
looks like we've made our first ARK, boys
who here waiting for payout?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm aboard the ark, sir


All those with Iron hands are going to make it.

Gonna wait for ARK to dip a bit harder then I might get in on this

hope you get it for a good price, user

btw, i assume moon and chang are at work. any clue when they'd be around?

Baby, I'm right here


ARK = total pajeet


We're around but I'm mobile at the moment. I get into work at noon :^]

>not working until noon
i'm jelly

nigglet get on the god damn ark or litteraly drown.

>female clone included at 5k buy-limit

Yeah as far as wage cucking goes I have it comfy. Pay sucks though but I get equity.

true that
i remember when my boomer boss was wanting me to come in at 5am
"lol no"

Payouts just completed with a minimum of 1 ARK.

Small wallets that would've gotten less than 1 ARK didn't get paid. They will be able to view their pending balance and schedule their own payouts (instead of daily) once we have our new code up in a few days.

got mine
thanks, chang-kun

Also fidelity was set to 4 days. If you just joined as we started forging you will get less. Since we're doing daily payouts, it will be 1 day from now on. So everybody who is in for a day starting around now and has enough ARK will get paid daily from now on.

Didn't receive anything. Have approx 600 arks. Is that still too little?

Yes. Give it a few days and you'll see money coming in.

If you voted AFTER we became delegates (post-51), chances are unless you have a huge wallet you didn't earn enough.


I like this and appreciate the effort

Nobody has mentioned it but I'm going to address this for the future.

Arky kind of sucks for small wallets because it doesn't "save" or "remember" small balances. Considering our pool sizes that's kind of a big deal. Fidelity is shit and allows pool operators to jew smaller wallets. It doesn't deal with hoppers in an ideal way and the creator takes a 1% cut each time it's run. This is why there are a LOT of 0 ARK listings here. Only 94 people were paid out.

The script I'm writing looks at each and every single block we forge, and at that very block calculates each voter's weight and tallies it up. So it calculates payments on a block-by-block basis instead of x days. This means each forged block you are paid vote_weight_for_that_block * 2 (each block is 2 ARK, hence 422 daily per delegate). Finally, it looks at the lifetime amount the delegate has paid you, subtracts that amount from your lifetime owed, and THEN it has an accurate balance. This means small wallets will be paid properly and there is no need to store balances in any kind of database, because the script reruns the calculations each time instead of storing them statically. The bonus side of this is that you can switch to any script and come back to ours, and it will always calculate your balance correctly. Hopefully this becomes the standard once our script is finished.

TL;DR wait guys I have a plan

Hey just so you all know, 53 cents is a great buy in price so I wouldn't delay at this moment.


>I have a plan

>tfw in the top 10
feels good, goy

that does sound like a good idea
is it computationally intensive?

>So everybody who is in for a day starting around now and has enough ARK will get paid daily from now on.
How much is enough? If I have 1000 ARK, what will my daily payout be?

Weekly seems better given the transaction cost of .1 ARK.

Thanks senpaitachi

they are going to change it later so you can decide if you wanna do daily/weekly payouts
weekly is obviously superior

Very. Chances are it might have to run as a service, but the bonus is that it will always be accurate and I can have it calculate in real time each block we forge and store it in a persistent in-memory database (like redis). Since we're already on AWS and they have their own service for it this shouldn't be very difficult (I use their redis service for my main gig). I'm in for a long fucking weekend though, that's for sure.

The other upside to this method is that we can allow arbitrary payouts for everybody. So once the site is up, you can login and set yourself to be paid out at any arbitrary time or interval, or manually with the click of a button.

Chances are the server costs will be significantly higher for this, but we're hoping the fees from the blockchain will cover this. Otherwise we'll just do this method in advance and use a DB instead of realtime. We're essentially making our own off-chain "blockchain" ledger for what the delegate address owes people.

just as an FYI, you can disable that "no screenshot" setting in the wallet
pretty nifty


First you need more decimals for the %

Second, the payouts were made to 100% of 422 ARK forged? Because it does not add up for me, or for anyone.

