I know this quote comes from an animated cartoon, but it actually hunts me.
Is it love meaningless, just an escamotage to make us reproduce and nothing more?
Is it even happines achivable by a non-simpleton person?
I know this quote comes from an animated cartoon, but it actually hunts me.
Is it love meaningless, just an escamotage to make us reproduce and nothing more?
Is it even happines achivable by a non-simpleton person?
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I think it's a lot of bullshit myself, like 90% of the things that character says
Yes, this is why MGTOW is the future
>Reddit & Morty
Dude nihilism lmao
god, I really wish they did
He's right though, only retards are Into love, let alone sex
Ja essentially. A failed attempt to a relationship made me think about this:
why do I keep running after this things? What's the point?
Every aspect of your perception is a "chemical reaction". Do you belive your eyes?
that quote is so fucking reddit
I apologize for not being enough edgy, m'sir.
Why are millenials so obnoxiously materialist and literal? Almost everything can be boiled down to "Dude it's just a chemical reaction" and people have accepted and dealt with that reality for at least a century. It's not an argument.
The millenial philosophy is the usual, there is no god, there are no morals. They differ from boomers in that they have also abandoned all curiosity about their own consciousness, sweeping it up along with the "fairy tales" they want to abandon. Taking psychedelics and memeing about buddhist philosophy and connection to the greater whole is a thing of the past, they just want to get high, it is no longer about free love it is about pussy, it is no longer about creating a better society it is about exclusive parties, the little red ropes at a section of the club separating VIPs from everyone else.
>post thought about a quote
>millennials are so stupid and cares only about futile things xDDD
Doesn't matter
>Adrenaline is just a chemical that compels us to flee, just ignore it
See how stupid you are?
>being stressed
>adrenaline pumps in due to stress
>therefore I must flee
Pointless argument either
This reddit "love is meaningless xD" meme makes me want to get a gf out of contrarianism
almost everything can be reduced to being the sum of some lower level things
saying that you should ignore one of the most fundamental drives of human beings because "ITS JUST CHEMICALS LMAO" is retarded
If love is not meaningless, then what is it's meaning?
>since your brain determines your senses there is nothing objective, love is not an exception
>therefore ignore the meaninglessness and try to fight it
Y tho
"What is the meaning of love?" is an incoherent question, nobody has any obligation to answer it. Genuine love feels good: what else is there to say? Humans are social by their very nature.
>MGTOW is the future
But what if "it feels good" is not enough of an answer for many people to be satisfied with? Jizzing into a napkin alone in your room also feels good. Should I seek out love or should I just fap for the rest of my life? The whole point of philosophy is to question the world around us. Saying that a question is incoherent doesn't solve anyone's problems.
oh Lord, what is this acronym
I don't need anymore social convention acronymns
>Humans are social by their very nature.
That meme is so obnoxious. We contradict base instincts constantly, we have a cerebral cortex. There are varying degrees of socialization people take part in.
Nothing is objectively meaningful, except for the ability to assign meaning, which requires life, which requires love.
"Love" is a broad and amorphous term though. There's a reason Rick has to qualify that with "What people call", and then quote it. Love can be anything from a couple who simply like to fuck a lot, to the glint in an Eagle's eye as it spots a mouse scurrying along the forest floor.
I suspect things might be much simpler, if we had at least as many variants of the word "love" in the English language as the inuits have for "snow".
Although, in the sense he is referring to it, he is largely correct for the majority of cases.
Men going their own way. It's an autistic attempt at creating an opposite male equivalent to feminism coupled with the Ayn Rand "I'll take how great I am and leave and you'll all realize you should've appreciated me more" Atlas Shrugged idea.
That's retarded. Being in a romantic relationship with someone you are actually compatible with (i.e best friends, not just lovers) is awesome.
People don't get divorced, because the chemical reaction has faded, they get divorced because they were never truly compatible in the first place and married for looks, money, or social status.
When you find your best friend, you'll understand.
Oddly, most of the instincts we contradict, we do so because society forces us to. Our collective nature has a stronger impact on our individual nature than near anything else, and often warps it beyond all recognition.
I would say that they are two qualitatively different types of satisfactions, love being deeper. What is the purpose of negating such a basic drive? Isn't life dependent on untruth and pure instinct?
Only due to the collective derangement modern society inflicts upon us.
This is the answers that my original question was aiming to, not the whole "millenial = retarded xDDD was i funny to say that?"
As cliché as it is, the only meaning that exists is that which you ascribe. It is a choice to decide that love, country, freedom, morality and all the rest are meaningless. "Higher meaning" is not required for individual meaning or happiness. I believe happiness is an end in itself, tempered by respect for others happiness and success. By following your chemical "programming" you can achieve happiness.
Happiness is a reward for that which secures the individual, group, or species and that which naturally creates happiness is usually beneficial to yourself or others. Fighting it is pointless. Seeking to achieve happiness in other ways is a conscious choice as well and not incompatible with achieving it through more normal biologically reinforced mechanisms.
