Why are chinks soo FUCKING successful.
This chink makes 40k a month....
Why are chinks soo FUCKING successful
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they have zero morals they cheat and kill to get their way
for every one successful chinko thats a million chinks he sacrificed that you dont see
this chink makes 100btc a month...
Can testify.
Never, EVER, work with chinks.
whites take lands of other people, take resources and ask why other people cant pick up when they leave
trips of truth.
Have worked with some chinks successfully but you have to be careful and cover your ass 3x over.
>1mil likes
its not about how many resources you have, its what you make of them
britbongs had fuckall on their incestual island and yet it was enough to build some ships and convince many a nigger tribe to sell their own men for some clams they found a couple of miles away from shore
this, they are soulless sociopaths and have zero ethics
>Not using PoW currency over fiat
butthurt african scammer detected
naval ships were invented by arabs. which went to the spanish.
britbongs were the last to slave trade and the first to abolish it.
There's a difference between fucking over your own country men and taming the local natives.
>sorry for all those roads, hospitals, infrastructure we built
Oh well they didnt even maintain it
Other african countries WISH they had been colonized, for all the benefits they would gain
Worthless people
We're living in the Kali Yuga.
/pol/ detected
nobody wants infrastructure to remove the area's resources while you kill the locals and chop off their hands for rubber production
Watching a chinese guy in a pink polo rap is a bizarre experience.
actually they had niggers doing the hand chopping as well
Op is jealous of Asians success. KEK. Already deeming himself as a low value.
lmao no
Nah, it's just that he grew very quickly in a short amount of time.
Wow, i love hindu texts. Avadhut is my favorite
>implying whites aren't just zero moral cucked faggots
That's exactly what niggers say about white people.
I talked to my chink former roommate the other day when he passed through town. He lives off the income of some rental properties. The guy is basically a NEET who shares a studio apt. with his mom.
Some of his ideas are sound, but others are shady.
For example, he has an ADD prescription that's filled monthly, but he drop ships it to someone for an easy $1200/year.
I've had nothing but good experiences with chinks when it comes to business. They've always came through without trying to fuck around or play games. I don't understand all the chink hate
It's all relative man,
These r kids on this board bro they hate on anyone better than them. Probably saw a chink at their college in a brand new bently daddy got em, now they resent outta jelousy
One chink in college was a dumb fuck with a 2.0 gpa. The other chink was a backstabbing cutthroat bitch.
Actually we just passed the Kali Yuga stage
Chink is hating on merchandise
Wow. Where does he sell it for that much?!