What kind of warped view of the world would you have being historically ignorant? What is history like for normies?
How can so many people find History to be boring?
They all only care about the "cool" parts, like D-day or the Mongol Conquests, or the Crusades or dumb shit like that. They don't care about the machinations and major changes that history made.
But what do I know, I just play Paradox games.
The history taught in public schools suck so i cant blame them
They see things purely in terms of utility. History to them is something of the past, it's a foreign place and they do things differently there. They believe that society is inexorably moving forward towards a more "civilized" and pleasant existence and that looking back will raise the spectres of undesirable shit like nationalism, genocide and the brutal building blocks that make up modern nation-states.
>What is history like for normies?
Hitler, WW2, Rome, Declaration of Independence
>tfw IRL nobody ever heard of the Austro Hungarian empire at all
>tfw people on the internet have an encyclopedic knowledge about it
>tfw your broad vague knowledge about it puts you head and shoulders above the normalfags but you're pretty much a mental midget compared to people who consider themselves history buffs
I just don't belong fuck this gay earth
They really don't think that deep.
Not everyone, but a significant part of society don't give a shit about any intellectual pursuits.
For normies, history is basically
Beginning of time – 1900: evil white Christian males oppressing womyn and PoC
1900-2017: social progress
Live long enough to see it repeat or be rewritten in front of your eyes and it suddenly becomes rather fascinating.
>Not everyone, but a significant part of society don't give a shit about any intellectual pursuits.
I agree. However the view of widespread public ignorance doesn't gel well with a lot of social commentary that makes large assumptions about what people do/do not think or know.
"Normie" is a convenient shorthand for the average basic-bitch though
Same here fampai. Just enjoy your stem degree and history as a hobby.
It is astounding that in my extremely limited knowledge of history how above and beyond my understanding is than the average person. Even people I consider intelligent. Most stem degree holders have almost no historical knowledge at all. It's mindboggling.
Majority of people are functionally illiterate. There is a reason why education was a privilege of the very few for the most part of human history. You can teach a person to read and write, you can shove things into their brain by force but in the end they will still have the mindset of a child.
Very few possess a natural inclination for broader learning that goes above utilitarian goals. Most people just stay on tracks laid before them and follow until they reach a dead end.
Veeky Forums is pretty shallow itself
it's mostly talking about wars, or talking about things in the way it lead to wars or things that used in wars
yet the most popular thing to do on his is taking the bait
But user crusaders were a capitlistic machination
like if christians were the west and muslims the communists and the middle east germany
>what's history like for normies
>medieval Europe
>American Revolution
That's pretty much it
I'm always amazed over the fact that humanity owes basically everything we've become and done to like 0.001% of people.
It's worrying and confusing. It must just feel like being lost without any knowledge of how we got here. It must be like being born at 25 with all your currently knowledge but no memories of before 25.
One thing i like to do is ask people when they think planes, cars and electricity was invented.
It's hilarious when people say cars were invented 300 years ago or planes in medieval times, and these are people with good jobs and intelligence.
Because it's objectively boring. Bunch of irrelevant shit that happened long ago to a bunch of dudes I'll never meet? Hard to find anything of interest in it.
You could make that statement about literally anything just by changing a few words.
Get off this board then.
My cousin until today did not know why there were 2 Korean nations.
Or that not every country the US fought was communist.
He is 27.
He admits he feels like he knows nothing of the world because he only cared about his own immediate surroundings and feels stupid though.
Most people don't worry about things they cannot change or has 0 effect on them. Stoicism at its finest. Literal by-product of western philosophy. I'm the East, the average person cares a lot more about history.
Really? Average Chinese or Japanese strikes me as a soulless robot even more so than a Westerner.
>and feels stupid though.
Because he is.
Chinese really don't have souls, hearts, emotions or a conscience. Japanese have all of these things, maybe even moreso than westerners. They're just incredibly outwardly reserved and have very formal customs dictating public interactions.
It's the way it's taught.
(((They))) don't want you to learn from past mistakes so they don't emphasize it or make it easy to understand for people. They make you memorize shit like "Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492" but they never tell you that the Turks took over the Silk Road so they had to find a new route to India. They tell you that the Holocaust happened because of an irrational hatred of Jews but they don't tell you that Jews started a civil war before Hitler stepped up.
They make you memorize a bunch of factoids and become trivia wizards and pass a beanbag around but it never becomes a learning experience. Exactly what (((they))) want.
