Reformation Killed the West

This schismatic man and his associates have sentenced the West to death and are responsible for all damnable modern dogmas, such as 'Individuality,' 'Democracy,' and 'Capitalism.'

'Sola Scriptura' is the ideological basis for subjectivism and was dogmatized by these heretics and for it the West slowly dies a painful and degenerate death.

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The only mistake the Reformation made was not getting out of its crippled Catholic phase and completely purge the Vatican, Pope - Lord of Lords and Jesuits from the face of earth.

Truth be told, most men want to be told what to do by a despot now after a few millennium of 'civilization' which is really just the art of self domestication.

On the bright side it did highlight what man is capable of when freed from the shackles of a despot.

t. catlicker



I cannot believe you losers have sunk to this now.
>normies are atheists
guess that makes us christians then
>normies are socialists
guess that makes us ancaps
>normies are ancaps
fukk did i say i hate socialists? i meant i hate capitalists. hitler was a socialist too ya know.
i-i sure do love hitler.

Explain why the Enlightenment and its beliefs in invidualism and democracy started in Catholic France OP.
Also explain why postmodernism would start there as well


Well, this thread convinced me to leave this shitty board for the day. I'll go read a book instead. Thank you OP, you did something good today.

the west has failed

You mean Protestant Netherlands and England.

inbred amerifats detected

>jesuits were bad
>fuck da friar I don't need no education
As a catholic I do agree Luther was Satan spawn, but we did have those things before, eg parliament granted voting rights to the gentry, but bit the poor as it should be
Then again how can you say it killed the west when the west became more important the longer you get after the reformation

>postmodernism is bad

>as a catholic

stop right there,

Likely not, he's probably referring to French encyclopedists

The Enlightenment was underway long before the 1750s.

Catholics aren't Christian
Fuck you nazi cathocucks

>humble buildings filled with saints
>extravagant buildings filled with pedophiles
Really makes you think

>implying there aren't the same number of pedophiles amongst the clergy of all denominations

Why do you retards mistake Luther and Calvin so much? Calvin was the proto-capitalist and republican.

That picture should read America vs Europe, not protestantism vs catholicism.

He should have credited the Huguenot merchants and the café culture in France, but it certainly originated there. In England, there was more of a pub culture as is found in Shakespeare's Henry IV... Falstaff was most likely named Oldcastle originally and there's a large plotline about robbing the religious on pilgrimages. It seems like the Bard couldn't envision an Enlightenment happening.

Calvin certainly gave form to the C of E and the notion of financial-spiritual 'Election'. Luther, as the son of a miner, informed the general cultural outlook of Protestantism. Without Luther, there might not have been a German middle class for example, and Nazism would have been impossible.

Spengler's comments on the burgher are instructive, or at least suggestive.