Industrial revolution

>Industrial revolution

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Anarcho-primitivism is the future

at least it got us rid of smallpox and shrunk birth mortality

Industrial revolution gave you your chinese cartoon, weeb. now fuck off

t. Pol Pot


Nobody alive today knows what things were like before the industrial revolution, fuck off

The world went downhill ever since.

Man, why can't we keep banging rocks like the old times?
Fucking discovery of metals ruining everything

You know there were people living at the time that wrote about it, right?

Was inevitable.

then so was the holocaust

The Jews were asking for it and everybody knows it

What about people in Asia still farming by hand or using draught animals

You wouldn't be able to conveniently end your own life with that handgun if it weren't for industrialization.

Literally nothing is stopping you from going to some rural non-industrialized shithole and being a subsistence farmer. You won't though, because that's a miserable life to live. As a few hundred million people in China right now can attest to.

>Literally nothing is stopping you from going to some rural non-industrialized shithole and being a subsistence farmer.
Except having being born AND raised in a purely metropolitan industrialised society therefore having no knowledge of how to live a lifestyle that would be the absolute opposite

God I wish I was born in pre-industrial times so I could have died minutes after birth.

You have access to far more knowledge about it than those born into it.

one thing is aquiring knowledge by yourself at a older age, another completely different thing is being born in an environment where you aquire the needed knowledge yourslef

Don't they use some things dependant on industrialization like tolls, medicine or famine relief?

heh complaining about the industrial revolution on a website created by industry...

a bit ironic ay ;)

Unabomber was right about literally everything

You guys are basically trannies.

>I'm actually a medieval peasant born in a 20th century body
>Why must cis-temporal society pressure me into using toilet paper, why can't I shit in the streets?
>Fuck your industrio-normative standards of living, I have the right to bubonic plague, my body my feudal lord's rules

You just don't get it. You deserve to be raped by plague and feudal lords.

are you denying modern society is not a favourable environment to a kid growin up for the kid to later in life adopt a pre-industrialised lifestyle?
Now unlike trannies I don't victimise myself nor do I blame society: it's just the way things are, how it works. But it is factually so nonetheless

What? I can't figure out what your saying.

Modern industrial society (not African-tier shitholes) is better because you don't die of a common cold, because you don't shit on the streets, because you have access to unlimited information, entertainment and the opportunity to pick up any interest, hobby, skill or creative outlet that you want, because our cities aren't plague infested death traps, because slavery is outlawed, because no matter how poor you are you probably won't starve to death, because bad weather won't result in the deaths of thousands to millions, because murder and crime are rarer than ever, because you didn't grow up sleeping in the same bed as your parents while they fucked, because you don't have half a dozen siblings who died in infancy, etc.

If you can't thrive in modern society, because you're mentally ill or disabled or stupid, you would almost certainly be far worse off in a preindustrial society.

That has literally nothing to do with what I said.
Leave any judgment of which life standards are better behind, it's not what we are discussing.
My point is that being born in a industrialised society, where everything is provided to you by your parents until well after adolescence, where your daily life is occupied by education until you are ~18-21 years old (varies according to exact country and what kind of degree you go for), a society where everything is based around money, offers you basically 0 education and practice for anything that would be useful if you wanted to reject such a society and live a pre-industrial lifestyle. Again, I'm not saying this is good or bad, I'm just saying this is how it is, and what follows from this is that
>Literally nothing is stopping you from going to some rural non-industrialized shithole and being a subsistence farmer
is a very naive and reductive statement

the mere fact smallpox has been made exctint makes any comparison between them now and us then hard

But I didn't make that statement. I think you replied to the wrong post.

the reasoning seemed to go hand in hand with that post, my bad I guess

Anarcho-Primitivism with Anime Characteristics is the only way to ensure the survival of the human species, ala Humanity has Declined.
For the next 50 years we must practice extensive selective breeding and genetic engineering to make mankind more animesque, then when we have reached this Utopian state the technological apparatus will be pulled down to reduce us to a primitivist lifestyle. The most advanced of us will live in a anarchistic collective reminiscent of Sumerian Ur, and future progress will be checked by the monster girls and extremely powerful anime women we created.

Sup Nick Land.

that shit good my nibba
fuck off with that shit

Without the anarcho aspect of primitivism (whether enforced by common consensus or anime girls) the accelerationist nature of power structures will inevitable lead us back to where we are.
You literally cannot be a primitivist without being an anarchist.