It's like you were with me k-12
So, you aren't cynical about "normies" being intellectually un-curious?
Life is not that black and white friend.
If you are an anglo, you should be aware that you might be talking to actual austrians and hungarians. Kids in serbia, bulgaria and greece probably know more about Byzantium that most people here and people here know their shit.
>that Jews started a civil war before Hitler stepped up
legitimately have never heard this. what happened?
Wow that's so great that you beat the system. congrats.
Yes, it's all a jewish conspiracy, everything's a jewish conspiracy.
You're so fucking blind, they want you to think it's the jews, it's something far greater than your puny mind could even fucking fathom.
Those who learn from history are condemned to teach it.
I think he refers to the German Revolution of 1918
German Revolution of 1918–19
started by communist jews Paul Levi, Eugen Levine, Rosa Luxemburg. They led an army of 2 million to establish a communist nation right after WWI.
>stoic philosophy is a policy of pure ignorance
People nowadays, like people throughout all of human history just pay attention to what's directly in front of them and how they feel about it. Not think, but feel. That is not stoicism you oriental fuck
because history (and geography, and philosofy, and law, and many other humanities) as taught in school is just an endurance challenge for your memory, or at least it was for me
i was supposed to memorize dates, names, and general actions going on between people without ever having a discussion of why shit was relevant,
i was never told columbus enslaved and tortured people, i thought he just arrived, set up some trade routes a la Marco Polo and lived a happy life
i was never told the amerindians had their own political strife when the colonist arrived
i just had to memorize fact after fact without ever understanding (until now that i read aboit those topics on my own free time) why slavery was bad, why segregation is not good (you could not even dare ask those questions in school) or what was the fucking relevance of the renaissance
Warning: Massive redpill
A lot of the Irish came here as indentured servants though, at least my ancestors did.
Probably because they can't comment on it and get upvotes or likes.
Lel this meme is a joke, jews are uncomfortable with people pointing out their disproportionate so they cook up a false equivalence. Pathetic.
you're forgetting carl liebknecht was a christian and he led the spartacist revolt.
An uprising is not the same as a civil war
Karl Liebknecht was not Jewish, but you conveniently left him out.
>They led an army of 2 million
No they didn't.
You're literally talking about a period when there were a shitload of fascist uprisings occurred too. The stereotype for Jews is that they're rich, greedy entrepreneurs or bankers, so why the fuck would they even "mostly" support the communists?
Can I also request that you stop making up facts?
I wonder how people like that go about their daily lives. They don't realise that their way of life today was made possible by people in history, and that they themselves will be considered history to future people whose lives they will influence, to a positive or negative degree.
It's impossible to understand the way the world is today without history.
The Turks didn't take over the Silk Road you fucking idiot. It was the Venetians and Egyptian Mamluks monopolizing the trade between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean and driving up prices for Indonesian spices. The Portuguese had already rounded Africa by the time the Ottomans took over Egypt.
You spout off the kind of shit you'd read in a crappy high-school textbook and act like you've uncovered some kind of lost knowledge. How much of a fucking moron can you be?
I know a woman who's an accomplished geneticist. She says "History buffs are such nerds, I can't remember all those fucking dates." which I found amusing.
Knowledge connects with prior knowledge. Learning in a field you're somewhat educated is a lot easier than diving in as an autodidact. Interest also plays a part. Some fields like philosophy, theoretical physics and set theory can get rather abstract so I can see why people find it hard to hold their concentration. History seems similarly "floaty" to a lot of people.
Yeah, it always has to be Jews, doesn't it faggot? It's not like white people that disagree with the "jewish conspiracy theory" could possibly make an image ridiculing it. That would be too simple. Everything that contradicts you has to add to your gay little paranoid narrative.
I still don't understand how/why people pidgeonhole themselves into one area of study though. I'm a biochemist and I still love learning about history, philosophy, religion, etc. My co-worker (biomedical engineer) and I were talking about religion the other day (she is Anglican) and she had no idea that she fell under protestantism. She also didn't know what the Orthodox Church was or that Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam all are religions "of the book." My ex gf's family is Polish (her grandparents were off the boat) and she knows next to nothing about the history of her people. It just boggles my mind how people can be so ignorant of even the things that are related to them directly and don't even give a shit about that fact.
