eaten by the Vewa heathen and his bones then thrown near our door. My lad gathered them up and buried them, and afterwards learned that they were the bones of one of his friends. After Rewa was destroyed, heaps of dead bodies lay in all directions; their bones still lie bleaching in the sun.
>We do not, and we cannot tell you all that we know of Feegeean cruelty and crime. Every fresh act seems to rise above the last. A chief at Rakeraki had a box in which he kept human flesh. Legs and arms were salted for him and thus preserved in this box. If he saw anyone, even if of his friends, who was fatter that the rest, he had him – or her – killed at once, and part roasted and part preserved. His people declared that he eats human flesh every day.
>At Bau, the people preserve human flesh and chew it as some chew tobacco. They carry it about with them, and use it in the same way as tobacco. I heard of an instance of cruelty the other day that surpasses everything I have before heard of the kind. A canoe was wrecked near Natawar, and many of the occupants succeeded in swimming ashore. They were taken by the Natawar people and ovens were at once prepared in which to roast them. The poor wretches were bound ready for the ovens and their enemies were waiting anxiously to devour them. They did not club them, lest any of their blood should be lost. Some, however could not wait until the ovens were sufficiently heated, but pulled the ears off the wretched creatures and ate them raw.
>When the ovens were ready, they cut their victims up very carefully, placing dishes under every part to catch the blood. If a drop fell, they licked it up off the ground with the greatest greediness. While the poor wretches were being cut in pieces, they pleaded hard for life; but all was of no avail: all were devoured.
>The crew of every boat that was wrecked upon the shore was killed and eaten in some parts. Often a man would order to be clubbed some man or woman that he considered would be good for cooking, his plea being that his ‘black tooth was aching’ and only human flesh could cure it. Such was the absolute right of a man over his wife that he could kill and eat her, if he wished; which has been not rarely done.
>Such inordinate gluttons were some of these chiefs that they would reserve the whole bakolo, as a human body to be eaten was called, for their own eating, having the flesh slightly cooked time after time to keep it from going putrid. As a rule a Fijian will touch nothing that has become tainted, but sooner that lose any part of a human roast, they would eat it when the flesh would hardly hang together.
>So great was their craving for this strange flesh that when a man had been killed in one of their many bruits and quarrels, and his relations had buried his body, the Fijians frequently enacted the part of ghouls and, digging the body up from the grave, cooked it and feasted thereon. So customary was this that the relations of a buried man who had not died from natural causes watched his grave until the body had probably become too loathsome for even a Fijian’s appetite.
>The flesh was either baked whole in the ovens, or cut up and stewed in the large earthenware pots they use for cooking. Certain herbs were nearly always cooked with the flesh, either to prevent indigestion or as a sort of savour stuffing – I know not which. The cooks who prepared it and placed it in the ovens filled the inside of the body with hot stones so that it would be well cooked all through.
>After a battle, the victors would cook and eat many of the slain at once, but generally some of the bodies were borne home to the victors’ village, where they were dragged by ropes tied round their necks through the open place to the temple. There they were offered to the gods, and afterwards cooked and divided among the men, the priests always coming in for a large share. By the side of the temples great heaps of human bones lay whitening in the sun – a sign of how many bodies had been thus offered to the gods. Women, however, were not allowed to take part in the awful banquet, yet women’s bodies were considered better for the favourite portions. So delicious was human flesh held to be, that the highest praise that could be given to other food was to say: ‘It is as good as bakolo.’
>Some of the most famous of the great cannibals have eaten an enormous number of human beings, many of them in their time having consumed hundreds of bodies.
>No important business could be commenced without the slaying of one or two human beings as a fitting inauguration. Was a canoe to be built, then a man must be slain for the laying of its keel; if the man for whom the canoe was being built was a very great chief, then a fresh man was killed for every new timber that was added. More men were used at its launching – as rollers to aid its passage to the sea. Others again were slain to wash its deck in blood and to furnish the feast of human flesh considered so desirable on such occasions. After the canoe was afloat still more victims were required at the first taking down of the mast.
>At Bau there used to be a regular display of slaughter, in a sort of arena, round which were raised stone seats for the onlookers. In this space was a huge ‘braining stone,’ which was used thus: two strong natives seized the victim, each taking hold of an arm and leg, and, lifting him from the ground, they ran with him head foremost – at their utmost speed against the stones – bashing out his brains; which was fine sport for the spectators.
>Captain Morell, the American skipper of whom I have already spoken, came near to being the victim of an ambush in the Fiji Islands. he lost fourteen of his companions. After regaining his ship, he said, he saw the savages cutting up the members of his poor sailors while they were still alive, and more than one of them saw his own arm or leg roasted and devoured before his death.
>In Naclear Bay, in the Fijis, a Captain Dillon came near to losing his life. While searching for sandal-wood trees with eighteen or twenty of his men, he found himself separated from the majority of his party and surrounded by a large number of the natives. It was impossible to regain the sea, so he and four others took refuge on a steep rock. ‘We were,’ said Dillon later, ‘five refugees on a rock, and the ground below was covered with several thousand savages. They lit fires at the foot of the rock and heated hearths upon which to roast the limbs of my unfortunate companions. The corpses of these,’ he continued, ‘as well as those of two chiefs of a neighbouring island, were brought before the fires in the following manner: two natives from Naclear constructed a kind of stretcher with branches of trees, which they placed upon their shoulders. The corpses of their victims were put crosswise upon this structure, so that the head hung down on one side and the legs on the other. Thus they were carried in triumph to the fires, where they were placed on the grass in a sitting position.