422*(amount of ark in wallet/amount of ark voted) is not what I took.

I am asking in good will, I am just suspicious because I don't want to get jewed by /pol for the second time.


me.... when we ll be the github release in order to customize payment? i'm pretty sure i've reade somehting about that in a thread

Soon. This is a work week. We literally just got started. I have 3 days off next week, so we're aiming for July 5th or 6th.

Chang is making the login system now and I'm writing the payout backend.

Source me the script please so I can check wtf happened and got 30% less.

It's arky.

Logs are here:

If you "missed" any balance, the new script will know because it's stateless and calculates lifetime owed - lifetime paid on every run.

The actual calculations for payouts are obfuscated by the developer though so people can't remove the 1% fee he takes.

The parameters used for today's payout was:
420 ARK Total
1 ARK minimum
4 day fidelity

So if you were in the pool for less than 4 days, you got a reduced payout. If your payout was less than 1 ARK, you did not get paid.

Tomorrow's payment will be run with
[Tomorrow's total ARK]
0.1 minimum
1 day fidelity

Once we have our own code up, we won't have to use Arky anymore.

Also, using 4 day fidelity meant you were paid less if you got in long after we made the delegate. The new script is going to calculate based on voters during forged blocks instead. If your math checks out you'll see that 30% extra when we start using the new payment script.

what was the cutoff for payoffs? i got 3.6k ark in my wallet, my address is confirmed on, but didnt receive any payout

Read the thread, and post your address so I can verify arky didn't fuck up.

address is:

According to the wallet explorer, you got paid 2.1 ARK.

Congrats, you got paid OVER, not under.

3,616 / 1,000,000 * 422. You should have been paid ~1.525952 but because of how fidelity works (and because arky sucks) you were paid more than you should have been.

Post your address?

is there an idiotproof explanation somewhere on what this kikery is? sorry for being ingorant about it

OK guys.

I just see that 336 ARK got paid + 9.1 transactions + 4.1 Pimping > almost 350 ARK given from the 410 forged.

The remaining 60 ark which is 14% surely does not belong to the unpaid guys. Since they have way less than 14% of the total ark.

I will wait for the next run and fuck magnet's family beyond recognition.

"fidelity" is what the developer of Arky calls the modifier used to reduce payouts for people new to the pool. This is to prevent people from pool hopping such as jumping into a pool right before a payout then leaving.

Stupid bullshit arky does that calculates an extra weight based on time in pool, which is moronic because it's an arbitrary metric. Our script checks voter weight per forged block instead which is an exact measurement instead of a "best guess" like fidelity is.

You might need to wait 2-3 days so I can ensure my script works as intended, but I'll be working all weekend on it. If arky continues to fuck up, my script will know. I'll post everyone's owed balance publicly if we don't have logins up by Sunday. Then you can at least check to ensure that the amount you're owed is correct. The address has more than enough ARKs to cover the balance. We just wanna make sure our system is perfect before we switch, so we don't get magnet-level fuckups.

Just as an aside.

Even if our solution isn't perfect, it's still going to be better than every other delegate out there since almost every delegate currently uses Arky.

It's going to be perfect.

I have some NGR coins for you.
They do the same as your coin: nothing.
But do have intrinsic value to the owners of said NGR.

What could you give me?


lol i'm already niggerrich, bro
thanks tho

Bump in case people have questions.


You held very few ARK over the past few days after voting, until yesterday. You'll get a payout tomorrow and one that includes your "missed" balance due to Arky once our custom payment solution goes live.

Not me.

But I will wait for your script guys.

I voted Wednesday night, haven't recieved anything yet. Is this normal?


Yes. You won't get paid for a few days since you have a low balance.

Appreciate the update thanks, up to 1k ark now and growing.

>tfw 1k is a low balance

I should get some more.

why have i not received anything

You need about 2.5k to get paid ~1ARK daily.

