What does Veeky Forums think of the ancient Macedonians? For some reason, reading about them, i don't get the feeling they were ancient Greek. To me they seem more like Hellenized Thracians ruled by Greek kings, or Kings roleplaying as Greeks. So little is known about them, and what is known was written by Greeks that its almost impossible to have any conclusive evidence on their "ethnicity". Can Veeky Forums give me a decent answer on them? Preferably without int memes, and preferably about them before Philip, help me shake this feeling that they were barbarians larping as greeks off.
Ancient Macedonians
Why would I help you shake the feeling they were larping barbarians? That is correct..
They definitely weren't Greeks, one of the kings got the title 'philhellene' for his adoration of the Greeks and they weren't part of the various Panhellenic games. Iirc they even used non-Greek words in the administration of the Hellenic empires
Because everyone flips out when someone implies the Macedonians weren't Greek, but they are so different, so irrelevant, until Philip to the Greeks that i can't bunch them together, if they were Greek than the Thracian's might as well be Greek and the Illyrians as well. I can't find any real evidence of them using hoplite warfare, pre Philip Macedonia was apparently a bunch of Nobles charging each other on ponies.
Phillip apparently was a triggered by the fact the Greeks (quite rightly) branded him a barbarian. It is kind of like black people today pretending they are civilized human beings when they are just not.
It is an oddity in human nature that people just can't accept that they are not genuine people who really matter.
my friend
Macedon has a proud warrior heritage, they're easily my favorite total war faction. I have read almost 4 books about them and they fascinate me. Alexander the Great is literally perfect and your should always ask what Alexander would have done. I don't appreciate the tone of your comment, so I'm blocking you from my channel. You could say I'm hammering you on my anvil, just like my boy Alex would have done ;^)
this is Prince of Macedon signing off
The Makedonians were Hellenised barbarians, but Phillip and his royal line (the Argeads) was 100% Greek.
>Why would I help you shake the feeling they were larping barbarians? That is correct..
>They definitely weren't Greeks, one of the kings got the title 'philhellene' for his adoration of the Greeks and they weren't part of the various Panhellenic games. Iirc they even used non-Greek words in the administration of the Hellenic empires
>Phillip apparently was a triggered by the fact the Greeks (quite rightly) branded him a barbaria
Then why is it that Greeks today see the Macedonians as the epitome of Greekness, and why on earth every single documentary calls them Greeks, sometimes even to the point of not calling them Macedonian, it surely can't be because of Alexander spreading Hellenism? I always thought most people thought the Greekness of the Macedonians wasn't disputable, especially on Veeky Forums.
They were on the very fringe of Hellas (what greek considered their sphere of influence), mostly influenced by the thracians who were delian league faggots (and athenianboos). They were relatively "backward" compared to the other greek poleis, their politic system was essentially feudal with local barons fighting each other (as well as their northern neighbours the illyrians and dardanians) and their king held very little real power. As border/frontier people, they were essentially a buffer zone. Ethnically they weren't greek, who were mostly dorians or ionians. In a nutshell they were barbaros that the greeks were familiar with and regularly used as mercenaries. Greeks were fairly cautious and ambivalent about them as they were working for the persians during the 490-479BC war.
>Then why is it that Greeks today see the Macedonians as the epitome of Greekness, and why on earth every single documentary calls them Greeks, sometimes even to the point of not calling them Macedonian, it surely can't be because of Alexander spreading Hellenism?
Yes, it is literally because of that.
>The Makedonians were Hellenised barbarians, but Phillip and his royal line (the Argeads) was 100% Greek.
Is there any proof to their claim though? Every royal ever tried to claim descent from somewhere else, to distance himself from the populace, especially if that somewhere else was Greece. They also claimed descent from Zeus through Heracles. And wasn't that claim pretty much just them trying to compete in the Olympics.
>spoke Greek
>worshipped the Greek pantheon
>participated in the Olympics
>not Greek
How many levels of retard are you on?
it's like how napoleon isn't really French or descended from French blood but since he spearheaded the French cause he's a French historical figure. Alexander was a Greek LARPer from an upstart barbar nation whose father adopted and then improved on their system, and when Alex conquered he spread great culture, and so he is considered a Greek historical figure.
Ancestry is fucking pointless and only retards on Veeky Forums talk about it. The society makes the man and it doesn't matter where he's from as long as he does something great for that society.
>>spoke Greek
They spoke Macedonian, later on they switched to Koine Greek. Im pretty sure there is an instance when Alexander asks one of his troops whether he wants to speak in Greek or Macedonian.
>>worshipped the Greek pantheon
So did a lot of people, the Thracians for instance, people accepted foreign gods into their own pantheon constantly, nobody doubts they were hellenized.