>‘The savages sang and danced around them with demonstrations of the most ferocious joy. They fired several bullets at the inanimate bodies, using for this posthumous execution the guns which had fallen into their hands. When this ceremony was finished, the priests commenced to cut up the corpses before our eyes, and the fragments were placed upon the hearths. Meanwhile we ourselves were surrounded upon every side save that where a thicket on mangroves bordered the river.’
>Two of Dillon’s companions, one named Savage and the other a Chinese, abandoned their captain, foolishly believing the promises of the barbarians that they would come to no harm. ‘Savage,’ Dillon said, ‘was soon in their midst. They surrounded him, appearing to congratulate him. Suddenly, however, they uttered a great cry, seizing Savage at the same time by the legs. Six men held him suspended head downwards and plunged him into the hole full of water, where he was speedily suffocated. Meanwhile, a native approached the Chinese from behind, and dashed out his brains with a blow of his club. Thereupon the two unfortunate fellows were cut up and placed on the hearth with their companions.’
Collapse, not GG&S
I can read, thank you. I was talking about Collapse, it's as full of nonsense as GG&S.
>the year of our Lord 2017
>not having a qt pacific islander gf like me
What the fuck are you faggots doing?
Care to explain why?
Why he's completely discredited, why he has no relevant qualifications to be taken seriously, or why "Collapse" is such complete shit?
She's going to get all fucked up on twinkies and balloon up to the size of a volkswagen.
Those niggas can't handle carbs.
Damn whitefella you're making me hungry.
pics or it didn't happen.
Why Collapse is the creme de la crap
She's not Samoan, so probably not. They're the ones that get the 'beetus by inhaling.
I know what you mean. It's the use of the word "devour", I think.
>She's not Samoan
Why do you suppose there's a particularity for people of that specific island and not pacific islanders in general? Maori seem to go through a morbidly obese stage too.
It's not even Samoans living in Samoa, its the Samoans who migrate to America. They eat garbage fucking food because its cheap as hell, that's why they get so fucking big. Very little to do with genetics.
For one, he's using data at least 100 years out of date. No-one working in the field believes Easter Island suffered any form of collapse. Yes some of the big heads are toppled, but most of the aren't, and there's no evidence for the supposed anarchy and societal collapse Diamond presumes.
For another thing, Diamond has no degrees in history, anthropology, archeology, or anything remotely relevant to be doing original research. He is apparently well-thought-of as an ornithologist, tho.
And for a third thing, his slavish devotion to the white supremacist doctrine of geographical determinism colors every single passage he writes. He simply lacks any kind of clear perspective on his subject, he can't help indulging in neo-Victorian fantasies where he /should/ be citing actual evidence.
Nah, don't buy it. Proofs?
Peter Maivia, a true Samoan who just so happens to be Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's grandpappy, wasn't a fat ass, and he was a fucking wrestler.
You won't get a fucking Oxford level thesis out of me, this is all I've got. I think it's pretty convincing tho
>making your prisoners dig ovens and set fires to have themselves cooked
can we have a pre-Abo thread pls or is that neither history or humanities?
>"We are eating your tongues!"
>His profession demands large amounts of exercise and probably some recreational muscle enhancers
>not fat
Gee I wonder why
Yes, because clearly wrestlers are all in fantastic shape.
Not all of them just the ones that take it seriously. Dwayne has a solid workout routine he follows and had followed for years, its no surprise he isn't fat. Maybe phrasing it as something inherit to wrestling was a mistake but the association is still there and most of them are not at all fat.
Still the fact remains that using people that do workout a lot whether it be for their profession or as a lifestyle choice, are bad examples of naturally occurring states for a population as a whole.
Or maybe next time you could just not make me type this all out and take the fucking snarky green text you cunt.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Just as good as bakolo!
>"maybe next time you could just not make me type this all out and take the fucking snarky green text you cunt."
>implying you it was a challenge to spend 15 seconds typing
Nigga, I'm fucking lazy
Well, firstly, Polynesians primarily sailed east, apparently because current and wind direction flows in a westward direction, it would be better to travel against to current when you're sailing out, and ride along with it coming back when you need rest the most. New Zealand however, was colonized by sailing west, from the Cook Islands.
Polynesians also have some cultural mechanism of population control (At least, the Moriori castrated a portion of their male population at birth to prevent overextension of food resources), this worked because they commonly inhabited small as fuck islands with limited food supply, and if population growth did get too large, that would be an incentive to seek out new lands without people, or to migrate somewhere else.
Now, New Zealand is not a small as fuck island, when the Maori found it, there was enough food to support an incredibly large population by polynesian standards, and so sailing technology was gradually lost. Although, you begin seeing this everywhere in polynesia around this time, wherein people lost an actual incentive for migration and shifted from catamarans to canoes.
Basically, there was no real incentive to seek out new land from New Zealand when it was a virtual paradise that could support a very large population.
Although, consider that once they had reached carrying capacity, they probably would have found australia, it's just that Europe came and interrupted it.
The aborignees seem pretty peaceful compared to some of these other people
That's more a result of just ridiculously low population density than a cultural aversion to violence or anything.