The Biblical account in both Luke and Acts states that Jesus - in a very literal manner - began to float upwards as he "rose" to Heaven. However, no Christian today actually believes that Heaven or God's domain is literally in our sky - so why did Jesus physically rise and float away into the atmosphere? After all, for all effects and purposes, Christians believe Heaven is in some other dimension. So the account of Jesus floating away just leaves us with a petty God/Jesus, who flies away exclusively for the aesthetic effect of impressing his followers, even as he hypocritically and explicitly warns his believers to not ask for miracles or grand displays.
Sure, I know the answer is that the story is simply a folk-tale, but I want to see how the Christians struggle to defend this one. The response better not be "it's a metaphor", because then I have to ask on what criteria this account is "metaphorical", and, once having this criteria, how perhaps these should be applied to other accounts in the New Testament.