Everyone is born an atheist: it takes brainwashing to make a theist.
Think about how many godcucks you have met in your life. I'll bet that virtually 100% of them were raised to be that way. In the absence of that childhood brainwashing, none of them, or almost none, would have became theists as adults.
A childhood filled with fear of an imaginary boogeyman and the normalization of male/female genital mutilation isn't healthy. It fucks people up for life.
All religious brainwashing of children - like religious schooling - should be made illegal. Adults should be free to choose to be theists if they want, but, honestly, if people were allowed to come to religion with a fresh mind as adults, religion would become virtually extinct in a generation.
Landon Stewart
Actually I've met atheist kids who later on turned into religion. >t. Atheist Everyone tries to find meaning in a meaningless universe.
Nolan Flores
Not true. Many (if not most) children are born with a tendency to believe in the supernatural. It's very normal to believe in "something more" as a child.
What is abnormal is for a child's imagination to not take him to /God's/ place.
Connor Nguyen
shitty thread OP. prove that there are a number of mental health problems caused by any kind of religious faith and then come back.
t. atheist
Daniel Wright
Religion is more like mental illness.
Michael Morales
Well let's put it this way...
Many children believe in a monster under their bed, a common fear. I've never met a single person who retained that belief into adulthood, and neither do you.
Religious brainwashing marks those childish impulses onto the brain literally keeping adults in a state of perpetual childhood.
Believing in things that are obviously not real is a mental health problem, as is hearing voices or talking to an invisible person telepathically, as is abusing children by forcing those same beliefs onto them.
It is a mental illness that is acquired in childhood, before the immune system of adulthood becomes functional.
Ian Lewis
So shut up about being born atheist. You just destroyed your own argument.
And whether the belief in the supernatural is retained is wholly personal. Sure there are factors that might affect one's bias - but such as everything in life - the ultimate decision is one's own.
Get out with your shit argument.
Jack Rodriguez
>Believing in things that are obviously not real is a mental health problem, as is hearing voices or talking to an invisible person telepathically there's a clear difference here: one involved hallucinating experiences, the other involves simply having the wrong information. being wrong is not a mental illness. If the big bang theory was disproved that wouldn't mean that this whole time all of us were mentally ill.
Blake Collins
Theism is a specific belief and children are atheists by default.
>being wrong is not a mental illness Denying reality is.
Nathan Price
Theism isn't a specific belief. And how is a child who believes in the supernatural an atheist.
Just shut up and be wrong.
Jackson Wood
It helps if you know the definition of words before you use them.
Elijah Rodriguez
At what point is it denying? the average christian has changed their world view to be everything accepted in the scientific community + God. Few of them know much of anything written by biblical scholars detailing the actual history of the texts let alone knowing much of anything about the bible. Ignorance is not a mental illness. I can personally attest to a denying phase from gaining this knowledge which put me under a lot of stress, but not before. You can't call it the obvious truth when the knowledge that makes it apparent is not widely known.
David Nelson
This shit thread was destroyed quickly.
Well done Veeky Forums
Ian Cruz
the·ism ˈTHēˌizəm/Submit noun belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.
Get out
Tyler Wood
>>>/reddit/ People are raised to be nihilists in this day and age stop LARP'ing about a false sense of logical Positivism and nihilism that you a priori believe in. If you can't even Spinoza, Voltaire, or Kierkegaard then you aren't worth talking to.
That said the only people who don't believe in the supernatural are a bunch of shut in nerds whose only experience in travel is staying in a foreign city for a few weeks. Athiesm is cancerous brainwashing.
Robert Nelson
>That said the only people who don't believe in the supernatural are a bunch of shut in nerds whose only experience in travel is staying in a foreign city for a few weeks. >spirits can't reside in homes and cities even for shitty bait this was a particularly awful ad hom
Chase Long
It's not b8. Athiesm is a cancerous form of reactionary Christianity which keeps all of the worst aspects of Judeo Christian moral values and accepts blind nihilism.
>Missing the point
I'm saying that people who don't believe in the supernatural live in a bubble that's not an ad hominem.
Logan King
that is by definition an ad hom. do you have any arguments for the supernatural other than a chill that went up your spine one time when you went camping?