>90% of the things that character says
This. I'm confused as to why so many people don't realize this. Rick isn't a character that's supposed to be the voice of reason or wisdom, he's an immature, cynical asshole who's supposed to be fairly unlikable. Nothing he says is supposed to be taken seriously, it's just edgy cynical bullshit that's part of the character.
>he's an immature, cynical asshole who's supposed to be fairly unlikable.
perhaps that's why people like him, they can relate to him more, which is very sad.
Well, that, and part of the ongoing theme is that, despite the nightmarish multi-verse Rick has been witness to, he is nonetheless learning to "love".
Did you see the season 3 premiere? He never turned himself in for his family's sake. He's the same asshole as ever.
I'm sure we can all, at one point or another, relate to the idea that we're surrounded by idiots who are all wallowing in their own ignorance and degeneracy while being completely oblivious to how bad things really are, perhaps to the degree of being unable to function otherwise.
Which, yes, is a sad state of affairs, but it's even sadder to think anyone would suggest they've never felt that.
Rick is just the epitome of that state, in that he never leaves it. Simultaneously, he's resigned himself to be incapable of doing anything to change it, rendering him unlikable, yet sympathetic - like any old bitter curmudgeon.
It's ambiguous because he constantly lies about everything. See:
>There is no god, Summer.
>*prays to God when he thinks he's going to die*
Well obviously we can't have him fixed, or the series would come to an end. So, as with most episodic series, we just give the occasional illusion of progress.
Because you're trusting you nonobjective brain to tell you its nonobjective and you cannot actually prove it doesn't matter.
Correct that is what love is, but who cares? We're all just a bunch of cells that work together to make the Avatar that is you.
Love has whatever meaning you assign to it, there is no objective meaning of love, do whatever makes you feel good as long as you aren't being a dick
Nobody exists on purpose
Nobody belongs anywhere
We're all going to die
Come watch TV, OP
Reductionism is the disease of a sharp but lazy intellect
Is that the tips fedora guy?
That's retarded though. Evolution doesn't work like this, pre-civilization males just forced copulation. No funny romantic feelings needed, just sex drive and the physical strength necessary to overpower the female.
The irony is that they were trying to be edgy with this quote without realizing they're proposing a human pair-bond theory, which is the least edgy most popsci article-friendly of all of them.
>do whatever makes you feel good
>Nobody exists on purpose
But what if purpose is the only thing that makes you feel good? What if some sort of absolute goal is the only thing you really crave in life? What if just sitting around and watching tv like every other normie fuck brings you no joy? What if you want to be an individual instead of the bunch of cells we really are? OP is right in my opinion, despite the fact that it's a quote from a cartoon, it really does hurt in a brutal way to realize that nihilism can't really be argued with.
This show is so popular on campus and I don't get it. I watched the first couple episodes and it's all just edgy, pretentious, fedora shit. Do you guys actually think this shit is deep? Have you ever read a book besides the Hunger Games?
>t. Virgin
You ever just stop and think about the sheer mediocrity of things?
No, because I'm not mediocre.
Is there any point to seek love if it is not beneficial to me? Or should I seek the love of my fellow man for the sake of loving mankind?
>"Yeah, sure, I mean, if you spend all day shuffling words around you can make anything sound bad, Morty"
It's not meant to be deep, it's meant to be funny. Or if I had to put some unique characteristic to it, the show does funny / entertaining plots using a combination of weird sci-fi scenarios and Dan Harmon's love for compound layers of abstraction.
e.g. Rick creates a tiny universe to use as a car battery but someone in his tiny universe gets everyone to stop providing power the way Rick originally showed them because he invented a tiny universe of his own that can supply power and free them from laboring for it, but someone in that universe has invented a tiny universe etc.
Or the episode that was a simulation inside a simulation inside a simulation etc.
Or the episode where the Mr. Meeseeks generates a Mr. Meeseeks to help him help Jerry with his golf game, and that second Mr. Meeseeks generates a Mr. Meeseeks to help him help the first Mr. Meeseeks help Jerry with his golf game etc.
Or the episode where they split into two separate timelines because they became unstable after freezing their local time for so long, and then those two separate timelines each split up into two separate timelines etc.
Or the episode where they go inside Morty's math teacher's dream to influence him into giving Morty good grades but then they need to go inside a dream character's dream inside his dream to buy time to escape from Morty's math teacher killing them, but then they need to go inside a dream character's dream inside that dream character's dream inside the math teacher's dream to buy time to escape from being killed by the dream characters inside that dream character's dream etc.
Wow it's so deep. Lol... Really makes you think.... It's just supposed to show the character as an edgy nihilist. Stop looking too hard at it.
That's not funny, that just seems like its stuck up its own ass.
