
When did Europeans started claiming they were Aryans?

Other urls found in this thread:|aurignacoids/

The whole thing about being a blue eyed/blonde haired Germanic is just nazi pseudoscience that only retarded neo nazis believe. You didn't any of that shit to be Aryan, being aryan isn't based on genetics or racial groupings. It's a language and cultural group. So yeah, the Iranians of today are quite literally Aryans and looked no different than the ancient Persians.
>inb4 regards start saying muh Arab conquest
>they wuz Nordic and shit

>they wuz Nordic and shit
They actually were.

Looks a lot like this half Swedish half Palestinian woman

I believe de Gobineau was the first author to borrow the term 'Aryan' from comparative philology and apply it to white Europeans.

So what about those Iranic types in the past like Alans who were blonde, or modern Ossetians who are ginger?

Looks like Marcus Fenix with a wig

Pretty sure it was coined as a language group, just like semitic was. Then tards started applying to race since phrenology was going nowhere and genetics was not yet a thing.

It's embarrassing they keep doing that even when you point it out to them, especially when you emphasize that iranians and indians also belong to that categorization and race really has fuckall to do with it. They just love those dank merchant memes, I'm afraid.

Indo-Iranians are white though

Looks like blastkowitz got touched up by that new face app.

>race really has fuckall to do with it


>Blue eyes
>Just a white trait

Proof that semites are also white

>Aryan Woman.jpg


Was your mother Aryanid or Cromagnid?

Thoughts on black people?

false read
this is kinda why, hitler thought blonde's had traces of aryan genes and truly believed in the lost aryan civilization meme.

>lost aryan civilization meme

Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these relegations.

This is a pretty good demonstration of Hitler's inferiority complex. r9k is full of similarly insecure people.

She looks like she could snap me in half with bare hands.

Pls marry me

God damn does it feel good be born of Greek blood.

How in the fuck do you make these

Still posting it? All this proves is that they were dark haired before raping euroHG girls.

>raping euroHG girls.

Andronovo had 3/10 European mtDNA(U5 and U4) but fully European Y-DNA.

Yamna were indeed loaded with Caucasus mtDNA compared to Andronovo but that can be explained by genetic drift. The only difference between them was that Andronovo had about 25% Anatolian farmer admixture which was female mediated.

white people think they are the original PIE. what they dont realise is Indians had an Arian caste system before white people even existed!!! those cave dwelling neanderthals were eating rats while Indians were building Arian empires.

them british white boys thought that they can conquer India, but we showed them who is at the top of the caste system.

now they come back claiming Indians are Australians. not even realizing how far apart India and Australia are!!! just look on the map! India is not event connected by land. once you show them how close Indians are genetically to caucausoids with extensive research by leading Indian scientists, they pull out psuedo-science garbage about how Indians superficially look like Papuans or that we share alot of dna with Australians.

but let me tell you- looks can be decieving. we may have the same skin color as Papuans but that is as far as it goes. genetically indians are caucasoids!

Indians are not related to Australoids.
case closed

hisfags claim to fame is appropriating our Aryan history. they know that if they acknowledge that India is Caucasian they loose legitimacy over Europe. ie Brahmin domination over Europe and history shows that they can not handle competition.
they will disinform and distance us from our land as far as possible by claiming we are Veddoids.

>we wuz reduced microcephalic aurochs n shyt


Not an argument

>saying "of Greek blood" instead of just "Greek"
Ameribubber spotted

lol indians are the most racially mixed people ever.

there are literally 100 different ethnicities and languages in that clusterfuck.

the original PIE are tanned caucasians.


No they were Europeans

>No they were Europeans

PIE came from the eurasian steppe

Not him but that pink urheimat in your pic is literally located in Europe.

The word aryan as used by europeans came from the Indian conception of Arya, not the iranian ethnonym.

>falling for low tier bait.
ffs Indians don't even post on Veeky Forums, their largest IP is rangebanned and they all shit up facebook.

>is literally located in Europe.

it's not mainland europe, unless you consider azerbaijan and chechnya europe.


No it wasn't that deep into the south.

