Are Jews God's Chosen People?

Since the crucifixion of Christ, are Jews still God's Chosen People?
What does this mean for us Christians?

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Yes. It means that you're following a syncretic heresy and none of it has any spiritual meaning.

t. a Jew

I mean within a Christian context

Matthew 27: 24-26

>24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”

>25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

I'll never understand American Protestantism fellatio to Israel.

>us Christians

>His blood is on us and on our children

Because Americans consider physical Israel to be the literal land of "god's chosen people". I always interpreted Israel in the spiritual sense. Jews don't have some higher standing on the list of who God loves the most.
>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I guess I'm still just a Christlet, but what impact do these verses have? What do they mean/what context/implications?

I dunno m8, my parents have a serious hard on for the Jews and the state of Israel.

Are they evangelicals/republicans? They're the ones that love Israel the most

Yup, both

And I love them and have no doubt for their devotion and patriotism, it's why I just don't get it.
I don't understand why we're supposed to have some sort of reverence to those who hate Christ in a Christian context.

The Jews are condemning themselves and their descendants and accepting the blame for Jesus' execution.

Maybe there's a distinction of the Jews they're talking about. You got the old Israelite Jews who were citizens of Judah and believed in Christ and then you got the other Jews who rejected Christ and followed their own religion(the Babylonian Talmud)

They're talking about the IDF in the Golan Heights-style Jews.

If that's the case then I don't why they would put Israel the Jews that occupy it on such a high pedestal? Perhaps American Christianity needs a few kinks to work out

T. cathar
>don't mind me just skipping mass to have an orgy
They were his first chosen people, but Jesus died so the whole world could be saved, the Jews are just first among equals

Isn't that more of a representation of the sinfulness of mankind killing Christ rather than the Jews specifically?
I care a lot more about the Jews rejecting Christ AFTER his crucifixion than their having him crucified.

That's my conclusion, but I'm here to have my confusions weighed against others.

>just add Babylon to the thing you don't like
Why are people so uncreative, medieval church teaching had toleration of the Jews as they represented the suffering of Jesus

>continuously get blasted the fuck out in every period of history and every country they try to inhabit
>lose every war and every battle they ever fight
>get bullied by camel fucking arab nomads and random troops of bandits who come by
>illiterate bedouins take their camels and the jews just stand there like cucks ("the jews wait for the camels." fascinating story)
>everyone and every people in history hate their guts
>think this is evidence that god is with them

Why are kikes so delusional? Just admit you picked the wrong god, or else your genes just need to die out. What a pitiful race. It's like the retarded kid in class who insists he's actually a genius, as his handler tells him not to crap under the table. You'd feel sorry for them if they weren't such unlikeable, arrogant, irritating little prats.

Is there a single more unlikeable race than the jews? Shit, they make turkroaches look like a race of kings and subsaharan african midgets look like noble warriors.

T. Pol/ neckbeard who browses /a trying to convert people that Trump really is anime
>lose every battle
Oh yeah that's why the kingdom of David was so small

Good news, I talked with them for a while just now, and it met somewhere in the middle.
Long story short, they admitted they really couldn't justify any sort of Jewish exception to Christ post-crucifixion.

The Kingdom of David was massive because David was a grade A piece of tyrannical shit, If you are a legitimate Christian then you'd know that the being a part of the New Covenant means the Old Covenant s void, the Old Covenant being that jews were God's chosen people, the New Covenant being that the gentiles (and any jews which wanted to convert) were to be God's chosen people after the jews betrayed their God.

After the Kingdom of David ,the jews got their shit pushed in by the Romans and, by constant infighting, made themselves diaspora. Even jews don't like jews.

Romans 9

Didn't refer to the second coming

Why would the death of a false prophet affect the status of Jews?

>legitimate Christian
>caring about tyranny
Did you get lots of chocolate on your egg hunt today? Did babby eat too much at once and throw up?

>yeah you guys, remember all those prophets I sent earlier, lol just fuck em, they don't count. Don't know why I bothered sending em anyhow, they were real bastards.

>Anyways toodles,

And people wonder why Christianity is dying

The jews weren't originally sent by God to be the chosen people, they made a pact with God then broke it, they were not "chosen" simply from creation.


