ITT poor people habits that are the reason they are poor

ITT poor people habits that are the reason they are poor

>eating out most days of the week instead of cooking

Other urls found in this thread:

Buying new iphone and shit just like it.

>having children, especially at younger age
>low wage
>born into lower class, social mobility is pretty much non-existent in western world atm

>born into lower class
Means very little

means quite a bit. you are arguing with statistics.

Nah, all 4 of my grandparents came to america as poor as shit immigrants and my parents got educated, rich, and successful in their professional careers despite still being poor as shit at a young age

>Approximately 26% of adults have no savings set aside for emergencies, while another 36% have yet to start socking away money for retirement.

Statistically the majority are retards, go figure.

leasing a car
paying with anything other than cash or a debit card

you are having trouble reading. and ofcourse there are some people who are able to climb the ladder but the odds are stacked it against heavily. high taxes alone will have this effect

>social mobility is pretty much non-existent in western world atm

And 2/3's of those are well above the poverty level

only americans are retards.
japanese personal savings rate is often around 20%
that's why i'm marrying into a japanese family

>only americans are retards.
>One in four UK families have less than £95 in savings,

STOP polluting the Japanese master race


I guess now we know who is really retarded here.

Brown skin
Long-term financing
Time consuming menial labor
Leaving all your assets in one place
Consumption spending more based off of size of checking acct

>paying with anything other than cash or a debit card

>Not overpaying your credit card to maintain a negative balance then using it like a debit card to rack up 1-2% cash back on your purchases while building credit history and not risking overdraft fees

Both 26% have nothing, 36% haven't started saving for retirement, equally retarded, 62% is the majority

Smoking cigs

having a social life

Does stocking up on crypto coins count as savings/retirement fund?

yep. i literally eat out 3 meals a day, 7 days a week. probably spend $1,500 / month on food. lol. terrible i know.

>no motivation to improve yourself
>no real hobbies that anyone other than your mom would care about
>get home, watch tv/read buzzfeed, go to sleep
honestly i think it's genetic. some people were just born to be the worker ants

toilet paper instead of washing your ass with water, get on my level.

> no job
> eats fast food every day

I can never understand it.

1. You have no job, you've literally got all day to cook. Cooking is fun, it's literally the first thing I look forward to doing when I get off work.
2. With a little practice (which you have plenty of time for), you can cook way better tasting food at home than you can get from fast food
3. It is way cheaper to cook for yourself, you'll have more money to use for cigarettes or whatever other poor person vice you probably have

Especially because I grew up poor, but my parents still cooked everything from scratch. We ate tons of homemade bread and like lentil soup and whatever animals wandered through the back yard were made into stew.

fact: there's nothing you can cook for $2 that is better than 2 mcdoubles form mcdonalds

wait what?

you can OVER PAY and it goes negative???

litterally everything is better than 2 mcfucking doubles in terms of nutrition,

lol who cares about nutrition, are you gay?

Save up a couple dollars (or just shop the day your food stamps hit ffs) and you can buy rice and lentils and some spices from an asian market. Live like an immigrant for $2 a meal a most and you'll be way healthier and have better food too.

Fuck, I alone make more than the median family income for my city, and I eat like an immigrant because it's cheaper and tastier. My cupboard of rice, lentils, beans, flour, gluten, cornmeal, and spices can make tons of different, tasty dishes and I have plenty of time to do that in the hours after I get off work.

Generally yeah, depends on the bank. I carry a -200 to -300 balance on my CC all the time. Except for right now, because my bank just upped my credit limit without asking lol

i used to eat out just about every day. then i got a japanese gf who cooks for me. went from $800 a month just for myself to $400 for the two of us.

and i don't even gave to tip her!

what do you do with all that spare cash?

Nutrition is a meme

This guy gets it

>terrific bowel hollowing dumps that feel amazing
>perfect protein carb fat fiber ratios
>never get fat build muscle if you lift and eat like this
>cheap tasty and easy to prepare. No risk of food poisoning or getting cancer from shit diet

Ive had oatmeal for breakfast followed by 2 meals of rice lentils and various fried veggies in them for 3 years never been happier. I consider my relationship with food almost perfect.

Some goes into my 401k/roth ira retirement fund
Some goes into shitcoins
Some goes into my drug habit (kratom, cannabis, psychedelics, various entheogenic plants)
The rest either goes into my bank account or gets spent on gifts

How do I learn what and how to cook and what to buy from the grocery store

>drug habit
you almost made it, user...
probably your genetics holding you back

Why shouldn't I take over someone's lease, where people pay me to take over their shitty lease, and use my capital for an appreciating asset to build equity instead

>wasting any money they accumulate by luck in the end of the month because "lol its above 0"
I had a poor gf who did that, when I told her about it she said it wasn't true that her and her mother did that. Next month they went out to buy useless shit because they had ~100 dollars left.

>How do I learn what and how to cook

You have the internet, don't you? Google for some recipes, there are tons of articles of white people trying to show how they lived on $5, $10/day or whatever.

