Why did he start Christianity?
Why did he start Christianity?
He didnt. He started correct Judaism.
what was his motive?
His followers did.
He didn't start it, St. Paul did.
To create a kingdom of heaven on earth, through reinstating a Jewish theocracy. He was executed before he pulled it off though.
Money. Power. Women.
do you think his mother told him to do it?
Maybe, since plenty of his disciples were women, which was very unorthodox.
The Jewish people always had many and multiple Prophets throughout their timeline before Jesus. Mostly because the Torah would become corrupted, so Prophets would be sent to correct their ways. Jesus was another Prophet, but not only to correct, but to give a whole new one (still on the basis of strict monotheism)
From Noah to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to Muhammad - it's been the same story over and over again. But people keep going astray due to desire.
The desire for power over people less intelligent than himself, same reason all psychopaths found cults.
Are you tipping that fedora hard enough m8?
He never started Christianity. It was Paul who started it like 50 years after he died, and even that was hearsay until Josephus actually wrote it down.
Literally the opposite of what he did
At least blame someone who actually did shit like this, such as muhammad
The same guy who turned down money, power and women when Meccans offered them to him when he first started preaching.
pick up a book sometime and drop the memes
>look mom, I'm retarded
His Father willed it.
To save us.
>Heavy breathing.
Based Yeshua the Nazarene. A 1st-millenial who got bored of his miserable wage slave life as a carpenter and decides to go out meta-ironically by getting nailed to wood.
How to do this? By protesting Roman occupation of Judea by putting a peaceful spin on the whole military messiah schtick the Jews had been playing with for a while by then.
He had no idea his political move would become the basis for a world religion, let alone a 2nd century underground Amanita cult.
From what?
>isn't refuting anyone
>blatant adhom
Nice try small fry
from his father
Jesus was actually a philosopher in the vein of Socrates who was co-opted by cucks like Paul as an ideological weapon against Rome
>S T A R W A R S
To bring down the goyim empire of Rome
>using le fedora meme in 2017
To BTFO kikes.
>Jesus Christ Superstar as a source
Kek, /pol/ is a comedy board.
Who created Everything?
from what he'll do to you.
Everything we need saving from you silly goose; namely the sins we are guilty of.
ahh yes, the "sins"
>Jesus isn't bathing in power, money, and women now that he is in heaven.
People always cop that attitude until someone sins against them.
A physical universe in which our souls are bound to flawed bodies genetically programmed to engage in sad and counterproductive ritual behaviors. We had no say in this, but it's our fault, and the only way we can be saved is if we acknowledge an obscure political execution from 2000 years ago as somehow cleansing us of our nature and while also serving as the climax of the universe's story arc.
The religious/political dissident who got nailed to a stick by the roman/jewish authorities in palestine some 2000 years ago didn't start anything other then his own decomposition. His religion started with his followers and grew very slowly from there.
I'd say the climax is His return actually and also you forgot to mention the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
>>fedora maymays
Cute, but a non-argument all the same.
Christfaggotry is worthless fucking garbage, and so is all abrahamic religion for that matter. The sooner these silly religions die the sooner our world becomes a better place.
hello, forum smileys in 2001
its been a while
nah the climax was definitely jesus uttering "it is fulfilled" on the cross before perishing. the resurrection was the triumphant conclusion.
i dunno man jesus returning "in the same manner" in which left i.e. out of the flippin' sky and ruling for a thousand years seems pretty climactic to me
He didn't, Paul did.
>materialism in heaven
Off with your head
>Materialism is wrong
Plus it's in heaven, who cares.