Except for Holocaust and De Bello Gallico, what are some hystorical mass murder campaigns and their relative purposes?

Except for Holocaust and De Bello Gallico, what are some hystorical mass murder campaigns and their relative purposes?

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>De Bello Gallico
>mass murder campaigns
Nigga what? You might well count it as population displacement, but it certainly wasn't a mass murder campaign, unless you consider ww2 a mass murder campaign against russians.

>it certainly wasn't a mass murder campaign
He ran amok and called it a great military victory more than a few times user.

Of course user, that is debatable and we can discuss about it. The point is that I need some stories about violent campaings focused against one population and their purposes.
That was more to give you a range of acceptability from the extreme line of holocaust to the high-mid tier of De Bello Gallico.
I need population left close to extinction for narrarive purposes and also good hystorical material to read for personal culture :)


Star Wars?

Haha, no no, I want to fuck one of those. Cathars were a weird sect of Catholicism in southern France that the Pope launched a crusade against to wipe them out of existence.

>population left close to extinction
>De Bello Gallico

Well regardless, if you want attempts at ethnic genocide, you can look at the turks: armenians assyrians and greeks all copped it bad.
Or the Rwandan genocide. Or the Zhungars.


Technically not a genocide but it may as well have been: War of the Triple Alliance

By some estimates 90% of the Paraguayan male population was killed in battle or massacred.

Although to be fair they did start it.

>Ottomans against Armenians
>cementing Islamic rule and getting rid of any potential Christian uprisings/insurrection during WWI

And don't forget their earlier genocide against Greeks in Anatolia, especially the Pontic greeks.

>unless you consider ww2 a mass murder campaign against russians.

It literally was you retard.

Of course, but what was done to the Armenians dwarfs that.

Mass murder campaign against Russians by russians

>3rd punic war

>purpose: fuck carthage


>haha, no no, I want to fuck one of those
>I want to fuck one of those
>fuck one of those

The Germans and the Herreros

is your condition of "mass murder" genocide or is it "just kill a fuckton of people"

oy vey! what a shoah!