Find a set of recipes that you like and that have mostly the same ingredients, and focus on buying those ingredients in bulk wherever is cheapest. Go to a bunch of different stores (local grocers, farmers markets, wholesale, walmart, restaurant supply stores, surplus stores) and figure out who has what for cheap. Watch for when stuff goes on sale and stock up if it's something you'll use.

Yeah, I could probably save more money without drugs. Then again, without drugs, I'd probably either kill myself or just drink. Shit genetics, maybe (well, definitely, there's a 50/50 chance I lost the genetic lottery and will spend the next 1-2 decades getting various endocrine tumors removed). Still, I'm in better financial shape than most 25 year olds I know.

because you're already paying for depreciation + interest, it's just all rolled into the monthly payment. car leases are a horrible idea

Thanks senpai
What if we're talking a short term option, like 12-24 months? I have a lot of cash stockpiled right now and I want to use it to put a down payment on a condo. An example option I'm looking at offers a lease takeover for 15 months with a monthly payment of $320 but they pay me $1500 at the beginning just for taking it over

Is it really true that on murrica 1/3 of the population is overweight? It's a meme... r-right?

someone is so desperate to get out of this car lease that they're willing to pay you $1500? what kind of car is it? how much is it worth?

just buy a nice car with cash from a private seller who needs the money. you'll be able to get a good deal

>tfw half the people have below-average IQ's by the very definition of it

They get financial advice from Veeky Forums

and nevertheless you're still retarded and you fail to understand basic concepts of statistics. your personal experience doesn't mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things


Lease swapping takes advantage of people dumb enough to take out a lease from a dealership and they're desperate to get rid of them

If I were to take this option, I'd get an inspection done to make sure there's nothing wrong with the car

>Buy new car at 20k
>It's worth 5k when you're done with it
>$15k in 5 years, not including interest, and assuming no repairs needed

>Lease for $200/2000 down for three years
>9200 for three years, $15.3k per 5
>Very unlikely to need repairs after 3 years if a good make

About the same unless you're good at repairing/flipping/selling cars

Buying used the best way to go tho

>way better tasting food at home than you can get from fast food
Lol no fast food is literally engineered to activate the max amount of pleasure receptors . Nothing at home will taste as delicious as good as fast food .

t. Fast food addict

>not wiping with just one sheet
>not making a roll last for years
water is 2 cents per gallon
get on my level

so you just essentially loan them free money

>social mobility is pretty much non-existent in western world atm

Define ATM because I know lots of examples of social mobility but you may qualify them as being last generation and then claiming that they had vastly different social mobility

that car is $479/mo not $300.
also, just googling i see "The national average repair and maintenance cost for a Mercedes-Benz C300 is between $985 and $1203 per year." just save up and buy used, man.

exactly. used cars are the way to go

>Buying depreciating assets at the height of their value loss rate
>Not saving anything, at all, ever
Seriously it absolutely fucking ASTOUNDS me how many people save almost nothing, it literally baffles me
I know some people who will literally spend their entire paycheque with no regard to budgeting at all, making literally no investment or savings plan whatsoever, and it's the simplest most obvious way to not be fucking poor
I want to fucking beat them to death with their Louis Vuitton wallets at the end of every month

You can do that? WHAT

1,000x this. i used to be that stupid, until i helped my gf with her taxes and found out she saved more in 1 year than i did in 7. shamed me into cutting back and saving money

I don't eat fast food because I don't want to be a fatass.

That said, I'm not gonna argue that salty, fried fast food isn't still the best tasting thing in the world.

>social mobility non existent in western world atm
naw look at my shekel merchant ancestors!!

My entire family is mexican.

not buying crypto already

>Some goes into my drug habit (kratom, cannabis, psychedelics, various entheogenic plants)
i thought you had a chance until the drug one.

well good job sidestepping the point hector

KYS degenerate

you're trying to argue with amerifats on a pajeetcoin board

>Going outside.

Chance at what, exactly?

There is a fair chance I've lost the genetic lottery and will die well before I have a chance to retire and use my retirement funds, so in terms of motivation to save I think I'm pretty much running on empty as is.

How? I eat fast food twice a day and spend about $500 a month

Depends on what you're buying and where and how much you're eating. Eating a couple dollar menu items per day won't kill you. But frequently ordering family-sized meals at KFC or eating at more expensive chains very well might.

ye best start believin in memes...

How the fuck am I supposed to cook for myself at home on a 4p-12a pastry chef schedule

Fuck eating more than 2 meals a day my money goes into crypto

y'all need SOYLENT

> final solution to the food question
> perfect for anhedonic shut-ins and exploited wagecucks alike

I only eat one meal per day, I've eaten this way for a decade and it has helped me maintain my weight and save time to actually cook properly.

Intermittent fasting nigga, look into it.

I don't even get hungry from waking up at 5am until getting home at 4pm, and 2/3 of my workday is spent blissfully empty and fairly sharp since my blood sugar is stable from gluconeogenesis and not always going up and down from meals and snacks.

Plus, that first bite of food in the evening, when you're *actually* hungry and not just conditioned to be hungry, is glorious. Especially when you put in the time to make something awesome for yourself - and there's plenty of time when you only eat once.