Kayden Rogers
What a true ass statement. Good job m8
Kevin Phillips
I was raised atheist and became pagan in college.
Aiden Lewis
By this definition, pretty much all social mores are child abuse. You may want to rethink your position.
Elijah Torres
Asher Reed
Everyone is born without knowledge: it takes brainwashing to make a smart person.
Think about how many educationcucks you have met in your life. I'll bet that virtually 100% of them were raised to be that way. In the absence of that childhood brainwashing, none of them, or almost none, would have became smart as adults.
A childhood filled with fear of being poor and the normalization of studying everyday isn't healthy. It fucks people up for life.
All information brainwashing of children - like schooling - should be made illegal. Adults should be free to choose to learn if they want, but, honestly, if people were allowed to come to school with a fresh mind as adults, knowledge would become virtually extinct in a generation.
Joseph Smith
I honestly don't understand - why don't atheists just kill themselves? I would've killed myself a long time ago if not for the fact that suicide is a sin.
Levi Mitchell
The immune system doesn't protect you from things like mental illnesses you pleb
Joshua Long
Everything you teach a child is a form of brainwashing. What's the alternative? Raise it feral?
Kayden Thomas
Religious faith IS a mental illness.
Christian Russell
I've seen it, other people have seen it. You can communicate with it, there is evidence of it recorded all the time.
>That is an ad hominem
That's not an insult that's a thesis, saying that people who don't believe in the supernatural need to go investigate more is not an insult.
David Barnes
Athiesm IS a religious faith whether they want to recognize it or not.
Joshua Long
Tell us more
Jayden Murphy
Blake Ortiz
alright, tell me how I can communicate with it. I'm sure we can come up with a way to test it against a placebo
Mason Reyes
Example: believing someone was born of a virgin, made food appear from thin air, transmuted substances, cured incurable diseases, and came back to life after he died, is a denial of reality.
Is teaching a child to read a form of brainwashing?
Jace Campbell
Are people on Veeky Forums actually religious, or just pretending?
Owen Foster
? most of Veeky Forums is openly atheist
Nathaniel Perez
I meant some people, not all.
Sebastian Peterson
>believing someone was born of a virgin... >...came back to life after he died Those are all things that happened and denying them is denying reality.
Something that is and was the norm all over the world since civilization exists is not a mental illness, going against it is.
Liam Rivera
Sure you have. And I'm sure that African student who said that one tribe could summon lightning to strike another and science needed to evolve to deal with that had plenty of evidence too.
Jaxon Diaz
>Those are all things that happened What evidence is there of them even being possible? Neither event has ever been reliably repeated in humans.
Was Jesus a lizard? Some lizards can undergo parthenogenesis. Or maybe he was a shark? Some sharks can do it too.
David Fisher
>This makes sense to the religicucks atrophied mind
I'd say it makes you think but I'd be surprised if you could manage that at all, brainlet.
Brandon Turner
I'm a Catholic and my parents were atheist, raised me as such.
0/10 try again.
Jaxson Wood
>getting back at mommy and daddy by pretending to be deluded
Grayson Morales
>Tactical nihilism
Topkek just go and find out for yourself you neckbearded fuck
Joseph Wilson
>Everyone is born an atheist Factually false. >it takes brainwashing No, it takes evidence. >imaginary Kys with fire just because you haven't seen evidence doesn't mean the rest of us haven't seen it.
Believe in Abraxas now that you're on time before the demiurge laughs at you.
Josiah Cook
>raised by loving parents who you never resented and rebelled against only to have some kid project against you on a anime website
That's a spicy meatball!
Nathan Fisher
Really? People are born believing in a revealed form of religion?
Simple fact: someone born to a muslim community is likely to turn out muslim, someone born to a christian community is likely to turn out christian, etc.
Theism is an accident of birth, but the state of birth is atheism.
Nolan Barnes
I was raised atheist. I converted to Mormonism in my 20s.
Kevin King
Yes, I'd agree with that. Being 100% convinced that there is nothing divine is a form of faith, not logic. Also, reductive physicalism is a religious faith (because it evades the hard problem of consciousness). Agnosticism, however, is not a religious faith. Non-theism is not a religious faith.
