Can we have an Ataturk thread in honor of the passing away of Turkey?
Can we have an Ataturk thread in honor of the passing away of Turkey?
He was truly Turkey's messiah
Nobody ever managed to meem the anglos that hard again
when did Turkey begin its transformation to just another middle east dictatorship with muslamic raygun qualities?
Why didn't he stop the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides?
Its always been an issue with Turkey. The religious constantly keep voting for dictator wannabes and their army has to collapse the state to get democracy back.
they wanted to be european, europeans bullied them now this is the result
Ottoman Empire shall rise again
My guess is Manderes in the 1950s to 1960s. Started holding onto power a bit too strongly, pandered to islamic donors/oligarchs, christian pogrom in 58, was eventually removed by a coup. Not pinning it all on him but that's my guess when things started going sour.
>people vote to have their country not be a democracy
>wtf we can't let this happen!
>undemocratically ignore their votes
>democracy is saved!
democracy is fucking retarded
As long as it doesent get derailed to current events this topic belongs here. Of course as soon as it does might as well delete the thread because retards here cant stay on topic even if they tried.
>unironically liking Ataturk
>Ottoman Empire
This along with Pan-Turkism and Turanism are exactly what Ataturk opposed. Modern Turks betray their own founding father!
Why would he? It is like asking why George Washington/Thomas Jefferson/etc didn't stop the Native American genocide.
Most Turks at home and in diaspora like Erdogan. Why are you so butthurt?
Ataturk was basically a dictator who didn't represent the average person.
It's almost like democracy is not a universal model for all types of cultures.
Average Turks, like most religious people, are retarded and don't know what is good for them.
Turkish identity is literally contingent on genociding other people.
>Most Turks at home and in diaspora like Erdogan.
More proof the average Turk needs to be gassed, or at an absolute minimum sterilized.
My perspective is they know that the EU is not going to let them join and secondly they've never been willing to adhere to more than 4 or 5 of the 30 required criterias (economy, social rights, hdi, etc) to have your membership application reviewed. Thus restoring the ottoman caliphate is the next best thing.
Personally I think the situation became irreversible ever since the occupation of northern turkey. You can't be a genuine EU or NATO member if you're occupying a fellow member and trying to ethnically replace the population by mass importation of your own citizens to said occupied region for 40 years, wtf?
What the fuck do you even care? Turkey keeps getting better and Turks are moderate Muslims.
Stop projecting your Western quasi-fascism.
Majority can't vote to take your freedom away you retard. Majority vote is used to decide on temporary government limited by time to the next vote and it has to act within a constitution that ensures your freedom from tyranny. It needs to execute well to keep popular support to win the next vote. That's the system and the first justification for it's existence is that it gives you a chance to vote differently next time around. Otherwise you don't have to respect the vote and can revert to the old ways of deciding on government, which is civil war.
Tbh Ataturk make one fatal mistake: disbanding the caliphate, if only they remained as non political religious institution like Vatican to Italy the muslim world could be much more controlled and secular
>Turks are moderate Muslims.
Just because other Muslims are even worse doesn't mean we should tolerate the existence of Turks.
>hurr durr opposing Islamofascism is fascism
Literally kill yourself.
As long as they do it on their own country they're not our problem desu
Don't think anyone took the Turkish califhat seriously at that point or would take it seriously now. You do realize that the Hashemite house of Jordan claims linage from Muhammad himself and still the king and his regime are considered apostates by the wahabbis. And not on the basis of disputing his linage.
That's constitutionalism not democracy. The majority CAN take your rights away in a democracy, that's kind of the point.
meant northern cyprus
While strictly speaking I agree with you, in this age of open borders, modern transportation, birthright citizenship, and universal suffrage that's extremely utopian.
this, this is why erdogay has to hammer at the constitution one article at a time.
Can anyone explain to me why anyone, let alone a majority of the voters, vote "Yes"? What are the potential pros of it?
Then close your borders. Please tell me how Turkish Islam is worse than Turkish secular nationalism.
Pure ideological veneration of patriarchal authority and so on and so on
Fuck him
He's one of the main reasons why the entire middle east is in chaos.
