Why couldn't Hitler appreciate what he had? Why did he have to invade Poland?
Why couldn't Hitler appreciate what he had? Why did he have to invade Poland?
blinded by ideology tbqh
it was Germany to the left, Russia to the right and Poland in the middle
Hitler did what was most natural at the moment
Complete idiocy.
oP, read the wages of destruction, the nazis had overheated their economy. The only solutions were to feed the gov with looted capital (Poland) or to pop the bubble and wind down the war economy.
because denbts
>you wont have to repay debts if there are no other countries to pay to.
He started snall abd was gonna work his way up
Should've invaded Poland before Czechoslovakia desu senpaitachi
>tfw you realize poles suffered the most in european history
He assumed the Brits wouldn't be so hypocritical as to declare war on him but not Russia despite both of them invading Poland. Plus the Danzig massacres were real, just with about 5-10k Germans being killed instead of the 50k Germany claimed.
>Danzig massacres were real
>98% German City, the only Polish place is fucking post office.
>German battleship in port
>Yeah Poles totally massacred Danzig. But no one heard about that, even fucking Goebbels. But it's truth, the youtube video the greatest meme ever told says that!
There was no massacre, it was broadcasted that there was with aid from fifth column Nazis inside to bolster Hitler's claim that he should take Danzig, to "protect his Germans". It sounds like /pol/ garbage, but it's true. Hitler bullied his way to most of his prewar concessions, and outright lied for the rest.
Ideology and juicy conquest gains are what drove Hitler to invade Poland. He thought he could get away with it after Rhineland, Czech/Slovakia, Austria, etc...
Hitler's national socialism had to conquer other countries to sustain itself
the Danzig massacres were as real as attacks on radio stations
>underestimating anglo perfidy
wtf capital was there to loot in poland? you think they invaded to steal your donkeys?
What would've happened if Nazi Germany backed out of the partition of Poland at the last minute? Would Britain and France have declared war on Soviet Russia?
The Anglo-Polish military alliance states that it only applies to German aggression.
>The Anglo-Polish military alliance states that it only applies to German aggression.
and then Poland actually thought the Brits would defend them from the Soviets after the war!
Seeing how the Soviet Union did not invade until after Germany did, absolutely nothing.
>he doesn't know about mefo
It wasn't about looting you moran, it was about one-sided bilateral deals to offset their inflation. Making polish imports dead cheap while you export at full price, and forcing the new territories to use the reichsmark to stabilize your currency. It was a war economy.
Danke was looking for this, since I saw it mentioned in another thread, book wasn't named. But the theory seemed legit
Isn't that exactly what Germany does with the EU's poorer nations right now?
Now you know why half the people on this board want Germany sterilised and turned into a nature reserve.
Dear god.
Tru reason was that he wanted france and so did german people. But Poland was allied with the frogs so he had to take them out first(since it was obvious that french wont do shit when their ally is under attack)
>The only solutions were to feed the gov with looted capital (Poland) or to pop the bubble and wind down the war economy.
This was indeed their plan from the beginning. Tooze spends quite some time going on about how Hitler rejected every proposal by actual economists in favor of a huge four-year rearmament program. The decision to go to war was made in 1935, not 1939.