I eat out almost everyday, but I have a 7 figure networth. Cooking can be frugal, but pinching pennies and clipping coupons doesn't make you not poor. Making money makes you not poor. Most people lose their money by spending beyond their means by taking on loans and going into debt. Fuck off with this frugal meme. Just have financial awareness and don't be a retard

>they shower more than once a month
>they brush their teeth
>they shave
>they wash their clothes and dishes
>they have a GF
>they don't get free water from the well
>they pay for food rather than shoplifting
>they pay for sanitation instead of using piss-bottles and shitting on the street during the night when there are no cops

>eating out
>processed food
>paying more than 5k € for a car
>paying more than 200 € for a phone
>expensive clothes
>video games
>cinema, netflix, etc
>unnecessary luxury (perfume, home decoration, etc)
>branded products (who needs premium toilet paper?)
>women in general (girlfriends, escorts, etc)

>who needs premium toilet paper?

if you ever get a hemorrhoid, you'll know

spotted the weeb autistic virgin everyone

japanese girls wont like you if you are a weirdo. Just because you are white doesn't mean they will be all over you

but you will believe anything your animes will tell you, SAD!

>processed food
le ebin processed food meme



> who needs premium toilet paper

Let me tell you a story.

I feel that I am overworked and underpaid, but this is a systemic issue for the local economy in general.

So, my passive aggressive ass decides: well, at least I get paid to poop.

Every day after, I made a point of never pooping at home, and saving it all up for pooping at work. I poop at work 2-3 times every day.

Problem is - they buy the SHITTIEST toilet paper at work.

My ass bled. It IS bleeding. It WILL bleed again.

Sitting down hurts. Bending over hurts. My ass is FIRE when I get in the shower.

Every time I shit, I wipe until the shit-blood gradient transitions from 90% shit to at least 95% blood.

And that is why I have just begun to bring my own premium toilet paper to work. I keep it stuffed in the back of my shoe so as not to arouse suspicion.

taking women out instead of taking them home

Damn that's some expensive water. I pay a penny per cubic foot.

Having kids.

Being a wagecuck in an expensive country instead of working online in a cheap country.

Buying new clothes more than once every 2 years.

Going out to bars and clubs.

Having a wife or girlfriend.

Buying new electronics instead of just cleaning up the software.

Maybe it's your food man.

I eat healthy food and most of the time I whipe only twice.

My muslim friend told me his family doesn't use tp. They whipe with their hand and some water.

I had the same problem on a high-fat ketogenic bacon meme diet as I do now on a predominantly whole-foods vegan diet. My ass just hates me.

that sounds tasty, user.

what are some animals that you have eaten?

having sex and wasting your warm cummies on some dumb whore when you could be selling the zinc in your spunk to the electronics market

>shopping list is full of prepackaged food, frozen meals and ingredients for meals that have at most two ingredients (eg: burger&bun)
>Try to tell them that they could be thinner and richer by eating healthy

>Ask what their 'healthy food' list looks like
>A bunch of fruit from the hipster bio produce section of overpriced shit useless in cooking

It's definitely true that there is some cases of injustice and systemic oppression
But generally poor people stay poor because they're literally inferior human beings
They're dumber and they will stay dumber until they die

We lived on a mountain on a couple acres, so mostly it was deer. I've also eaten moose, wild turkey, rabbit, and buffalo, if we're talking about stuff my family actually shot.

I'm vegan for ethical reasons (also because I love beans/lentils and can make all sorts of stuff with them), but I'm considering trying out some roadkill this winter. If anything, I figure eating road kill is more ethical than buying beans that probably involved several animals dying during farming/transportation.

>selling the zinc in your spunk to the electronics market
d-does this really work?

err, not buffalo lol, I've eaten that but it was commercial. I meant to take that out when I added the qualifier "actually shot".

If we're talking animals we didn't shoot, then besides buffalo I regularly ate a lot of organ meat from more typical animals, and of course lots of type of fish/sea urchins/etc at sushi restaurants and I loved snails.

Naw, I'm working class, now comfortably in the top 5% of earners in the UK.

Love the honesty bruv, god bless you.

Shit, is America that expensive?
I only shop like once a month, and it costs me €60 to fill the fridge completely with meat and produce, and then I'll maybe shop another couple times for €20 at most to get fresh produce.

Northern Italy btw.

I know that places like NY and LA can be retardedly expensive, but I'm regularly on Veeky Forums and even Americans in the food threads report expenses similar to mine.
Is it just that the stark majority of Americans (Like >99%) is so bad at shopping for food that people think it's normal to spend an amount of money that would be enough for fucking RENT, just to eat?

Or is it really that bad?

Again, I thought the problem was the country, but then how are those people spending as much as me halfway across the world?
I mean, you're a country where there is literally people convinced that fast food is cheaper than normal food (See: ) because they are so stupid that they don't understand that a €5 sack of rice will last like 40 meals, they think "Uuuh, 5 is bigger than 2, so it means rice is more expensive than mcfood"

I make 150k/year

no wife

eat out twice daily

go to gym and fit

you should become less of a disgusting anally fixated person and stop sharing these sorts of things in public