Jacob Walker
OP it's about time you get around to blasting your brains out with a shotgun.
Liam Miller
State of birth is being unable to think critically, it's apatheism at best
Blake Gonzalez
>Agnosticism, however, is not a religious faith. Non-theism is not a religious faith.
These two are lumped under atheism.
James Butler
Kevin Martin
Tip it. Go ahead, I dare you to tip that fedora.
Who are you to decide on how children should be raised? You don't seem to have an understanding of what child abuse or brainwashing is. I can raise my children to be Houston Astros baseball fans, and tell them that their team is the greatest of all time, which is not true. I can have them learn stats when we ride in our cars, ensure that they understand the strengths and weakness of Astros pitching and batting at dinner each night and basically fill their minds with facts and lies. That's NOT CHILD ABUSE, its wrong, but it's not causing harm to my kids. It's not brainwashing either, it's teaching. Child abuse and brainwashing are serious, and you are incorrectly making these claims about about people who raise their children in a fashion you disagree with.
I'm assuming you are raising your wife's kids as atheists. In my opinion, you are doing her children a great disservice, but that doesn't mean you are abusing them by teaching them to be followers of atheism.
Christian Gray
>children are indoctrinated from birth into the parents beliefs
well fuck me OP got any more eye openers
Adrian Gutierrez
>People are born believing in a revealed form of religion?
No, believing there is a god? Yes.
James Cook
Bump. As someone who was raised in an irreligious household. What you say is absolutely true. There is so much more to life than hitting your head on the ground and giving your money to corrupt organizations. It's time to take control of your own lives.
Ayden James
Baptizing your children is child abuse and should be punished by law.
We already have many snares of the demiurge lurking to have retarded parents whom will put demiurgical spirits inside us because muh faith.
Jaxon Watson
I literally used to think like this. "Baptism is child abuse," I mean, not the gnostic shit.
I'm pretty sure I was 16 before I grew out of it, so I was a slow learner even for a militant teenage atheist.
Angel Bennett
From an atheistic point of view baptism is just water. From a gnostic point of view it would be similar to baptizing a kid in the name of satan.
Benjamin Foster
I grew up in an atheist family but my parents were tolerant enough to give me a bible when I asked for it and take me to church when I really wanted too.
Religion is one of the backbones of society. Even though you might not agree to scripture you need to know that itäs dangerous if too manhy westerners will give up on their god.
The crusades and christianity have saved us before
Let's try to honor them and do the same
Cooper Collins
>religion >supernatural
you are going to hell son
Luke Watson
Theism is the belief in a GOD. The monster under your bed is not a god.
Ayden Wright
Fucking cringe
If you belive that you must hate the civilization you live in. You must also belive that almost 99 percent of the world has that illnes.
Jordan Russell
we can say this when it comes to politics as well
Since this is a leftist board I will juse your arguments
Everyone is born a racist /pol/tard
It takes liberal brainwashing to make us tolerant little sub niggers
Yes I belive this because I have raised children and I know how they change
Anthony Cook
Basic social norms like respect and stewardship are inherent among all societies. But cultural norms on the other hand should be completely eliminated. We need a worldwide cultural revolution to cleanse the world of superstitious filth and replace it with humanist values.
Austin Bennett
Ryan Sanchez
Mason Brooks
I'm a atheist and my parents were religious.
Woops, as you see, non arguments are easy to spot.
Josiah Powell
If any baptism (or other form of religious induction) done without your knowledge or consent is anything other than "just water," then your religion needs to chill the fuck out, or you need to get a new one.
I can't say I know how e.g. modern Catholicism would view a forced Satanic baptism, but I suspect that, while the parents and adults who participated in it might be going straight to hell, for the poor kid it'd have no implications at all.
Cameron Bennett
Takes an atheist to be ignorant, in baptism a spirit enters your body. >I don't believe Well, you're wrong We are tired of seeing reports of supernaturale events in all cultures, CIA document regarding paranormal ability were liberated, PEAR project gave fruit too, we now know the elites do strange rituales since times of old in secluded places.
But everyone is wrong save for the fedora.
Jayden Bailey
>Everyone is born a theist
The concept of a god is quite abstract which is why it generally accepted that animals don't believe in God (feel free to argue otherwise). A newborn baby is no smarter than an animal so it is therefore impossible for it to believe in God.