Who invented that border for europe?

Do you even know where Azerbaijan is you cuck

If you want a real good laugh read Aryans out of Steppe theory.

Amazing how they deny that PIE from India. Indians are the real whites.

stop appropriating Aryans you dumb snowniggers


Indians are literal niggers who were just thought an IE language. By your logic Jamaicans are Anglo-Saxons because they speak English.


(you) talking out of ass, there are no remnants of Proto-Indo-Europeans cultures in East Europe, only of Indo-Europeans because they were themselves just one of many immigrating waves from India

Unreduced aurignacoids are the Indian master race.

Kys diaspora scum.

fuck you. i am swiss unreduced aurignacoid. we are natives of europe before the slavic scum. swiss people love indians and support indians return to their second homeland in europe.

there is a lot of evidence that India is the homeland simply because:

linguistically: Whenever two cultures meet generally they exchange words and you will find many Sanskrit/Proto-indo-European like words in Slavic languages, but you won't find any Slavic words in Sanskrit.

culturally: it's the only place which has actively retained the Indo-European culture in its entirety because it's the only place where the Priestly caste has survived - even though India has suffered hundreds of immigrations and invasions over the past 2000-3000 years ; this is a good sign that Indo-Europeans originated in India/Pakistan
people don't just vanish and traditions don't just die out like that , simply because somebody invades or immigrates - unless you are a very small (and insignificant) group to begin with

Unreduced aurignacoids (indian master race) with their special traits come from the best sexual selection, it's a way of seeing how superior the ancestry India was able to be.

The main common thing that is equal in all aurignacoids is that they MOVE (and develop) in areas that are very profitable ecologically and economically.

Europe has always stretched all the way to the urals and stops before anatolia, which is asia minor

PIE never existed in the Caucasus, just finding some horses and chariots doesn't prove anything.
You are really clueless if you think that the Caucasus region has ever spawned anything else but reduced untermensch farmer types like the current day Mtebids or reduced Armenoids.
And not gonna bother continuing about Persia - it's not like you understand the difference between Avestan - Old Avestan - Vedic - Sanskrit

Unreduced aurignacoids are PIE from India master race

even /pol/acks are smarter than Veeky Forumsfags and accept this when i present the facts


Do you go from thread to thread on Veeky Forums just looking for a post to reply with this to? I see this reply in every thread on this board.

It's just we wuzery. The truth is that no group on the planet is descended more than ~50% from the original Indo-Europeans.

Some shitskins in South-Central Asia are about as descended from the original Indo-Europeans as Scandinavians are. They just mixed with more distant populations than European farmers and hunter-gatherers and ended up looking more different to them.

Aren't the pagan gods of europe similar to the original pie religion

>not denying being American

"Europe" is a meaningless term going by pure geography. It was a concept that was first invented by the sea-faring Archaic Greeks nad really became popular among them with the Europe vs Asia dichotomy created by the Greco-Persian wars.

The steppe was united to the exclusion of the European lands west of the Carpathians until they started migrating en masse.

It definitely preserved many elements but the problem is that the best attested religions of Europe are the ones of the people who were also more influenced by the more numerous locals and the civilizations of the Near East.

Dumezil and Polome's "Indo-European Religion After Dumezil" are good reads. The Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture is easy to find (cough cough) and covers a lot of religious elements (possible rites, Gods etc.) in general strokes.

Oh, also M. L. West's Indo-European Poetry and Myth.

Everyone is forgetting the most important.

The whole ordeal started in Poland in 16th century

>Sarmatism (or Sarmatianism) is a term designating the formation of the dominant Baroque culture and ideology of the nobility (szlachta) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth about the nation's origin that existed in times of the Renaissance to the 18th centuries.[1] Together with "Golden Liberty," it formed a central aspect of the Commonwealth's culture. At its core was the unifying belief that the people of the Polish Commonwealth descended from the ancient Iranic Sarmatians, the legendary invaders of Slavic lands in antiquity.[2][3]

Sarmatians were an iranic nation just like aryans

>linguistically: Whenever two cultures meet generally they exchange words and you will find many Sanskrit/Proto-indo-European like words in Slavic languages, but you won't find any Slavic words in Sanskrit.
le what

you fuckin imbeciles should lurk on /pol/|aurignacoids/

Blonde hair blue eye was not Aryan, but the closest thing to an aryans in Hitler's eyes, that's how he justified allying with Japan, saying they were lost members of the Aryan race, whilst blacks were something else along with the americans

>indo-Europeans came from India not the Indus Valley

>literally reposting posts from /pol/
Absolutely disgusting.

