What happened to all the lions?
What happened to all the lions?
Raped and eaten by niggers.
Hunted and stuffed by European colonizers.
out-competed by a superior animal
interestingly, lions are depicted on Göbekli Tepe, a megalith site in northern Syria from around 9 500 BC
They emigrated. To the afterlife.
What is that blue dot in India?
We keep giving Africa foreign aid, so they breed like rabbits and are wiping out species after species in Africa.
With this "refugee crisis", it looks like white people are the next species on the list.
Gir lions. Only non-African lions left.
Many Africans also fight poachers. There's a heavy demand in the black market for rare animal parts. So you get africans doing the dirty work of rich white and asian capitalists. And some africans fight to protect the animals. Even trobes that used to use animal skins of more endangered animals have begun switching to fake furs for their rituals or traditional ceremonies.
Also roman empire reduced the lions significantly for their games.
>the last European lions died before you were even born
at this point whites are non existent in animal hunting with the few here and there. asians especially chinks are the biggest culprits
What would happen if they were reintroduced to some of these more modern countries which allocate land for conservation, like Israel or Morocco? Could a population take root or would they all just die off like all the pandas do?
Sports hunting is literally a non-factor. Asians aren't doing it either.
It's the hunting for animal parts to supply animal part black markets in America, Europe and Asia that's the problem.
Don't worry, Europeans hunted quite a few species to extinction too.
Foreign aid reduces poaching.
The population increase rate gets lower the more developed a country is. Foreign aid increases development.
The main driving factors of poaching are the animal part black markets in the West and Asia.
White people are not a species, nor are they subject to extinction because of a few million refugees in a population of >1 billion.
most of their prey animals were hunted to extinction or domesticated as well
not to mention lions require vast uninterrupted territory to sustain themselves which would be mighty difficult in populated areas like Israel or coastal Morocco
and add onto this the lion subspecies that lived in those areas are fully extinct and the african lions are terribly adapted to live in those areas and its just a failure waiting to happen
>white people
White people can't successfully breed with other humans, you fucking mong, that's why mixed race people are sterile.
Moroccan user here,
The Atlas lion was hunted to extinction by fucking French colonials.
They scared us so we killed them
>tfw there's a pretty high chance that you will live to see the last lion on Earth die
Nah I think this is pure guesstimate.
Sports hunting was pretty big in the past.
Anyone here ever wonder what the long term effects of prolonged exposure to /pol/ will be on the children, like this one here?
Alexander the great killed alot of them
And now it isn't.
Hopefully africans and europeans hunt each other to extinction. Leave the rest of the planet to the Asian, Abbo and Amerindian master races.
Human hunting and habitat destruction from urbanization. The Barbary lion (north Africa, possibly Southern Europe) was hunted and captured from Roman times (used in gladiator fights) but survived into the 1940s and possibly later.