A Polish flatmate once told me "Never trust a Bulgarian" - I wonder what historical factors are behind that statement that he is probably unaware of, yet still influences his view on the world.
Convince me that history is important to know.
What difference does it make if a jew made it or a goy who wanted to prove his 'greatest ally' status made it.
You should get out more and talk to real people. Most people barely know what D-day is, and all they know about the Crusades is that it was a thing that happened at some point.
>what is history like for normies
"A bunch of people killing each other in increasingly common ways because Homo Homini Lupus, amirite?"
Fuuuuuuuuucking this
>Be miles ahead of the learning curve when it comes to normies and casuals
>On Veeky Forums, I'm just some ignorant little faggot
>How can so many people find History to be boring?
Because 99.9% of humans are retarded plebes with no higher thought or consciousness whatsoever.
>lol what's on tv?
>lol what's for dinner?
>lol I have to go to school/work tomorrow
>lol time to go to bed and do it again
Not answering for everyone ITT, but for me, no two greater factors have influenced my life for the better than an appreciation for history, and an appreciation for the weights.
History teaches you humility, how to come to terms with your human nature. It places your ethical, moral quandaries in a relative plane of space so that you become undistracted from the boundaries of the 21st century.
It teaches you to appreciate your life, and enjoy your body so that it may live in harmony with your mind. Pretty much, all hippy-dippy bullshit aside, what I'm trying to tell you is that history is like anthropology, is like psychology, is like self-discovery.
You learn history to learn about humans, to apply to the humans around you, and to apply to yourself. The study of history is the study of humans, which, recently, has been vastly underappreciated in a classroom setting; especially in most American public schools, which I find highly upsetting.
American schools really need to pump up their history and PE regimen.
> lurk more you fucking cuckold
I still dont know much of anything and have read very few primary sources but i used to believe that people were very different to us even as little as 100 years ago.
Understanding how we're really the same just in different enviroments and with different ethical standards kind of takes the seriousness out of modern life. Seeing the ripples through history and understanding that one man's decisions can make a difference to many is comforting.
Looking really far back to primitive man and even prior really humbles me, the odds that all my ancestors lived long enough to procreate and allow me to be born is amazing. Downright sad that i likely wont continue that line.
Understanding the scope of history and the power structures involved throughout and how powerless most modern day politicians are.
Understanding history and how marketing/media operate and manipulate are the two things that help keep me from being a brainless pleb and help filter any information so that i can educate myself while being at least aware of any biases i may harbour.
>that one fucker who invented the spear
fiction is like pornography
history is like an actual relationship, with the boring preamble, the accidental farts, the drama and so forth
English school
>Year 7 (6th grade)
the Native American holocaust & colonialism (s-so sorry...)
>Year 8
African Slavery (s-so sorry...)
>Year 9
Jewish Holocaust, with nothing about the actual war (s-so sorry...)
>Year 10
History of medicine, interesting!
>Year 11
Hitler's rise to power, THE RISE OF EVIL!!!1 (s-so sorry)
>Year 12
Feminism in the Middle Ages (almonds activated)
>Year 13
The Bolshevik Revolution and Dialectical Materialism (almonds engaged)
At the end of all this I was talking to a student wanting to study PPE, at OXFORD no less. I started talking about the Levellers. And she said "really? we had a civil war? who with?". I started to sort of quiz her on English history, she didn't know about the War of the Roses, the Peasants' Revolt, the Reformation, the English Civil War, the Glorious Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, she didn't know Turkey was involved in WW1. But she knew the British Empire was evil, the first "Britons" were African Roman soldiers, that the shoah was the single most despicable genocide in human history, and that the British, although fought to win that war against Germany are also implicated in that crime. She knew that Hitler was the antichrist, and the most evil man in history, and that anyone that made a moderately affirmative statement about their own culture, in fact anyone that did not explicitly condemn their own culture, was a fascist. And that everything is relative, so there is no good or evil anyway, unless you're a RACIST NAZI.
Now she is an SJW at Oxford doing PPE and she wants to go into politics. She was into that whole Rhodes must fall bollocks too. The reason Britain is going down the toilet is that state-schools, and even private schools to a great extent, are teaching nonsense, so they come out with absolutely no grasp of their history or culture, and no appreciation of any prior religious or secular institutions. She'll probably get ahead in politics too because she was a slut.