PIE had like 50% WHG. Modern indians have 0-10% WHG.
indians are a australoid-elamite-mongoloid poofest

>"Europe" is a meaningless term
Neck yourself

>How in the fuck do you make these

an aryan man puts his benis in a aryan womans vagina

wait 9 months+18 years

The religious beliefs of the Scythians was a type of Pre-Zoroastrian Iranian religion and differed from the post-Zoroastrian Iranian thoughts.[71] Foremost in the Scythian pantheon stood Tabiti, who was later replaced by Atar, the fire-pantheon of Iranian tribes, and Agni, the fire deity of Indo-Aryans.[71] The Scythian belief was a more archaic stage than the Zoroastrian and Hindu systems. The use of cannabis to induce trance and divination by soothsayers was a characteristic of the Scythian belief system.

Are you not able to tell the difference between Y-DNA and mtDNA?

We're dealing with a bunch of Elliot Rogers here, look at the Tarim Basin. See that mtDNA stretch of C4? Yeah boy.

R1a isn't Nordic, just having blonde hair and blue eyes doesn't make you a Nordic.

This of course.

I wasn't talking about Indians but rather populations like Pashtuns or Kalash. And PIE weren't 50% WHG, the closest data we currently have to PIE is Yamnaya which was already only ~50% *E*HG which can be modelled as 75% ANE, 25% WHG. So much less than 50% "WHG".

If you leave the rest of my comment out, your strawman makes sense.

in the 1600's

Fuck off pooskin

We(Western European) are R1b just like Yamnaya people aka Proto Indo Europeans, and it's not because you speak our language and some of you are our rape babies that you're allowed to claim our ancestors

Armenians call themselves Ara
Irish Éire from Arya
Greek Aryans in the form of aristocracy aka aristos

Is this Wolfenstein?

didn't know that the same people who migrated to India during the late Harappan period were the same group of people that migrated to europe.

Europeans are aryan ffs, indo european was a language group which included Indians and Persians , some people even speculate that part of the genetic combo that went into the egyptians was indo-european. Also whats all this about these Indiana Jones memes about the Nazis?

>inb4 people conflate the Thule society (muh lost aryan civilization) with what Hitler and the majority of the nazi party actually thought, which turned out to be not much towards the notion considering they later disbanded the society. Even though Himmler and Rosenberg had loose connections with the society they only ever attended a few meetings, and probably didn't follow it themselves
>inb4 we wuz kangz memes where people think that the the ancient Egyptians were a semitic/Nubian hybrid folk despite DNA evidence of concluding that King Tut had DNA consistent with indo-european tribes
>this comes to no shock to people who can see the statues of the ancient egyptian pharoahs and can see the obvious phenotypical traits associated with indo europeans
>this meme should be dead because if people wanted to take 2-3 mins of googling they would find out that towards the later dynasties there actually were Nubian Pharoahs who got their shit pushed in by the Assyrians

Nigger if you're going to copypasta from some random wiki at least give us the sauce of [71]


Doomguy > William Blazkowicz


>using that hapmeme analysis

>i believe whatever the fuck livescience tells me

wewlad, all you need to do is look at the statues of the ancient egyptians and you can clearly see some indo european phenotypes being expressed.

Why is it always the same dozen cherrypicked people every time someone makes a compilation photo for this? It's doing more to hurt the argument than help it.

They're not though, look up who the Yazidi are, they're currently being genocided by ISIS. These are actual ethnic groups of indo european linneage.

