What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
being right
he was literally the new zarathustra
The original Emo
Except for maybe Caligula
His love of "virtue"
>being incorruptible within the world of men
of course this seems evil to mere mortals
Anyone else think that Light Yagami from Death Note was partly based off of Max here?
Kinda similar stories.
damn now Im imagining Robespierre with a death note
>tfw no French Revolution animu
He was too pure
Extreme paranoia. He saw internal enemies everywhere.
It's kind of funny because he was actually opposed to the death penalty initially. But he logiced his way out of it by saying that in times of peace it should be abolished, but in times of revolution (or war, can't remember which) it was necessary.
He literally did nothing wrong
Efface, efface, efface, efface, EFFACE!
if you consider the situation, it wasnt too crazy
every large city in france was in revolt, literally every border of france was being invaded, and the sans-culottes were causing a bunch of trouble in paris
Had a complete power trip.
Fuck off radical, he killed thousands of innocents all for some autistic ideology that was going to be the cancer of the world years to come.
Revolutionary France was the beginning of the end.
revolutionary France was one of the most beautiful displays of virtue in history
and it's not like Robespierre was the only guy there, Saint-Just was more radical than he, and he was the actual engine behind the Reign of Virtue.
Executing nuns in France seems like a wrong move, whatever your political affiliation.
No it wasn't, it was horrible. They destroyed so much culture, architecture, and history, all because the French king had to help the Americans and waste his royal coffers.
I wish Britain and the other Europeans repelled the cancer before it spread, but alas they were too late.
And now we have fucking communists and socialists at the late stage of its evolution, rrreeeee
Burn in hell, radical scum
>reddit spacing
>named wojaks
Funnily enough, I don't even browse or make posts on R*ddit, and ironically, they'd probably side with you on the matter anyways.
As for the Wojaks, I name my images because its easy to identify them, I'm surprised nobody here takes the time to organize their memes.
Suuuuuure you don't
>they'd probably side with you
you clearly haven't noticed the invasion of r/the_donald in the past months, have you? of course, it must be difficult for you to tell the difference between reddit and Veeky Forums anyway
kys /pol/tard, you'd be a peasant cuck if it wasnt for the greatest event in history aka the French revolution
Why would r/the_donald go on Veeky Forums, their only interests are politics so they'd seep into /pol/ instead of here. But if they were here, yes, they would side with you because you're a radical, just like the stormfags they're so attracted to on /pol/.
Even stormfags would probably admire the French Revolution because of how autistically edgy it is.
He just put some spaces, what the fuck is your problem
it's reddit spacing
pic related
Why do radical leftists on Veeky Forums assault people with different opinions and tell them to go back to /pol/?
I belong here, you on the other hand should go back to /leftypol/.
>member of the Committee of Public Safety
He took his job very seriously.
>literally being from Reddit
>being so reddit you name your wojaks
>pretending that leftists like the french revolution
he's a lib you moron
Just because I put a space between sentences doesn't mean I'm from R*ddit. Literally anyone could do this on here and not be from R*ddit.
>Reddit spacing
>names his memes
>has Reddit-tier opinions
>goes to the reddit-tier length of censoring the name
Just admit it, you heard about this board from r/history
Pick any random French commander and you've probably got a decent candidate
You're an idiot, I name my Wojaks because I had to put the graphics on a lower setting for this computer to work better, and I can't see the images for what they are, as they're represented by the type of picture file it's cast in.
So I have to name them in order to identify/organize them.
If I was a R*dditor, I wouldn't be some poorfag with a shitty computer. Almost all of them have high-tech normie computers.
A non-Redditor would know the position of all his wojaks
Whatever floats your boat, faggot.
Getting aggressive, it's cute ;3c
stop ruining this thread Max deserves better
look at this qt
Someone photoshop the >JUST eyes on him
Alright you wanna play that game, we'll play that game. I'll challenge you on the theory, in fact!
If all of these pictures didn't display themselves, were numbered and weren't organized or named do you really think that you could pick the right image out for any specific moment on any specific imageboard, based on memorization?
I don't know about you, but that would seem very difficult to do, for any person.. That is, if they had average or above average intelligence.
Geniuses could probably do it but then again why would they waste their time on an imageboard?
His only problem was that brainlets didn't see his fantastic vision.
