>When your country creates the best language in the world.
When your country creates the best language in the world
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/int/ is two blocks down lad
Yes, long live France!
It's literally the next board in the row/
>cant even pronounce R
Literally the most scuffed language, it butchers all the languages it originated from. Middle Eastern and more Semitic languages are master race.
>creates its own identity
Guess the normans is succed, just not in Normandy
English has evolved to be a relentless meme machine.
It's the Perfect Cell of languages.
>middle eastern
nice try assad
Yeah ikr, fuck those arabs. Semetic languages aren't bad tho amarite?
Nobody can say anything because where all speaking english right now.
Quantity =/= Quality.
>1/3rd French
>1/3rd Latin
>" Germani" language"
what makes you think anglos can pronounce it
English is in objective terms one of the worst languages. So many irregularities and inconsistencies. Backwards grammar in relation to most languages. Fucked up pronunciation in relation to spelling.
It is only a world language due to British conquests and American cultural hegemony. Though I will grant you that these are worthy accomplishments.
Spanish is by far a better language by objective metrics. Pronounced exactly as it's spelled, simple SOV grammar, easily recognizable vocabulary descended from Latin and mutually intelligble with most other romance tongues. Also has more native speakers than English.
Not even a spic, just a hispanoboo.
>Spanish is by far a better language by objective metrics.
spanish has horrible syntax rules
Such as?
in spanish the sentence I said in my previous post would end up in a literal translation like "spanish has syntax rules horrible"
Don't spread your cancer here, please.
That's the standard in Romance languages along with many others. It's also observable in English, if you're considering it a defect.
it's less usual in english as that link points out, in my book that's a major plus.
And he said neither. Nice going forcing that joke retard
Veeky Forums is not the entire world.
Maybe simpler and more regular doesn't equal better. Perhaps the weirdness of English offers peculiar advantages.
I can pronounce it, I'm French but can do a posh English accent or a chavy northern one.
English people as a rule tend to have a heavy accent while speaking French, they can't pronounce our R our U or even our E correctly. It just depends on people, some are good with foreign languages but most aren't
Cause you're an English speaker obviously something you're not used to will appear somewhat weird to you.you're biased
>better language by objective metrics
English has way more words to describe things than Spanish, and while it has wonky grammar the huge vocabulary from assimilating languages is incredibly useful.
For example, we have different words for cooked and raw meats because of our different word origins. Origins from Latin, Greek, German, and French help diversifyeating between synonyms and create a better language to communicate specificities.
I speak spanish dumbass
>tfw bongs forced to exclude southern ireland from their boasting
>tfw couldn't even manage a slightly unruly bog
GG in general but you guys REALLY fucked that up.
Where? Is that near north north England?
The adjective would be conjugated to fit the gender and case.
Spanish has word for that too idiot
Go away Lindy
you cannot argue the language you speak is better than english if it has genders for inatimate objects
>potatoniggers try rebelling for centuries
>only successful when British is involved in the most expensive war yet
>after the war the side backed by the British government wins the civil war
Really makes you think
Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world
>Napoleon wasn't hitler
Then why is he so evil in this
>simple SOV grammar
not really though, that's mainly with direct/indirect object pronouns
michael played the guitar is the same order in spanish, as an example - svo
it's mainly about getting language teaching in early for stuff like this, of course with some effort you can get pretty good pronunciation as an adult but when most brits only get a really light amount of foreign language teaching from 11-16 (many only had 11-14) and practically 0 exposure to foreign languages outside of that it's no wonder we're collectively terrible
learning to trill like a spic was a pain in the ass
And soon it will be Indian
What's your point?
The language of business is still English
tell me more about this 'indian' language user
spanish is a hideous peasant language
It has more words and can express nuance better than any other language. No gendered nouns so everything is either "the", "a", or "an"
It has a really interesting history of Germanic roots with a healthy amount of French from the Normans. It's pretty great.
The roots of the great oak have feasted on
>older better shit
>& other random shit.
Yet it would be wrong to call the great oak shit.
>260 million speakers
not for a long, long ass time it won't
>5 different ways to spell any given sound
>good language
pick one
>2/3rds Romantic
>less then 1/4th Germanic
>******English****** language