>mom didn't get me the iphone I wanted and now I hate everyone

how would Anarcho-Primitivism with Anime Characteristics hold up against ISIS-like post-apocalyptic warlords

they'd kill you (after torturing you for their amusement) and your qt waifu would be seeded by tall muscular black guys and made to birth a dozen black babies before living out her days as an old hateful crone in some dusty desert village with faint memories of that annoying naive beta she fell for for because she was too young to know what is best for her, she will resent not finding a tall Chad who actually had spirit and did things with his life even if he had to go outside and deal with shitty people and work day after day like a real man

anarcho-anything is just pure utopia
we need tribalist-primitivism, clans with leaders

Because they've been genetically modified to be like the powerful anime babes in my battle harems. They could tear an ISIS fighter limb from limb faster than you can rip tissues from their box to masturbate to cuckold porn.

The clan is its own leader. Tribal democracy is more effective than the civilised model. Powerful men get taken away by the anime girls and raped until they're subdued.

this cunt knows what's up

I though anime couldn't be more cancerous. yet Veeky Forums keeps proving me wrong.


Of course, dumb phoneposters like you will have to die for my utopia, but I think we can all agree that it's a necessary and noble sacrifice on your part.

And those people only saw the early factories. They didn't see the technological/medical advances of late industrialism.


What the fuck is going on in this thread

How will you develop this genetics tech before anyone else then implement it and overpower them before they stop you? To have the slightest chance of success you would need to get off Veeky Forums now and devote every waking moment to your dream, even then your chances are slim because you'd have to abide by your anarcho-primitivist ethos which vastly reduces your options.

Nice cuckold joke but you're still not thinking this through, and you'd be the cuckold not me.

Ani-rcho Primitivism. You're free to join in, but I haven't finished the manifesto yet.

get out, normy

I got swords, I train with swords and I got an extensive knowledge on historic executioners. If you need a fast, humane, sustainable and environmental friendly way of killing all those mobile shits and other millennial abominations, let me know, I'm happy to help.

Because the acceleration of capitalist processes is leading to a planar model of technological distribution. Think Oryx and Crake, we won't be need to tear down a pyramid, we just need to cover the carpet in gasoline and set it on fire.

Thank you! I personally think the guillotine is the most human way to execute people (if it must be down at all), but am fundamentally opposed to its use due to its connection with the authoritarian state and the commercialisation of slaughter. The only thing we will take from the French is the decimalisation of time, feel free to be a Scharfrichter, just use a mercury counterweight in your sword!

Very few people wrote about it.
You will find a lot of shitty surface pokes, maybe some comparisons, but very few where honest about the changes.

I mean, the Industrial Revolution started during the 1800s, and "mostly" finished around the mid of the 1900s.
As much as there is documentation, there really isn't.
It especially shows in the deeper literature, such as The Invisible Hand, or anything longer by Marx.

People interested in power are more determined than you and there are a great deal more intelligent than you who spend their time studying at MIT instead of on Veeky Forums.

Instead of creating crakers or anime catgirls they'd create purpose built killers to do their bidding.

You would be at a severe disadvantage in any case.

I mean to create a race of gods, not slaves.
Your hatred of anime and blindly worshiping effort has left you marooned in an isle of ignorance.

..was the product of something greater!

>mfw this thread is a commentary on how utterly retarded and naive anarcho primitivism and how self defeating it is
Shine on, crazy anime poster

t. Goebbels

Enjoy getting v& retarded anime freak.

>hurr revolution cuz the catgurls told me

Science was a mistake

>led to romanticism
I'm ok with this

I'm hoping for the next romantic movement to be a reaction against the information age
>social media and fake news were a mistake

I just want to die for my feudal lord. Is that too much to ask for?

I quite like neo-medievalism.

There won't be any feudal lords because it'll be an anarchic voluntary society, moron

Well fuck you sir, I'd like to be back in the middle ages where the Church ruled everything

fuck you nigger I like my internet and cars and processed foods

also have pic related.
>information age
>huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism

>give us so much
>fake news

>passivity and egotism
>social media

You don't need to go back to the medieval time for that, just walk out your front door. The religious lobbies still control the moral and political tapestry of the 21st century. And they wield industrialism as the iron rod with which they beat us down in submission

I'm just tired of this technology and science shit in general though. Modern age believes too much in naturalism


Fake news is actually Orwellian. You're a fool if you don't think both are happening. One, by it's very nature, is just less obvious.

>1984 or a brave new world
why not both?

I don't hate anime, just stating the fact that a "race of gods" or anything remotely like it would not be anime catgirls or anarcho primitivist

If you were to create a race of gods, why would they cater to your catgirl fetish? They would immediately discard their forms and probably dissolve you into a kind of biosoup for use elsewhere since you are worthless to them.

oh fuck off

We will sing of great crowds excited by work, by pleasure, and by riot; we will sing of the multicolored, polyphonic tides of revolution in the modern capitals; we will sing of the vibrant nightly fervor of arsenals and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons; greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents; factories hung on clouds by the crooked lines of their smoke; bridges that stride the rivers like giant gymnasts, flashing in the sun with a glitter of knives; adventurous steamers that sniff the horizon; deep-chested locomotives whose wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses bridled by tubing; and the sleek flight of planes whose propellers chatter in the wind like banners and seem to cheer like an enthusiastic crowd.

only a moron would believe that.

so an average scrawny lanklet nerd with access to the internet has better chances at successfully live a tribal lifestyle than someone born in a tribal society?

