I don't even know what that is. You must be really rich and smart.
You seem like a great guy. Everyone else I've met on here is a deadbeat living with their parents. So do you want to take me over your place?
I don't even know what that is. You must be really rich and smart.
You seem like a great guy. Everyone else I've met on here is a deadbeat living with their parents. So do you want to take me over your place?
Yeah, it'd be great to have company for a little bit. I'll show you my setup and we can watch a movie if you'd like
Oh btw I'm gay so no funny business haha xD
No thanks trucker named Joe
gtfo nocoiner :D
and then you wake up
Do you have feminine penis?
What's with that shit on your nooooose?
Wait a sec gotta place a buy order at 2350
Sure, it's literally a beach condo in the Caribbean. I'm just renting while I work out the residency paperwork.
(also I just lost ~ 25% of my fortune in the past couple weeks but uhhhh never mind that)
Sure! I'd love to show you my MLP collection.
Huh what did you say? Sorry I was looking at my Blockfolio. Fuck! DGB down again.
Hey, why are you leaving?
>You must be really rich and smart.
>I don't even know what that is
what the fuck you don't know what crypto is? have you been living under a rock? get out of my face you dumb bitch
tangerine. its on netflix it's not bad
Sure. Idk where you think this is going but I'm gonna dump you at your next ATH anyways
This. Partners are just like any other investments: the shit ones will only leave you in losses
Keep your head cool and only use TA when picking a partner, kids!
>Wow user you trade crypto?
Yes that is correct
(waiter enters)
>Waiter: What could I get you miss?
>I'll have an iced mocha latte please. Large size
>Waiter: Very good then, I'll have that right over for you.
>Oh and don't forget the straw!
>Waiter: I wouldn't think of it miss
>So anyway where were we?
I was answering your question about my involvement in crypto.
>Oh that's right Lol! So you said you do trade?
That is correct.
>I don't even know what that is. You must be really rich and smart!
How would you know that if you don't know what crypto is?
>Well I mean I--
Brainlets BTFO you fucking assblasted nocoiner
>I really don't understand...
The answer is yes. I am rich and I am smart. I am both. How is your latte?
>It's ok, normally I like a bit more chocolate in--
Buy the dip.
You heard me bitch.
>revealing your power levels
Did you really say dis?
Over my place? What the fuck? Do you want me to charter a helicopter, or some shit? Get the fuck out of my face, you dumb whore. *refreshes blockfolio*
>mfw wife doesn't know I trade memes
Have you ever met a girl who looked like that who wasn't cringe? Serious.
"Genres: Comedies, Dark Comedies, Dramas, LGBTQ Dramas, Independent Dramas, LGBTQ Movies, LGBTQ Comedies, Independent Movies, Independent Comedies"
>*teehee* user, let me show you a new crypto. I call it buttcoin! 100% backed by my buns of steel ;)
Top kek
No way fag.
>Ivanka is so fucking alpha