Read the thread.

oops turned off trip in another thread, forgot to put it back on

Its why the original proposal was weekly, so that this didn't happen. However since magnet is a fuckup or a scamming pajeet some people with larger balances were obviously wary of missing a full week of forging gains again.

Pretty much this. That's why we need our own custom system, so people can set their own payout times. We're doing everything we can to ensure we don't have another magnet situation.

>tfw AGgQA9jrhk95qdVuQ2xKVXqbDenMXcnx4y and voted before getting into 51.
>Look at
>tfw have 4k ark and still got nothing.


You voted right before we got to Top 51. You'll get paid tomorrow.

Alright m8, thanks for the heads up.

Voted before 51 top and wallet with 3K ARK. Why did I get nothing?

Read through the thread. You'll get paid tomorrow, and when the script is done you will also get paid extra your first payout because Arky is retarded.

this looks fun
i might get some ark just to be part of this "forging" thing

>toons has been getting 1% of all ark forged probably since ark came out for some code that shitposting autists can shame and make look pajeet tier
Sad really.

Don't worry, we're going to replace Arky with our script and everyone will be paying us 2% instead of 1%. Our pool will be the only one that doesn't take a 2% fee, and we will redistribute half that fee amongst the pool voters.

We will be an ARK superpower soon.

Mostly just daydreaming feature creep out loud, but at some point we do want to replace that Arky shit for other delegates somehow. First comes our pool though.

if you can count on something when it comes to money it's greed or aka strong desire for profit optimization
if you don't do it someone else will

How do I get involved with this?

Buy some ARK, vote for the biz_classic delegate using the vote tab in the wallet.

>who here waiting for payout?
Still waiting.

Hey, I voted on 6/29 1:59 AM Eastern time. Right now it is 6:30 5:27 PM Eastern time.

Please read the thread, this has been explained multiple times.

You voted very late yesterday so your payout was reduced to below the 1 ARK minimum.

Tomorrow's payout will be more generous with a lower (0.1 ARK) minimum so more people get paid.

When is this coming?

Soon. I'm dedicating my entire weekend to the new payment script, and then the website tool will be up soon after. Early estimate mid-next week.

We're both literally writing the code right now.

We expect to have basic functionality done next week.

Why don't you guys charge a .5% fee for the superior script you're making and distribute us the profits?

Our script isn't going to be public for a while.

Can you guys setup a trello so we can monitor your progress and know what's on the docket?

No. That's more wasted time. Once we have the basic functionality up we'll do that.


What do you consider basic functionality?
We got:
- The backend script for ark redistribution
- Backend for Web server
- Front end Web gui

Does ARK allow you to parse a code sent through a transaction?

ARK doesn't have to allow us to parse it, we'll be implementing our own parsing for voting stuff later on.

We want the payout script and custom payment times functionality up and running. That is our #1 priority.

I'm just thinking it'd be neat if I could just send the biz_classic address commands with a transaction so then it could be it's own self contained system. It'd be useful for address authentication as well since in the message we could verify our ownership by sending you a code generated on the site.

>It'd be useful for address authentication as well since in the message we could verify our ownership by sending you a code generated on the site.
That's exactly what I plan on implementing.

We're already working on that for account registration and voting.

This type of shit SHOULD be done via message signing built into the wallet (because it doesn't take any fees to sign a message), but unfortunately it isn't built in (no idea why) so the only way to do it without making people trust us enough to run custom software for signing is to use the vendor field in txs.

yuh boi...but I don't think I've received anything...yet?

I just want to say that I am only a small wallet holder, not even a blip on the total wallet really, but I really REALLY appreciate the work and effort that you two are going to in order to deliver this service to us all.
I may even donate something your way.

I have another question, will delayed payments factor in the weight of the delayed ARK payments? For instance if I have daily payments, my weight slightly increases every day, which slightly increases my payout everyday.

Will the biz_classic address accumulate weight itself and earn payouts based on delayed payments?