At my high school history wasn't that bad
>Year 7
English history 1000-1800
>Year 8
Victorian period and French Revolution and British Empire
>Year 9
World War 1 treaty of Versailles Weimar Germany and the Great Depression
>Year 10
Nazi Germany pre and during WW2, Cold War and Vietnam War
>Year 11
Pretty much just revising year 9 and 10
the overwhelming majority of the leadership was Jewish, you hooked onto the exception.
I actually don't remember what it is I learned in high-school history.
Same here, my man.
I dislike it especially when my friends refer to me as some sort of authority on History, when I am aware of how little I actually know.
My highschool literally only had history for years 10 and 12. Even then the year 10 class was world history and my teacher was a Liberal Chuck who told people that Hitler invaded Italy, Finland, and Persia. Then in year 12 it was American history and again the teacher was a Liberal cuck who shilled for Hillary. I remember asking a Normie when I was in 11th grade if he knew what D-day was and he had no idea
>t. Butthurt JEW
History is boring when you don't have the context to make connections. Without those connections it's just a dry jumble of disparate facts.
That's why I recommend Crash Course World History™ as told by John Green and his team of experts to all high school students are starting college students looking a broad take on world history.
You sound like my hs history teacher. I graduated highschool a couple of years ago, and now it's dates and names but you have to qualitatively asses them using modern moral standards. It's just as boring and oversimplified as it used to be, it just has a moralist tint to it.
All of my history from high school onwards focused on making connections between events and (reiterating)explaining why one thing led to another and the major causes and results. The distaste for memorization and recital was there early on at least in my schooling. I studied in the US.
In Sweden what I learned in school was something like this
>Grades 1-5
Vikings, Norse Mythology
>Grade 6
Swedish history 11th-19th century
>Grade 7
American war for independence, French Revolution, Very briefly about Napoleon
>Grade 8
Industrial Revolution, some bs about WW1 ("the machine gun was invented so that people wouldn't dare to start any wars"), WW2
>Grade 9
More extensively the Industrial revolution, WW1 and WW2, post-war period, Vietnam
>Grade 10
Even more extensively about the industrial revolution, WW1, WW2, post-war, Vietnam, balance of power.
This how it is with Islam, except everyone on Veeky Forums has below normie tier knowledge of the religion.
>people are not all the same and have different interests and priorities.
Why is this so shocking for you?
>except everyone on Veeky Forums has below normie tier knowledge of the religion.
That's because IRL people just nod along with your taqqiah for fear of being beheaded, but on the internet are not afraid to call you out on your bs.
But then ham planets and weaklings would complain because people in better shape would constantly embarrass them :(
In the US I learned
Declaration of independence
Civil War
World War 2
American Civil war
Neolithic revolution
State history
French Revolution
More ww2
Cold war
Spanish American war
More civil war
World War 1
Manifest destiny
I had two abnormaly good history teachers for my high school years though. They covered a lot of stuff and really cared about what they were teaching.
I know this is a meme but fuuuuuuuuuuuck John Green. He's such a dishonest piece of shit.
Nigga, I live in korea and people here don't know shit about history
This, I wish most people had the "shallow" view of history and appreciate the most epic moments of human experience atleast.
I'm a Christian you faggot, at least meme on my metaphysical beliefs and not the fact that I wish people here could discuss Islam more intelligently.
G8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8
You phrased that very nicely, this is what i consider "redpilled"
explain user. how is he a liar?
Because they are subhumans.
Philistines. Pure and simple.
Spot on.
Normies think modern society is a utopia rather than a living nightmare. Anything that's not the status quo isn't considered to be worth their time.
>and people here know their shit
don't forget those nasty nazi's
>people say cars were invented 300 years ago or planes in medieval times
Man, I know the normalfags have gotten dumb, but I don't think people are THAT ignorant. At least, I hope not. What kind of asshats are you talking to, anyways?
I think he's talking about the "no woman ruler was ever called the Great" meme that Green uses, despite that being a fucking blatant lie, among other things.
desu I blame Giroux
his idea of critical pedagogy(that education should push a moral agenda so as to raise "ethical" adults) has become crazy popular. John Green is just riding that wave, because making history a self serving moral narrative is easier than making is an interesting, relatively unbiased study of the past.
>Fucking passes over Catherine the Great, even though Green studied the Russian language
Either ol Johnny boy's a complete idiot, or an absolute crook.
In any case, I spit on Green for the liar that he is.
He's mentioned catherine the great in crash course. he's just a liar with an agenda