They don't at all. Maybe closer to Southern Euros in some ways but that's not suprising considering North Africans cluster with other mediterranean populations. Also, like I said, that DNA analysis had been debunked.

No it really hasn't, you just have disagreements on the results and pure speculation that boils down to ad hominems.

>they don't at all

topkek yes they do look them up

>southern European

Supposedly its eastern. Egyptians weren't "white" but they definitaly had indo european in them. I don't get what the fuss is about except more "we wuz kangz n shit muffugah" or "egyptians wuz nordics n shit" amongst alt right and black nationalist fags

The results themselves were proven to be garbage. Today's science community doesn't agree with the results.

>they do
As I said any and all similarities are a case of Mediterranean features which isn't really suprising. Unless you're saying the statues look Nordic?

>Today's science community

Livescience is not the whole of the community stop LARP'ing. Most of the times when scientists say "oh i just disagree with the results of this controversial study" its usually because they're trying to avoid controversy so as to not find themselves sparse of funds.

>do they look nordic

No, Egyptians weren't "muh white aryan gods" but its pretty obvious comparing the statues and depictions of the Nubian dynasty pharoahs and the earlier pharaohs reveals that the core ethnic linneage of the egyptians was part indo-european and not negroid.

Which isn't much of a shock, they were a multicultural society after all.

Lmao the projection. Then entire science community isn't just limited to live science, literally everyone says it's crap and here's why:

>In 2013, Terrazas et al. conducted a comparative craniometric analysis of Dynastic Egyptian skulls with ancient and recent crania from other parts of Africa, and found that the ancient Egyptians were morphologically closest to modern Afroasiatic-speaking populations from the Horn of Africa. Both of these fossil series possessed Middle Eastern affinities and were distinct from the analyzed prehistoric crania of North Africa and the Horn region, including the Pleistocene Rabat skull, Herto Homo sapiens idaltu fossil and Early Holocene Kef Oum Touiza skeleton. The scientists suggest that this may indicate that the Afroasiatic-speaking groups settled in the area during a later epoch, having possibly arrived from the Middle East.

Can you give me a citation that the ruling class was of Indo-European origin? The only Indo-Europeans to have ruled Egypt were the Hyksos who were ejected soon after and left meager genetic influence. Also, I was arguing the Egpytians were black but that they're a caucasian ethnic group with origins from either North-East Africa or West Asia.


topkek there is your problem thats outdated research by about a year.

>literally everyone
>posts a single source that is titled SCAM!!!
>and a single PDF, all of which are either outdated or sensationalist as shit

Lmao the cognitive dissonance, this is /pol/ tier at best. There is no actual consensus among anthropologists, Egyptologists, or geneticists as to the ethnic origins of the ancient egyptians, most consider them Caucasoid, Afro-Asiatic, or Indo European. Imo they are probably a mix of these but its still a mystery.

The DNA results of the tests of Tut's tomb are still legitimate even if you want to attack the source for having bad business practices. Its still going to be a mystery but my point was originally that in the 1930's and 40's it wouldn't be that much of LARP'ing idea to say that the Egyptians were Indo-European.This history channel/ Indiana Jones meme where the entire nazi party was either a part of the Thule Society or engaged in Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century schtick needs to end, because its just flat out not true.

Hitler disbanded the Thule Society and quietly suppressed the Myth of 20th Century, this kind of long lost Thule idealogy was a radical minority of the nazi party.

The Egyptians weren't black or white. This shitty binary view needs to stop.

Its somewhat false dualism, no one actually thinks they were Negroids or full on Viking nordics except for conspiracy theorists but yeah I do get sick of seeing this Alt Right vs Black Nationalist sensationalism.

Its going to be a mystery for many decades to come and either way it really shouldn't shape the basis of your political views.

Palestinians are Aryans

>Cherry picked
There are natives with light skin and blue eyes, retard. Did you think whiteness came from Europe?

Most Pashtuns look like this

It was the Scythians, and likely they had a lighter pigmentation and fairer hair color because they lived further north then the majority of other Iranic peoples.

What about this fellow?

>What about this fellow?

I've seen Iranians post him many times