>>participated in the Olympics
>In Homer, the term Argead was used as a collective designation for the Greeks ("Ἀργείων Δαναῶν", Argive Danaans).[40][214] Herodotus provides the mythical story about the Greek roots of the Argead royal house and with the list of the seven earliest Macedonian kings (8.137–138), which is our essential guideline in any attempt to reconstruct early Macedonian history.[215] The earliest version of the Temenid foundation myth was circulated by Alexander I via Herodotus during his apparent appearance at the Olympic Games.[216] Despite protests from some competitors, the Hellanodikai ("Judges of the Greeks") accepted Alexander's Greek genealogy, as did Herodotus and later Thucydides. In accepting his Greek credentials, the judges were either moved by the evidence or did so out of political considerations—as a reward for services to Hellas. The historicity of Alexander I's participation in the Olympics has been doubted by some scholars, who see the story as a piece of propaganda engineered by the Argeads and spread by Herodotus. Alexander's name does not appear in any list of Olympic victors.[217] That there were protests from other competitors suggests that the supposed Argive genealogy of the Argeads "was far from mainstream knowledge".[218] According to some, the appellation "Philhellene" was "surely not an appellation that could be given to an actual Greek"
They literally had to prove their Greekness, and they did it through claiming Argead descent, which is disputed, as you can see most people protested against it.
They cloaim descent from a prince of Argos, and their dynasty name is literally "The Argos People". There's no such thing as "proof" in history, but there's little reason to doubt this claim. Certainly the Greeks themselves accepted it, since when Alexander I went to take part in the Olympics, some tried to have him barred on the grounds that he was a Makedonian and not a Greek. However, the authorities inspected his claim of lineage (how, we aren't told) and concurred that the Argeads are Greek, and allowed him to compete.
Did you even read my post? I didn't even deny the Hellenism of the dynasty, i was talking about the Macedonians as a people, and there is much reason to doubt his claim, all you did was repeat what i posted only claiming its all true, yet you are contradicting yourself by acknowledging that the Greeks tried to ban him. And if you read my post you would see that his name isn't actually found on any Olympic list.
>I didn't even deny the Hellenism of the dynasty, i was talking about the Macedonians as a people,
Then you're wasting everyone's time since literally no-one thinks they were anything but hellenised barbarians.
>And if you read my post you would see that his name isn't actually found on any Olympic list.
Apparently I read it better than you did, you literal moron. Go fuck yourself, and while you're doing that, consider that not being on a list of WINNERS does not mean you didn't compete.
Modern Macedonians (from Macedonia in Greece, not FYROM) aren't Greeks either. They pull closer to Balkanoids. Real Greeks pull closer to Sicilians and Southern Italians. "Greek" sample in pic related is from Macedonia.
Peloponnese have completely different genetics.
>Greeks today
Opinion discarded
Why does POM look like such a pedo?
that was because he was the Satrap of Macedonia at the time, and subjected to Persia. The Persians have inscriptions at Persepolis and Behinustun that mention two "Yaunã"s (literally: 'Ionians', or Greeks): "those that dwell by the sea" (Greek Ionians in Asia Minor) and those across it (the satrap province of Macedonia and Chalcidice". Although Chalcidice had Ionian colonies in it too, it still was in a power struggle before and after Persian annexation with the Macedonian Kingdom. More importantly, they called the "Yaunã" across the sea in one of the inscriptions "Yaunã Takabar" which translates into "Greeks with the shield-like hats", which in OP's pic, is likely referring to the Kausia that was notably worn by Macedonians and was of Macedonian origin. Is it just a confusion on the Persian's part? Maybe. But they differentiated both "Yaunã"s with Thracians, who they called "Skudra".
The 'Philohellen" comes from Alexander I and his father Amnytas, who worked with the crown as satraps, and who were double agents to Xerxes and helped the rest of the Greeks push them back. Herodotus also says that Alexander made this speech to some Persian nobles that pissed him off by molesting some of the court women that he devised a plot to assassinate them and called himself Greek
"Be aware that in so doing we are giving you all the honor that you deserve, and tell your king who sent you how his Greek viceroy of Macedonia has received you hospitably, providing food and bedfellows.” -Hdt. 5.20
Those that stress that Herodotus only meant that their royal family was Greek fail to see that Thucydides at 2.99 of his histories, who he says that the Temenidae traveled Macedonia and exiled the native tribes in lower Macedonia, but doesn't iterate if they had a group of Greeks with them, but it's implied, as just three brothers couldn't have realistically created a kingdom and pushed back existing tribes.
They weren't Greeks, ethnically or racially
Keep in mind that Alexander was half Epirote
>They spoke Macedonian, later on they switched to Koine Greek.
Macedonian was just a dialect of Greek, like Attic, according to most linguists. Likewise, Koine Greek only arose during Alexander's time due to all the different kinds of Greeks meeting each other.
>So did a lot of people, the Thracians for instance
The Thracians had their own deities as well. The Thracians were not as theologically similar to other Greeks as the Macedonians were.
That question has been debated by historians from various angles to death though. See some of the following as a start:
Anson - Eumenes of Cardia
Hall - Contested Ethnicites: Perceptions of Macedonia within Evolving Definitions of Greek Identity
Badian - Greeks and Macedonians
Borza - Greeks and Macedonias in the Age of Alexander
Asirvatham - Perspectives on the Macedonians from Greece, Rome and Beyond
Hatzopoulos - Perception of the self and the other: The case of Macedon
These rely more on the subjective aspects than the objective ones (language, religion etc.).
>ethnically or racially
This is the level of Veeky Forums we're talking about. I regret giving a serious answer with bibliography when half-baked nonsense would do.