Most Underrated Presidents
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>motives are hard to find fault in
He stayed out of it until public opinion made it impossible to do so and then used it to cement the US' position as a world superpower while simultaneously cementing alliances with the most powerful nations on the winning side. Also he was right about much of what he proposed in the 14 points and wasn't really "wrong" about any of it, there were just some things that didn't really matter.
He was terrible though.
His terribleness has been greatly exaggerated and all of the good he did often gets forgotten.
-Van Buren
A couple more are judged too harshly but I focused on those I thought deserve recognition. It would be so much easier making a list of overrated president which would include the biggest fuck up of all - Wilson taking the first spot.
>Andrew Jackson is a villain
sends a trail of tears down my face
Public opinion favored staying out of the yuropoor's war though. That's literally what won him his second term.
Grant never did anything actively terrible
He was used to people falling in line and working towards a common goal and respecting authority from his army days. Only thing is is that people will try and fuck you over for their own gain in the world of politics, and he was unable to muster an effective counter to this.
Nixon. For all the shit he gets for watergate, he did a tremendous service to us with Kissenger by widening the Sino-Soviet split and opening china to the west, instituted the clean air and water act, ended the Vietnam war and brought about much needed fiscal and policy reforms. In addition, he also added a good number of national monuments and parks.
I also find an anecdote that he shared in his memoirs kind of funny; when he pressed Johnson about Kennedy's death, he always squirmed and nervously deflected the question.
he had good intentions and didn't do much personally wrong apart from trusting people too much. but intentions matter very little compared to results. He was the one who appointed or didn't replace officials and the buck stops with him.
>oversaw a transformative election
>made America prosperous
>made America an empire
>staffed his administration with good, competent people who would go on to lead the Republican party for a generation
>insanely popular and beloved
>nowadays forgotten outside of "the guy who was shot so TR could be president"
>made America prosperous
He literally supported the highest tarrif rates. He contributed nothing. The boom came a couple years before him and then a whole generation after him. He just lied to some Filipinos and Cubans.
Go to bed William Jennings Bryan.
Bryan literally had the same opinion about tarrifs and also supported bimetalism. Cleveland all the way.
Based Jimmy Carter
Radical Reconstruction was such a massive failure that it fell apart before he even left office. He was so corrupt and incompetent that "Mr Abolition" himself Charles Sumner hated him by the end. Grant was seen as a bottom 3 president for over 100 years after the civil war for good reason. It's only recently that left wing scholars are trying to make him into some civil rights icon. Not to mention he started us down the road of imperialism.
He'll always be my gold standard.
Cleveland was a complete gold standard cuck
All he cared about was making NYC jewish bankers money
I feel you /pol/.
Have sound fiscal policy but let jews make money or fuck up the economy but make jews sad as well.
Choices choices.
>He literally supported the highest tarrif rates.
High tariffs which helped lead to the second greatest depression in America's history.
Naïve child, you think we got in ww1 because of a ship? It was to secure repayment American loans to the allies. I bet you think we bombed Syria because "muh dead kids" too
Among other things but yeah.
Aside from Truman, they're all shitty people no matter how you slice it.
William Howard Taft is /myguy/
>Brilliant lawyer
>Brought peace to the Phillipines as Governor
> Served as Secretary of War for Teddy Roosevelt
>Asks to be made Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
>TR convinces him to run for President
It's all down hill from here guys. That fucking Cowboy LARPing chad convinced smart but shy Taft to run for a position he didn't really want. Teddy gets remembered as "DA TRUSTBUSTAH" but it was Taft who really brought the hammer down on the monopolies, but he was so fucking humble about it that it gets forgotten. Then this bullshit happens
>Roosevelt decides he wants to be president again
>"Heh, nothing personal kid"
>But teddy you were my friend what the fuck
>splits to Republican vote
>Woodrow Racist Wilson wins
At least Harding finally gave him the CJ job. And that bathtub story was the original fake news.
This. Also Kissinger was a net good
Sexy Nixon
The worst part is that the main reason TR decided to run against Taft was because Taft went after US Steel whom TR liked. Yet somehow Teddy is remembered as Mr progressive.
he looks like he is about to bully me in the locker room and leave me there with creamed boypuss laughing about it with the other jocks