Was he the most redpilled world leader?
Was he the most redpilled world leader?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Anglo subhuman
>starts a pointless war ruining europe forever
absolutely not
>allowed Germany to exist in any form after WW2
absolutely not.
Yes, the continent of germania would've worked waaaaay better.
Let's see here,
Mosley 8/10, 9/10 when young.
Brand -13/10 utter pleb
John Oliver 4/10
Jeremy Kyle trash Chav/10
Churchill 3/10 but he probably would admit that.
Charles 5/10 actually decent withe a beard when he was younger.
The rest are not British.
Why did you post this?
An Anti-Hero, he really understood how the world works.
>Nazi Germany
Lol nazi germany crumbled and burned because putting the leader ship of a country completely in the hands of one man might cause retarded shit like warring all 3 superpowers at once to happen.
>a strong country
Wars fought:1
Wars lost: 0
>a proud people
There was nothing to be proud of, if hitler had kept his war boner in his pants he might have been able to make germany a superpower with out getting into a fight with all 3 superpowers at once.
>I have no problem testing poisonous gas on unruly tribes
What did he mean by this?
He was kind of a dick, but sometimes the world needs dicks to fuck the pussies, and maybe the assholes too.
"Wars fought: 1
Wars lost: 0"
... wait what? The Nazis didn't lose WW2? I didn't even realize we were living in the 3rd Reich wow
>Militantly supported Israel
Fuck right off
Basically this. He was a drunken, insecure, imperialist xenophobe, but he was the right man in the right place.
>starting the war
In which universe did this occur?
In the stormfag universe. They're everywhere on Veeky Forums.
>a declaration of war is the same thing as starting a war
Clearly then the US has never started a war since they've only declared war twice in the last century.
Even in his worst picture Mosley doesn't really look bad at all. The eyes look memey in that one picture but he's still very handsome no homo.
No, he was trapped by the past.