Taking loan and getting out of country

Hypothetically, what would happen if I took out a loan of, let's say, £10k in the UK and then went back to my EU home country?

they'd probably find you eventually

How does that work?

they take all your info when they give u a loan and make sure it's legit info so if u try to run they can track u down and cut your pinky off

make it 500 and there's a chance they won't bother

Depending what bank it is you might get away.

You'll have a CCJ against you in the UK as you default against it. Not that you woule care. Eventually, if the banks carried it through they would put it to the police to arrest you, not that they would ever actively put resources into it. You would be put into the PNC, so returning to the UK is out the question

I know a few people who took out student loans then returned to Lithuania. One of them has a great job but the student loan company isn't taking payments.

good way to fuck the jewish banking mafia, take their money convert to crypto and laugh at them

You would be run over by a Muslim driving a van of peace.

Interesting. So if I were to never return to the UK, taking out £10k or so would be a good move?

I imagine I'd have a higher chance of getting away with this post Brexit as well

You could still get arrested in your home country with the European Arrest Warrant.

Of course with all this brexit shit going on, maybe that wont be a problem for much longer.

You can try lad but I'm 99% sure you won't be given one unless you have a permanent residence in the country you apply for it.

you cunts are the reason we can't trust EU buyers and only deal with UK nationals after getting their full name and address, kys pls

>getting mad over a hypothetical

go suck off some pakis then

it actually happens to us though, so not hypothetical.

lol I'd take my chances with a slav over a pajeet

Civil not much. International debt collection is not worth for such a small sum. If you're Eastern Euro you're pretty much good to go here because westerners will despair at the outlook of working with your local debt collection agencies.

The only problem could be criminal consequences as it's probably against UK law to take out a loan knowing you won't pay it back.

I wouldn't risk criminal charges for small change.

will the pinky pay off the debt?
this is important

then adjust your risk model and price your products accordingly when dealing with EU nationals.

It's like jewery 101.

We just don't deal with them anymore as the risk is so high vs the ward but yeah, thanks for the advice.

As soon as we starting trading with slavs and pajeets we were getting scammed so not worth the risk at all.

no but if you don't scream too much they might not double your debt

wouldn't it be possible to get as large a loan as possible then withdraw it out in cash and do a localbitcoins in person deal (no bank trace) and then file for bankruptcy

I took a bank loan and did just that. Made good money too. Fucked their stupid interest rates too and paid it back right away. Fuck those fuckers. Two can play at that game.

>paid it back right away

You showed them!


>a loan of, let's say, £10k in the UK and then went back to my EU home country
How plausible would it be to establish residence in the UK with an accomplice , take out a life insurance plan, fake your death in a fire, leave your teeth at the scene, have the life insurance paid out to your accomplice, cross into an EU country illegally with a bunch of shitskins, and then establish residence in the new country under a new identity? This is assuming you can't be identified by things like fingerprints, or have found a way to mitigate being identified by them