>I define democracy as I wish to make an argument
ok, so currently Turkey is a constitutional democracy right? So what is your point aside of trying to not loose an internet argument?
I agree the borders should be closed, birthright citizenship should be ended, and suffrage should be limited to those with at least an IQ of 100.
Likewise all foreign aid to Muslim countries should be cut to slow their population growth.
"Please tell me how Turkish Islam is worse than Turkish secular nationalism."
I never made that argument?
>The proposal comes six months after a violent coup attempt on 15 July 2016 failed to unseat Erdogan. The government reacted by declaring a state of emergency and sweeping purges that left no government institution untouched.
>More than 100,000 civil servants have been dismissed for their alleged ties to the movement of Fethullah Gulen, a US-based cleric Ankara blames for the revolt. He denies involvement.
>At the same time, Turkey is waging a multifaceted war against “terrorists,” a term encompassing Gulen supporters as well as the Islamic State group and Kurdish rebels at home, Syria and Iraq.
>Turkey suffered dozens of stinging bombing attacks in 2016 in violence linked to the resumption of conflict with Kurdish rebels in the southeast and increased activity of foreign and local IS cells in Turkey.
>Supporters of a powerful presidency argue that a strong president would strengthen Turkey as it confronts a broad array of internal and external security threats.
It's a crisis power grab and the spooked citizenry is falling for it.
>I agree the borders should be closed
To whom? There are jobs to minieal for locals to do, other jobs that are specialized and needed by IT industry
>birthright citizenship should be ended
Thisa will destabilize society because a growing number of people living in your country will not have a way to influence the political system in a legitimate way
>suffrage should be limited to those with at least an IQ of 100
Who will administer the test? How would you make sure it's not abused by the establishment? Do you think that you have a vote because you are smart enough and not because it's a way for you to show a non violent dissent about your situation?
>Likewise all foreign aid to Muslim countries should be cut to slow their population growth
Poor countries have higher birth rates than reach countries you are aware of that right?
We gonna Make Ottoman Great Again
>implying lifespans aren't about to expand dramatically due to life-extending drugs
>implying most menial jobs aren't about to be mechanized
>implying IQ tests haven't been consistently shown to be linked with various life outcomes, including criminality
>implying cutting off medicine and food will somehow cause their populations to GROW
I can't even tell how many levels of retard you're on.
Not really, because most Natives died from disease, not a deliberate effort to exterminate them.
>m-m-muh transhuman FALC pipedream
spot the millennial who thinks LE SCIENCE!!!!one will solve every problem including his lack of a gf
That picture could be a Veeky Forums captcha test.
Pair the right Ottoman dynasty period with the soldier.
How many can you get?
It would certainly eliminate a lot of the present inhabitants who don't care for history instead pushing or reinterpreting everything in their own politcal/social/religious/LARPing framework.
The natives who died from random diseases died before the 1800s. By the time of the expansion to the West they were being purposefully being exterminated.
Based Erdogan.
This fucking sucks, Atatürk didn't want this for us.
But unfortunately half the population is retarded.
Tbh it is better for t*rks to finally be honest with themselves and accept their middle-eastern status instead of trying and failing at LARPing being Europeans.
He was so faggot that it isnt funny
You're a faggot.
But that man was a great leader.
No srsly he was a literal faggot.(homosexual).
>erdodrones unironically believe this
>Turkey keeps getting better
I predict brain drain and economic stagnation.
Even if he was a tranny it wouldn't matter.
He actually founded turkey,if it were for the ottoman sultan we would divided among the brits, french and greeks.
Before he got into power less than 10% of the population could read and write,after him 70% was literate.
Now with erdogan public debt has more than trippled,the economy is relying on a real estate bubble and even stuff like meat costs 7,5 dollars per kilo.
What do people say when turks do something well?
Hey, what's happening?
Why is this bloke on Veeky Forums?
>turkey keeps doing better
Say that to your inflation which grows even further every year.
Turkey just took another step on its road to being yet another Middle-Eastern failed state, westernized cucks in Turkey are butthurt about it.
