This is what Social justice warriors from leftypol actually believe
This is what Social justice warriors from leftypol actually believe
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no one cares
That's reddit. /leftypol/ers are against SJWs and often get banned from the left-wing subs because they are SJW circlejerks.
So is Veeky Forums essentially a Reddit colony now?
The board owner of /leftypol/ turned out to be a literal tranny.
Yes and?
>still believing in the utopian society
That's the epitome of SJW.
How can I have "freedom of religion" if I'm not allowed to disbelieve in communism?
Thats just aint cool brah
You wouldn't disbelieve in Communism because everything would be perfect. The government would hook you up with a job, spouse and 2 weeks of vacation every month.
>Being a trap means you are a SJW
Not an argument. I bet you think traps are gay
Why exactly are neo-communists not ostracized from society like neo-Nazis are? Communism literally killed more people than all fascist regimes put together, so why does the SPLC hunt for Nazis while ignoring communists?
commies didn't declare war on everyone.
All in due time.
Time heals all wounds.
I will take 'What is McCarthyism and red baiting for $1000' Alex
>"from /leftypol/"
>screencap from r/communism101
lurk moar faggot, we hate sjws
Literally reverse the roles in that meme and tell me if it's any different or less truthful?
Lets see
>leftypol supports soros
>leftypol supports uncontrolled non white """immigration""" by """refugees"""
>leftypol worships black supremacism
>leftypol supports BLM
>leftypol members donated to BLM
>leftypol believes that white homogeneity is the supporting pillars of "traditional values" thus needs to be destroyed to bring about their "revolution"
>leftypol supports the """"migrants""""
Leftypol is SJW as they come
An enemy of an enemy is a friend.
got this from r/enoughcommiespam
stop taking the bait
>calls others cucks
>wants "migrants" to destroy his country
leftypol is the definition of cuckold
>"muh 600 billion"
It really isn't, user. It's a red flag, definitely, but that's all.
Not even & Humanities... "This is what SJW's actually believe" is straight-up pol.
No one denies that the USSR industrialised quickly.
leftypol is the central SJW safespace for leftists
Socialists, especially young ones, are seen as naive. (op's picture is a good example of that)
Nazis are seen as malevolent.
You can tell from reading /pol/tards that they're more retarded than they are malevolent.
say that to my face, not online fucker. See what happens
You never went to and didn't see those Nazi trannies, didn't you?
wtf I fucking LOVE Stalin now
>Why exactly are neo-communists not ostracized from society like neo-Nazis are?
>What was McCarthyism?
>>leftypol supports soros
Communist scum deserved worse.
>believing Soros' wikipedia page
>All those idpol
leftypol is anti white, they love soros because he is anti white
>OP is a Trot
leftypol is anti white, leftypol loves Islam, leftypol worships feminism, leftypol supports black supremacism
>the jihadi terrorists' ultimate goal
If the goal isn't 'to kill/convert the infidels while getting my 72 virgins and serving as a rallying point for more terrorism' then he is wrong and an apologist
Class is idpol.
>black supremacism
leftypol cires about spooks but then proceeds to support the worst SJW shit possible, you people are less than subhuman
Then why do they love IRA?
sinn fein are SJWs
>He doesn't know about conservative tankies against immigration and homosexuality