>The jews weren't originally sent by God to be the chosen people, they made a pact with God then broke it, they were not "chosen" simply from creation.
What the hell does this have to do with what I said

I'm saying how can a Christian denounce a supposed prophet selected by God and confirmed by Jesus

thanks fornthe answer, Schlomo

Yeshua was a false prophet sent to lead the Jews astray during a unstable and sectarian time in Jewish society, and succeeded.The destruction of the second temple and the Diaspora proves this.

The important thing is the distinction that the Jews screwed up their own Covenant with God, not that God screwed the Jews. The former is in concordance with Jewish theology in which God punishes the Jews, but always forgives - hence the Jews incredible ability to escape total genocide. The latter implication of course is supersessionism - that God abandoned his people for gentiles. Of course the New Testament wont admit that they themselves wrote this latter implication, because it would unravel their entire replacement theology if it had to consider for other modes of monotheism using the original, unaltered word of God.

TL;DR Fuck the Notzrim

There are no Jews and Gentiles. Christ destroyed that distinction.

That's why Jesus said that stuff about first trying to educate his own people (the Hebrews) before giving the command to his disciples that they go out and teach the rest of humanity.

>israeli cop punches a jew
>/pol/beard uses it as a meme


>go out and teach the rest of humanity.
Just like Islam, but with a happy Disney PG filter with culturally appropriated syncretic bits from paganism.

At least Judaism was insular and tied to a specific land and ethnic heritage. As violent as the Jews historically were in their own back yard, you certainly would not say that their religion was imperialistic with aims of global conversion.

Not edgy but asking if you were American, as that's how the burgers tend to type on /pol
Also why do you think the New Testament is the only bible you need

>converting the masses to save them from eternal damnation is bad
What gives?

yes, they were Hod's chosen people and under their current pact were given visions. After they broke the pact, the visions didn't become null and void, the New Covenant was created not by a man of visions but by the son of God himself.

Sight seers are secondary sources, the Son of God is the primary source in itself. After the jews broke off from the way of the Lord through Jesus Christ their religious practices became outdated.

the Old Testament is still honored by Christians ffs its not just gone from the Bible

>why only include the New Testament

I don't, I'm not even Christian (anymore) but I'm also not some dipshit athiest either.

>Believe in our god or you are going to Hell!
Fuck off our religion is fine, we don't believe in Hell, why should we adopt a religion from a culture foreign to ours?
Fuck off Christfag
>*autistic christian screeching*

Its almost as if people have a natural resistance to religious colonialism!

no their goal was basically to softly genocide all their neighbors

>admitting it wasn't for the better

>foreign culture
But some are clearly superior to others

>Branch off religion co-opted by most powerful empire of the era, mass converting an entire continent, erasing indigenous cultures and eventually encompassing the globe

Christianity is about love and tolerance

>Bearded snackbar takes the best and worst parts of Christianity and Judaism and perfects a religion of conquest and submission, conquers and converts over 1 billion people.

Islam is the religion of peace

>Conquers (or emerges from) patch of desert the size of New Jersey, force competing local tribes and polytheists out, lose it to more powerful empires and religious schisms, suffer for 2000 years, come back, repeat same process of kicking competing tribes out, becomes powerful.


the question presupposes a god.

so no. it's just another tenacious meme.

What was the first crusade about

Christianity and islam are hyper expansionistic and violent religions wtf are you talking about. Christ's idea of the warrior is expressed pretty often, especially with the "then give unto Caesar what is due Caesar's, then give to God was is due to him" which implies that Christians will still support state sponsored violence. Islam and the Koran explicitly states that the execution of apostates is holy.

Jews are semites, arabs are semites. Both semitic religions are warlike, Christianity only slightly less so. Judaism just isn't expansionist, but it is still tribalistic as fuck.

What is your religion and why do you disagree with Christianity so much when it truly is the best religion



My point was despite having an extremely xenophobic and exclusionary culture, Jews in practice did not have nearly the same suffocating impact on their neighbors. As long as you lived on the other side of the river, other side of the mountain or other side of the separation barrier, Jews don't really give a fuck about you because they really don't give a shit about the rest of the world.

Christianity and Islam are "worldly" religions, moreso with Christianity given its successful symbiotic relationship with governance and imperialism. Islam did and still does have a parasitic relationship with governance, but is much more tribal than Christianity.

& Humanities was a mistake

>"then give unto Caesar what is due Caesar's, then give to God was is due to him" which implies that Christians will still support state sponsored violence.