That painting is fucking cool. It's a shame these are so rare, the ones about Ottomans. Do you happen to have anymore?
Does OP realize Ataturk was also a dictator?
really made me think
Do you guys think 'dictators' like Erdogan are utterly delusional about what's best for their country? I mean do they really believe their way is the best way or what? Fucking with your people just because seems a bit overstretching to me.
I really want to get in their heads. Is it an illness? Maybe. We know power corrupts people, but then again in case of Erdogan, he did some good for his country. Economy wise Turkey was getting better last 10 years. I don't understand why he would fuck up all that he and his friends did. All this assuming he will become a tyrant of course. Maybe he won't go dark side.
>wanting a secular country is being a cuck now
Sure thing man.
Wouldn't you say he did good for his country though? Shouldn't there be a distinction between a 'good dictator' and a power hungry mongrel?
That's not how captcha test works you mouth breather
Dude the economy is built on a real estate bubble which will collapse gloriously.
Both the dollar and euro are almost 4 turkish lira also turkey has a huge import deficit.
Let alone that this faggot is pollarizing people which will harm the country way more than a fucked up economy.
Cuck's just a banter word you silly goose
I don't know man, it seemed he was doing some good at least.
Anyways, why do you think he is doing this shit? Is he deliberately trying to bring the collapse of Turkey? That is what I don't get.
What keeps fucking secularism in the Middle East is their retarded attachment to socialism.
You can't claim to represent progress and smart thought when you adhere to the most retarded economic system in the world, and unfortunately, all secularists in the region are also huge commies. Kemalists are actually more moderate in these regard, but Baathists, Nasserists, the FNL in Algeria, all commies.
The obvious result is that small and medium sized business, industrialists, entrepeneurs and merchants, who are an important part of society in any Islamic country, will cling to Political Islam. Just look at its history. It was the Bazaar of Tehran that financed the Iranian Revolution, it were the merchants of Syria and Egypt that financed the Muslim Brotherhood, and the support base of Erdogan in Turkey are merchants from the interior, the so-called "Anatolian Tiger", who were tired of the cronyism between families like the Koç and the Kemalist bureaucracy.
So, even as I dislike Islam, I still prefer it to socialism. So good riddance to Turkish socialism, long live Islamic Turkey free-marketland.
Ah yes, the free market of Islamic businesses over all and prohibitively high taxes on Christian and Jewish businesses.
It were the Kemalists who imposed high taxes on Greek and Jewish merchants and who have built the Turkish middle classes with expropriated Armenian property.
Literally who cares? Turks are savage baboons and whatever happens in their shithole is irrelevant.
Fine. Take a year where the the US is 51% Democrat and 49% Republican. They vote to silence all Republicans. Now, 26% of the voting population is BLM. They vote to silence the other 25% of the population. Now, 14% of the population is Marxist and 12% aren't. They silence them. Now 8% of the 14% left are anarchists. They ban all opposition and ban the government. A loud minority get what they want if you allow supression of dissent.
The Kemalists were obviously trying to build a bourgeois class which was pretty much non-existent in the Ottoman Empire apart from some christian minorities. I actually read somewhere that Ataturk was going to leave socialism behind once everything sorted out though I don't have anything to back that up.
>corridor to Europe
>gateway from Mediterranean to Black Sea
At least Erdogan has a good energy policy. He's going to hook up wires to Ataturks corpse and convert the spinning into clean energy.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how butthurt are republicans in turkey tonight?
hella, and I totally understand them. Probably first time a democracy has voted to dismantle said democracy.
>probably first time
>Veeky Forums - history & humanities
Prove me wrong roach
I'm not Turkish, but to insinuate this is the first time a democracy has greatly expanded the powers of its executive is nothing short of retarded.
Prove me wrong.
I think Venezuela did it first.
There's this fella named Hitler that most people reference. May have heard of him
Mugabe, Sisi, IR of Iran in general. Putin and Morsi are/were not dictators but did greatly expand the powers of the office whilst being approved of by their country's voter base
How the hell hasn't Erdogan been assassinated yet for basically instigating an Islamic government? I thought Turks loved Ataturk.