Austin Ross
While your words are articulated one after another, I was a believer as a child without being taught.
So you see, reality differs from your well articulated words.
As usual, really.
Ayden Russell
>I was a believer as a child without being taught
Sure lad, what did you believe in?
It probably wasn't your own made up religion right?
Fuck no you believed in the christian god because you got indoctrinates by your toxic society.
At this point in time the USA are as toxic and fundamentally reilgious as Iran or Saudi Arabia.
Liam Myers
Some of them must be religious, just look at all the number of theological threads.
Carter Johnson
>Sure lad, what did you believe in? I believed there was a god.
Then I discovered the christian god
Then it was fake
Then I grew up
Then I experienced Gnosis
Then I learnt the name Abraxas, getting better, I think I found the name.
Grayson Thompson
>There is so much more to life than hitting your head on the ground and giving your money to corrupt organizations. yes especially to liberals who threaten people from whom they seek money
Elijah Robinson
>I can't say I know how e.g. modern Catholicism would view a forced Satanic baptism That's a great question. Anyone care to answer?
Spirits aren't real.
Thomas Nguyen
Is this the "The Spook", that Melbourne bounce song?
Asher Watson
>Spirits aren't real. Tell that to someone who hasn't gone through a poltergeist.
Adrian Campbell
Lucas Martin
>Many children believe in a monster under their bed, a common fear. I've never met a single person who retained that belief into adulthood, and neither do you.
t. somebody with no knowledge of any other culture except 21st century western culture
Michael Diaz
Atheism is true, then it doesn't matter if religion is child abuse, because everything has nothing to substantiate objective values. You can say it's wrong from a cultural and/or personal stand point, but beyond that? Nothing.
Andrew Fisher
Travelling is degenerate
Jacob Walker
Life's too good
Andrew Mitchell
Miracles don't happen. If something could happen in the past, it should also be able to happen today.
Samuel Ward
What if i don't reject God, but i just can't find emotional connection with God through the religion my parents raised me with ?
Jason Gonzalez
Baptism =/= Child Abuse. Catholic sprinkling is less harmful then then even bathing an infant, and Protestant immersion is less harmful then typical games at kids play at the swimming pool at that age.
Gabriel Flores
>That said the only people who don't believe in the supernatural are a bunch of shut in nerds whose only experience in travel is staying in a foreign city for a few weeks. Athiesm is cancerous brainwashing. OK yes this is bait but WHAT does traveling have to do with atheism? I know I shouldn't be giving you attention, but I still want to see you defend this.
Brandon Brown
Miracles were done to confirm to a generation that a prophet was sent by God. Later generations have been given prophecy. Read the Book of Daniel.
Josiah Reed
Gee, it's almost as if God intended for there to be denominations for a reason.
Brayden Roberts
>Baptism =/= Child Abuse
Baptism is the worst form of rape, because it is spiritual rape and the dick is invisible, yet it goes in deep and violates without protection, spreading aids fast.
Isaiah Reed
The virus is HIV, AIDS is the syndrome that develops after you have caught the virus.
Joseph Ortiz
>AIDS is the syndrome
I'm not talking about a virus, but about a syndrome, baptism injects in you a spirit of the demiurge that will be a full blown spiritual aids to you.
Brandon Walker
Why don't you go report such abuse to the police then?
Gabriel Barnes
Matthew 19:10 Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”
11 “Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12 Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry[a] for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”
19:12 Greek and some make themselves eunuchs.
Alexander Reyes
Because the police have the mentality that your pics have.
So true believers have to find ways to get back at yhwh and his sons of darkness.
Andrew Rodriguez
Jose Morgan
Baptism is a short, forgettable ceremony. It's the years of indoctrination, and guilt implanting, and genital mutilation, and LARPing that does the damage for life. Religious brainwashing of children is worse than child rape.
Blake Howard
I guess that makes sense, I would imagine most people find your ideas laughable. Maybe you should take your concerns of baptism as child abuse to some more compassionate people then the police. I'm sure you can find abuse crisis lines in your local area, why don't you call them and voice your concerns about people raising Christian children?