Well you're obviously never going to get there with an attitude like that.

You could be going out hiking every weekend and prepping yourself for living in the wilderness. You could be reading survivalist books and chatting with military vets and other individuals who are experts at surviving in a harsh natural setting. You could be investing in the equipment necessary to make the transition.

You could be taking extended staycations in the wilderness of your choosing, getting yourself ready for life detached from modern conveniences, living in a small cabin and surviving off of whatever you are able to grow, hunt, catch, or scavenge on your own. You might do it for a month and then go crazy, you might do it for a few years and then be ready to re-enter civilization, or you could make the final transition and fully and permanently detach yourself from wider human society.

Or, you know, you could stay at home spanking your monkey to trap porn and bitching about the hassles and necessities of civilized living.

>why doesn't society teach all of it's members to leave society
Okay, first of all, you are retarded, second of all, due to the capitalist nature of the way society has developed there are people you can pay in order to taech you survivalism and living a preindustrial life, there are peoples like the amish and the like that you could enter and learn pre industrial ways, you could read books from the myriad of public libraries in modern 1st world countries.
It's your job to educate yourself on things you want to do, public education gives everyone a basic level of compentancy so they can personally develop their skills and apply them into their chosen fields, not to fellate your shit ideas about how society ought to be.

>yes i am very very primitaive, now my hulking genetic super beasts will rip you apart
You're looking for anarchoevilscientistism, dipshit

This is such horseshit, saying we're living in an orwellian dystopia or hulexian dystopia is fucking absurd, the implications that "real news" which would be information the author considers superior due to it's impact on society at large is not being drowned out because it's doubtful that the people who watch garbage like the kardashians would be interested in the geopolitical struggles and proxy war happening in syria, television audiences have grown because of the new information avaliable and speaking as someone who would like to think they're up to date with politics, i don't consume celebrity media, but as it's a popular section of information to consume the market provides it, people aren't being forced to divert themselves from serious important issues, the market sections are not the same, and the idea that any swagfag would be a philiospoher if not for the jersey shore is dishonest at best, if the media wasn't provided the consumers wouldn't be able to consume it, it wouldn;t change their tastes.

You're right, people don't seem to get that there have always been apathetic mongs, and always will be. For every one swagfag there are two people interested in politics, profession, history, the arts, etc and who spend their lives trying to fulfil these interests. Only difference is that instead of tilling their fields and tending their cows the apathetic peasant stock of today stack shelves and clean floors.

There are missionaries, biologists, and other niche interest white people who live quite successfully among tribal societies

for the love of God, again, yes, I could do that. Literally my only point is that starting to live a tribal lifestyle is not as easy as "just doing it", there's lots of preparation needed, it's not at all a trivial thing to do. Not saying it's impossible, not saying society oppresses me from doing it, just that the way our modern upbringing works is not directly helpful and to a degree even sets an additional challenge as we get accustomed to modern niceties and commodities
Among is the key word here. They don't live a tribal life, they live a normal life among tribal people

The holocaust was a logical consequence of modernism

this better be the same faggot posting anime, I don't think I can handle the realization that a majority of this board are weebs.

Veeky Forums is a board for weebs who are into history.

>I don't think I can handle the realization that a majority of this board are weebs

What if I told the vast majority of people on Veeky Forums love anime.

Even though I was originally planning to use a variety of motifs to shape my race of anime guardians, after considering how violently you react to the idea of catgirls it's obvious they bring to mind some primal, instinctual fear of the masses, and are therefore perfect for keeping you in a state of non-progression.

Remember, the future is a cute girl's foot on the face of humanity.

Alright I kinda like this guy, he's funny and anime catgirl waifus are just about the only thing that would make me consider anarcho-primitivism worthwhile.

Shine on you glorious bastard.


You need to rethink your life if Mongolian cave paintings can convince you into considering such retarded things


Forget the Industrial Revolution. We're living in the midst of a cybernetic revolution.

>tfw you are reading this on a taiwanese thimble collecting imageboard hosted on a raspberry pi someone's attic

This website was not created by the Industrial Revolution. This website was created by the Computational Revolution.


How are we not in a mix of both right now? Maybe not to extreme lengths but who is to say we aren't on it's way?