Why the FUCK is Russia so god damn fucking huge? How did some backwater alcoholic slavs with stone age technology 5000km away conquer so much of east Asia with such impunity? Why did the chinks or even the japs let this slide?
Why the FUCK is Russia so god damn fucking huge...
because they were well-positioned for taking over that land and because no one else gave much of a shit about it.
>stone age technology
u wot?
map projection, also frozen or bad land no one really uses
didn't the chinese have the foresight to just more a few settlers there to secure any potential resources and denying a foreign power ports right in the sea of japan?
It's cold
>what is the 1589 conquest of Siberia
>What is Ivan IVs conquests of Western Russia
Japan was never truly united until Oda Nobunaga united the country. By then Russia had already been established. China had a lot of internal problems and the rate of Chinese territorial expansion was limited by the logistics of managing an already large country (territory-wise and population-wise).
Why the FUCK is Canada so god damn huge? How did some backwater frogs with baguettes and poutine 4000km away conquer so much of North America with impunity? Why did the British or even Russians let this slide?
The short answer is that Mongolia collapsed and that northern Japan wasn't ethnically Japanese until recently.
Northern Japan was (maybe still is?) Ainu-majority, and Ainus didn't have a state-level society.
But the rosbif didn't let it slide. They ended up holding most of it
You retards still can't comprehend that before invention of modern industry nobody actually wanted to rule over huge frozen wastelands. Why would you even care about thousands square km of nothingness. Only in 19th century people realized that in the ground there are useful minerals that they can use.
Old Alien Babushkas helped them by teaching the Russians magick and how to survive in the cold with just a sweater.
You know furs are a thing right
He who controls the breeding grounds controls the aristocracy
First of all, the main source of income of nobility were taxes, nobody cared about fur trade
Second of all, there were more than enough furry animals west of Ural and south of Baikal at that time
You will never be able to understand history if you keep looking at it from today's perspective, and then you keep spamming Veeky Forums with dumbfuck retarded questions.
The fur trade was one of the primary motivations for the conquest, although it wasn't "trade" so much as tribute or taxation, paid in furs. This is very well documented.
Conquest continued into the 19th century, of course, but the bulk of it took place centuries before that. Russia reached the Pacific coast by the mid 1600s.
You're just wrong, dude.
Ten percent of the Russian state income used to come from the fur trade. That was in the 1600s.
Russia is a lot smaller than it should be. Everything on your map is rightful Russian clay.
It really is fucking huge too. The Tunguska event in 1908 literally didn't kill anyone(as far as we know), even though it flattened 770 square miles of forest.
you answered your own question, everyone else back then also thought they had stone age technology and russia grew too fast for others t notice
>not getting the meme
That was a fine reference btw
Furs were fashionable and as such profitable which is why you get barren lands, Dutch do the same in Chesapeake bay before it was habitable
Also the Russian economy used to be grain, furs and timber in that order before 1800
>as third Rome, Russia can lay claim to the Hypo-Finnish empire
But doesn't that exclude korea itself?
*dune reference
The extinction of European beavers was a big plug for colonisation of Canada
>Why did the chinks or even the japs let this slide?
Too busy with playing autistic hermit kingdoms to care about white devils taking over some worthless tundra.
Russia is big, but it isn't as big as standard world maps make it seem. There are videos on YouTube that explain the distortion and show comparisons in relation to the rest of the world.
I'm sure we've all seen a globe or used google earth at one point or another. It's still unjustifiably xbox hueg.