What that passage implies is that you should submit to authority for the good of society and not worry about politics to the extent that it runs your life, because you should have your eyes set on God. Before telling the people to "give unto Caesar...", Jesus asks them to hand him a coin, then asks them whose face and inscription are on said coin. He then tells the people to give Caesar what is owed to him (money), and to give God what is owed to Him (praise).

The reason Jesus spoke these words to his people was because they were in a state of unrest and didn't want to pay Rome's taxes. The religious Jews assumed their messiah was going to throw off the shackles of foreign rule and set them free. Indeed, their messiah did come to set them free, but not in the way they were expecting. Instead, Jesus asks his followers to stop worrying about money and power and worldly things, and he tells them to be humble and serve.

>Jews are semites
Correction: jews were semites.
The current "jews" are fake jews.

>source: -/pol image macro that also has some cuckoldry images to boot

t. butthurt

dude died like a bitch, fuck christians they live lives of torture and slavery

>God's Chosen People

I've never even seen this defined.
Chosen for what?
Who is this supernatural being and why do you people want to be chosen by him so badly?

What if he chooses you to clean your room and do your homework? Are you ready for that shit, bucko?

>hasn't read the bible
>wants someone to explain the bible to him

Millennials were a mistake

A missionary travels to a remote village and tells everyone about Jesus. He tells them, “If you do not accept Jesus, you will burn in hell for all eternity.” Before the missionary leaves, the tribal elder asks, “If we had never heard about this Jesus, would God have sent us all to hell?” The missionary replies, “No, I don’t suppose God would condemn you due to your ignorance,” to which the elder replied “Then why did you tell us about him?”

Are humans still chosen by god? The moral you should have taken away from the story was that mankind forsook your son of god as it was jew on jew violence.
You aren't even missing the forest for the trees you are just looking at some rotten leaves thinking you got it all figured out.
Consider embracing a religion that embraces suicide and follow through with it.

iirc they're chosen to be in a contract with God, and as such follow rules that were set them to by God, like Kosher. That's it. Don't take my word for it, though

>this meme
Virtuous pagan is the principle that if you lived a good life but did not believe in god due to lack of knowledge you can pass into heaven
If you have orgies that turn slaanesh say are too much then you won't go to heaven

I the LORD have called unto you in righteousness, and have taken hold of your hand, and submitted you as the people's covenant, as a light unto the nations.

I heard that Jews were literally the last people on earth to receive God, and b/c of that He couldn't just drop them for being evil like all the others.


At what age did you read the Holy Bible to completion, my son? How has it made you a successful, charitable person? You don't seem very peaceful for it.

thx spoonfeeders

Why do people who don't know anything about Judaism, or haven't even read a page of the bible/OT make threads and posts about a culture they probably have no real experience towards?

Fucking what?
The OP was a question, not a statement.

And your answer doesn't even make sense.

Fuck off, will you?

Their house has been left unto them desolate, only those who are grafted into Jesus Christ, the Vine, are chosen.

Keep pulling shitty excuses out of your ass, it must have meant to the 1.4 coming.

The Jews are in deep shit no matter how you look at it
If the Bible is true but God isn't real then the Jews have been genocidal chauvinist maniacs since their history began.
If the Old Testament is true but not the New and God is real then the Jews are literally the blueprint for how not to be- all they ever did was kill the prophets or fall into idol worship, eventually being exiled numerous times.
If both the Old and New Testament is true and God is real then "being Jewish" has literally no meaning anymore and is merely a clinging onto worldly traditions, which Paul warned against.
That and the New Testament is literally "Jews killing Christ then hunting and persecuting Christians before Rome btfo's them as Christ prophesied".

Isaac was the chosen child to sacrifice to create a bond with Jah

Jews are the Isaac of humanity and get punished for being chosen

Judaism practices sacrifice and is fundamentally sacrificial.


No, they are parasites.

You're missing the option that gnostics had it right, which is the true one, btw.

>gnostics had it right
Which is what? That the God of the Old Testament is a Demiurge?

That also means the jews are "in deep shit" as user put it as they turn out to be the servants of the Demiurge.

And if the New Testament holds truth on the Old Testament, this is by itself a qvasi-gnostic notion as the clinging to "material laws" (lesser laws) is obsolete.