>That's not funny
I'm afraid you're not the only person that gets to decide, user.
I didn't ask for your goddamn opinion, asswipe.
This How do you know he was telling the truth when he said he did it for his own sake? He would never have admitted to doing it for them, even if that was the case.
Adrenaline is still a response to a very real situation.
Yes, he is
Wow you really didn't like him calling you a dumb millennial, did you user? You sure you're old enough to be on this site?
Wow, rude even.
But YOU are trusting your non-objective brain to tell you to fight the fact that it's non-objective.
The other side of the fence is supported by evidence.
Your argument only leads to bullshit like religion where there's no evidence but you pretend you're objectively correct anyways.
If this tard's parents had "risen above it", he wouldn't exist.
He hates his existence, though. That's his whole character. He's nihilistic. He would have rather never been born.
Then why doesn't he just bring his nihilism to its ultimate conclusion and kill himself?
He almost does, but honestly because it makes for a boring story when your protagonist is dead.
Because a true nihilist realizes that even killing yourself has no point. Instead he simply tries to numb himself by drinking so he doesn't have to think about the meaninglessness of his own existence. He's an alcoholic in the show.
Because good characters aren't just composed of one retardedly simple motivation and instead have lots of conflicting thoughts and feelings that play out and evolve over time. But wow, nice job almost catching a logical flaw, maybe next time buddy.
It would make for a lousy cartoon.
>Is it even happiness achievable by a non-simpleton person?
Yes, but it involves ignoring cartoons and having children all the same. Happiness is derived from perceived success, give that your singular purpose is to breed, breed, and do a good job providing for them.
>Happiness is derived from perceived success, give that your singular purpose is to breed, breed, and do a good job providing for them.
Not for non-simpletons...
Also, who are you to say what happiness is derived from? There are more than enough people that have children and still kill themselves.
does your mom know you're browsing Veeky Forums instead of doing your homework?
>Not for non-simpletons...
I had to correct 2 spelling mistakes to quote OP.
His point still stands, regardless of spelling mistakes.
Both false premise and also a misleading conclusion.
Firstly, not cell connections are chemical in nature. In fact, the vast majority are electrical.
Also, just because something is a natural process, that doesn't make it any less valuable. Nor any more for that matter. Love isn't the only kind of our subjective experiences in life that is bond to our biology. Everything else is as well. So why be particularly interested in refuting love?
Appeal to authority.
Someone is good at science, therefore everything he does/says is correct/good.
Works for Einstein, works for Rick
...But not everything Einstein said was correct.
...and he wasn't an asshole.
Though that shared hair suggests he may have been a comic relief character.
Happiness is the feeling of overcoming something, of growing power. Whether it's physical power, or artistic talent, or sex or whatever, true happiness is only obtained when you compete with yourself.
Nah, He's right
Sure it's true, but that doesn't make it any less valid.
When people reduce certain neurological phenomena as 'just chemical reactions', they seem to forget that all else neurological is also the product of chemicals. This includes their own thoughts and reasoning. Ergo, should the sensation of love be invalidated due to its mechanism, so too should be the process of reasoning.
Literally this. Get over it, manchild
So has the r/socialism takeover carried on succesfully?
Trust me, it's beneficial to you. It's a great background high and inner warmth. Of course, it takes work.
>Veeky Forums is more women than men
When did this happen?
He is right though
Wow you're stupid
No, it means there are more women browsing the chan than there are women constituting the population of the general internet.
Just too drunk to read the entirety of a sentence, so in that respect I'm stupid as fuck.
How is the population of the "general internet" measured?
>But YOU are trusting your non-objective brain to tell you to fight the fact that it's non-objective.
So are you.
>The other side of the fence is supported by evidence.
Only according to your nonobjective brain which is the whole problem.
In the end, that argument is basically just solipsism.
Mickey's last sentence points towards the better argument though: As a conscious being, you make meaning. If you're going to determine everything is meaningless, that meaningless world is of your own making, and further, you've failed the most essential test for and usage of sapience.
So will you fight, or are you merely a dog?
Those with will and reason make meaning and grand judgements, and it irks me no end when a maker of meaning declares meaning meaningless, simply because nature isn't so cruel as to provide any for him objectively, beyond the dichotomy of existence and non-existence. It is the very peril of a shallow mind Nietzsche warned of when he described nihilism as merely a hazardous step in the journey towards something greater and more complete.
But Rick's a dick, and he doesn't get that - and that's pretty much the entire point of his character. He's stared into the abyss and he's never stopped staring. This is not a state unique to cartoon characters, but if anything, he serves as a mockery of it.
>hurr meaninglessness is meaningless
thanks for encouraging proselytism you ivory tower moron
>animated cartoon
Is there some other kind of cartoon, you wretched woman?
Hello, Reddit
A cartoon typically just refers to a 2D illustration. not all cartoons are animated.
The purpose of life is to find purpose in life.