Alas you have baited me successfully and I have bit your bait, now answer to me.
Oh Reddit-kun, you're so silly
I'm not fucking r*ddit holy shit.
>replying to posts on your phone
Get on the fucking computer and argue with me like a man
I was on my computer but my cousins want to spend time with me so I got pulled away, Reddit kun
Can't you just accept the truth that I'm an isolated poster that spergs out on occasion and deviates from the mannerisms of the Veeky Forums population significantly? I'll even go out of my way and put my history up.
As you can see, I haven't visited r*ddit at all on this day.
There is no way, absolutely no way, I can be from r*ddit, just stop with this retarded accusation.
If I was affiliated with r*ddit, it would show up somewhere on the history.
He was the OG child of the revolution.
"In June 1793 sixty of the eighty departments of France were in revolt against Paris; the armies of the German princes were invading France from the north and east; the British attacked from the south and west; the country was helpless and bankrupt. Fourteen months later all France was under firm control, the invaders had been expelled, the French armies in turn occupied Belgium and were about to enter on twenty years of almost unbroken and effortless military triumph."
-- E.J. Hobsawm, The Age of Revolution.
This thread is dumb... people arguing that either the FR was all good or all bad.
Obviously, it was partly good and partly bad.
literally red-dit: the post
I'm not from r*ddit, please stop grouping me with those fools.
Maybe you should check it out. I think you'll like it.
how to spot a redditor 101
No thanks.
Okay but I'm not from r*ddit. How many fucking times do I have to tell you people?
I don't come from r*ddit, therefore I can't be r*ddit. I have explained very clearly why I have the memes setup like that.
>red-dit spaces
looks like you're from red-dit boyo
Jesus Christ, anyone could space
Like this
And not be from R*ddit. Please stop associating me with r*ddit.
Go express your woe on red-dit, I'm sure they'll sympathize with one of their own
Just because you say something, doesn't make it fact. If I have never gone on r*ddit, I cannot be from r*ddit. You can't change this fact.
Only a redditor would deny being a redditor.
I'm not from r*ddit.
>being right
But he was left.
>t. Philippe Egalite
*rapes you*
What now big boi?
He was incorruptible. Too bad he didn't get to kill all reactionary scum like some ITT
Never got to kill all the traitors to the revolution.
Assuming he survived, would there be a showdown between him and Napoleon?
he was merely ahead of his time
He would've killed Napoleon
Nah b, Nap was only important pre 1796 because he got the attention of Max's brother and they gave him a command briefly. Nap even defend Robe a lil saying he wasnt blood thirsty etc. Like without Robes death Napoleon never would have risen like he did by shooting down the mob because Robespierre wouldnt tolerate shit like the directory did.
He was a filthy freemason
t. Supreme Being
t. thermidorian
You're the most autistic faggot I have ever seen post on this site, congrats
he didn't deserve this
he consigned thousands of souls to that fate, he loosed the mob, he sowed the wind, he can reap the whirlwind
>every soldier who kills someone in war deserves to be killed
a soldier is just a cell, this man is the driving nerve center
ITT I learned that max was basically the committe of public safety despite never being one of its members.
Lost his head at some point.
Figuratively or literally?
He didn't go far enough desu
Descriptions from people who knew him personally suggest to me that he may have been slightly autistic. For a start look at how he dressed. As soon as the revolution started fancy clothes fell out of fashion and everyone tried to look middle-lower class but Robespierre never ditched the fancy white hair and ridiculous collars.
He was known to walk past acquaintances in the street without acknowledging their presence, leading many to believe that he was insulting them.
He never married, fucked, partied, horded money or did anything normal well adjusted men did. His landlord supposedly tried to set him up with his daughter but gave up because Robespierre proved completely oblivious to female attention. Danton said of Robespierre "He simply can't fuck and money scares the hide off of him."
Real human bean and a real hero and probably would post on /r9k/ if he were born this century.
An irrelevant proto-currynigger?
He was simply to pure for this world
>looking up pics of CIA from Google instead of lurking
You're clearly lying. You also could have just not replied to him. Instead, your autism took hold.
fucki this treaterous bitch
t. tyrannical scum
>he may have been slightly autistic
Well, that explains why so many people on Veeky Forums and reddit seem to like him.