Why do people never learn? It happens millions of times in this exact way, and yet every time 'it's different'. You even saw it here two days with Ethereum when all the apes here were singing 'new paradigm' and 'back to normal'. YOU LITERALLY HAVE THE CHART, THE CHEAT CODE and STILL fail.
Why do people never learn? It happens millions of times in this exact way, and yet every time 'it's different'...
Other urls found in this thread:
i wish this meme would die
>It happens millions of times in this exact way
That is exactly why nobody gives a flying fuck about you retards spamming this image
this image should be banned
Some people are just plain stupid. "Le meme chart XD". It exists for a reason.
it all depends on
a) whether one cares i.e. has invested late and fears losing the initial investment
b) how long one intends to remain present in the market
if a=no and b=undefined then no probs
keep in mind that even a bad day of trading crypto beats having money in the bank
>Le meme chart XD
bitcoin has followed this chart 100's of times.
all those tiny bumps years back look like this when zoomed in enough
you post wrong chart
People don't seem to realise altcoins back then were just copycat clones of Bitcoin, these days many "altcoins" aren't even supposed to be general currency, they are actually to be used in another blockchain based service
The problem is this chart ties all the shitcoins to the few decent alt-coins.
That's better. If you do your homework and aren't a fool then you can at least do decent picking alts. I still hedge in btc.
"decent" altcoins fall faster and deeper
and dead cat auto filtered
Thank you for posting this I've asked 80 times for user to repost this chart and was ignored. Assholes.
>they posted it again
are you trolling or retarded?
>Apple follows the chart
>Amazon follows the chart.
Bubbles like that chart form over 7 to 10 years not months.
if any of those companies followed the chart and 'returned to mean' after the spikes, they'd trade at a small fraction of their current price
i'm not him, the troll/retard is clearly you.
yeah, the there always are overpriced stocks in NASDAQ, and also ones that actually will go up (albeit far slower than cryptos) in the long term no matter when you buy in
just like there are shitty alt bubbles (that don't recover) and BTC/ETH who will obviously worth at least 30x their current prices 3~ years from now, so you can't lose with them
if you think ETH will 30x in the next 3 years, why wouldn't you hold BNT? (serious question).
I've been looking into it, and it's (at least) pegged to the value of ETH, and has the potential to outperform if any of the shitcoins made on it do well? so whats the catch?
inb4 muh joos
>btc 30x
>eth 30x
Ok, he's retarded.
it can't be 'pegged to ETH', it has already fell below the ICO price before. if/when it crashes, and several people try to cash out there's no way they'll be able to keep the price afloat and then it'll be devalued entirely
not buying it, because it has 0 practical applications, there's 0 actual use cases for it today, and by the time (if ever) they actually implement what they have promised other currencies might have done the same 10 times over
they just started an ICO at the top of a bubble, and got extremely overvalued, they have/will gain a lot from it for sure, but will the investors gain anything? doubtful
they can lose everything easily though
there hasn't been a single smart contract ICO so far that didn't result in a NET LOSS (compared to just holding on to ETH) for its investors in the long term
my guess is that the core dev team of ETH will soon realize ICOs isn't so rad, the real reason why has been ETH is spiking is that it's the best actual cryptocurrency to use today by far, and smart-contract services like
there is a 100k ether smart contract powered buy wall at its ICO price...meaning it is pegged to its ICO price in ether....
fuck you are dumb, didn't even bother reading the rest of your comment.
agreed with you up until
>the core dev team of ETH will soon realize ICOs isn't so rad, the real reason why has been ETH is spiking is that it's the best actual cryptocurrency to use today by far
ICO's are 80% behind the rise of etherium the past 2 months. Me, I'm not going to buy ETH until it's under $40.
>Me, I'm not going to buy ETH until it's under $40.
lol stay poor.
i'm sure there are people who said the same about bitcoin after its first $100 bubble
guess they're still waiting. have fun
Retard logic
spotted the redditors
"It's different this time guys we're back to normal"
by admitting that it has happened before, you are refuting your own argument lol...
feel free to back up your argument bud. if you a) are bullish on ether, and b) don't think there is a flaw in Bancor's code, there is no reason to hold ETH instead of BNT.
the 'smart contract' gives literally no guarantees in the case of bancor, because the dev team has the right to transfer token's from any address to any other, regardless if they 'own them' or not
so when shit hits the fan, people just won't have control over their BNT any longer, boom
smart contract = no problem
is this actually the only thing stopping you from investing in BNT? you think the team who have staked their entire professional reputation on it will hold your fucking tokens hostage?
you are a fucking moron.
until they can guarantee an airtight trustless & immutable platform (something they are working on), I'm fine with them holding the ghost keys. if a DAO-like event happens again, I would prefer having someone be able to rectify the situation.
>you think the team who have staked their entire professional reputation on it will hold your fucking tokens hostage?
yeah, no person has never sacked their reputation for 150 million dollars before
but the thing is, the entire team doesn't need to be in on it at all, a 'DAO-like event' for BNT would be them getting hacked
People might give this more credence if it hadn't already been posted thousands of times only to be proven wrong and have ETH reach a new ATH shortly thereafter. If anyone is the ones talking about, "Its different this time," its those of you continuing to post this.
this the real altcoins charts: