1.Your country
2. Your favorite emperor
Shah Ismail the First
Your favorite emperor from you country
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck emperors and all other royal inbreeds!
Donald Drumpf
King George V
Peter the Great
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk!
I hope you'll vote no
By Azeri you mean Iranian Azeri or The Republic?
>future tense
user, I may have some bad news for you.
Donald Trump
1. Slovenia
2. Napoleon
sig heil to the president gasman
abd al rahman III
Kanasubigi Krum of Bulgaria (803–814 AD)
>Doubled the empire in territory
>Realized steppe nomad rules don't apply to settled societies and imposed the first written laws in the empire
>Defeated the Avar khaganate because he could
>Established friendly-ish relations with the Frankish Empire (later to bite him in the ass)
>Campaigned against Byzantium took Plovdiv.
>Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros I raided the Bulgarian capital as a reprisal.
>Krum was furious they raided his capital and quickly gathered a huge army which rare for Europe at the time included whole regiments of women
>Ambushing the Byzantines in the mountain passes of the Balkan mountain.
>Byzantine demoralized by rampaging chicks and cavalry swooping down on them from the heights
>Emperor Nikephoros I and his son die in battle
>Krum has Nikephoros' head cut off and makes it into a drinking cup
>Later he forces all Byzantine diplomats to drink from it before engaging in negotiations.
All in all a charming guy who had massive whine cellars but had anyone found drunk on the streets of the capital executed in accordance to the laws he imposed.
I don't buy that skull drinking cup story at all. Those are folk tales.
Well probably a lot of the stories have been greatly exaggerated and outright lies. However this particular case has been described by the contemporary chronicler Theophanes the Confessor and later confirmed by Joannes Zonaras, and Constantine Manasses in the Manasses Chronicles
I vote yes
Sultan Selim (Yavuz)
> who kicks ass sah ismail twice...
> cause butthurt all over shia-persian world until now...
i love Azeris they are my brother as a Turkish.
But Shia is not Islam...
Emperor Norton
Forgot to mention, from the USA.
I hope to god you voted no and have taken to the streets user
Shia is Islam. Just like Wahhabi IS members are also part of the ummah. But they are astray.
Best emperor desu my man
>have an army of fanatics without a nation
>carve out a state for yourself by the age of 12
>annihilate everyone in the region, declare yourself mahdi
>help some poor Timurid prince out who later takes North India for himself
>turn your eyes on Anatolia, you are content that you are undefeatable
>grimmest motherfucker around absolutely annihilates your army despite his troops being exhausted from your scorched earth policy, even your wife is a prisoner of war
>realize you aren't mahdi
>fall into depression and alcoholism
Pretty interesting life desu
He forcibly made Iran from sunni to shiite by murdering every Iranian sunni who wouldn't convert, while the rest of them fled to the gulf states.
If it wasn't for him shiites would be irrelevant and the muslim world would be at peace.
Probably my least favorite person in history
t. Iranian muslim
The only ruler we had called 'emperor' was Brian Boru, but it was really just a boast about being the strongest ruler in Ireland. He was also called 'emperor of all northwest Europe' because of his influence over the Dublin Vikings, but again, he was just memeing. Brain Boru as a whole is a meme really.
You know the modern country of Azerbaijan (historic Shirvan, around Baku) isn't the historic Azerbaijan (Northeast Iran, around Tabriz). They speak the same Turkic dialect which is why they were mixed up in the 20th century when everyone decided that language = ethnicity = country. They've always been seperate regions though. From the perspective of modern Azerbaijan/Shirvan it would make more sense to see Ismail as an Iranian invader, though personally I'd argue that projecting modern Middle Eastern 'nations' into the past is meaningless.
King Charles XII
Fuck you
Since when not being Islam is a bad thing?
>and the muslim world would be at peace.
Yeah, just like it was before the Safavids, with dudes like Timur running around making skull towers.
And an Iranian identity was bound to re-emerge at some point, even if Ismail never happened. It'd still be highly separate from other polities and probably idiosyncratic in its practice of Islam.
On the other hand you can blame him for how his successors had to spend 200 years trying to get rid of the Qizilbashi in order to set up a somewhat functioning state in the common sense of the word.
1. US
2. n/a
Fucking socialists, making Russia even worse since 1881.
The difference is back then Muslims weren't as divided as they are today, and shiites were all minorities so sectarian violence wasn't that big of a thing.
As for an Iranian identity, most religious ones still think of themselves as Arabs while the less religious ones still don't think of themselves as "Persian" but don't think of themselves as Arab either, just Iranian I guess. Ethnic identity still isn't a thing in Iran, its more about national identity, like it is in any other middle eastern country.
Even though I was born a Shiite I believed the government was genuine in its pan-Islamic message but after seeing shiites reveal their true intentions through the Syrian conflict with their support of a Muslim butcher I don't consider myself a Shiite anymore, if anything today I am more of a Sunni than a Shiite.
Ironically Shiite Islam is the more Arab supremacist sect because they think leadership should remain in the prophets bloodline where Sunnis believe your blood or ethnicity/race shouldn't determine your standing as a Muslim.
Also the plurality of seyyeds (blood descendants of the prophet Mohammad) are Iranian and being a seyyed is seen as a sign of nobility in Iran
are you sunni ?
Born Shiite. Shiite/Sunni is mostly politics anyway but there's always been things I've liked and disliked about both sects. For shiites it's putting the 12 imams on a pedestal, having shrines for them, and the views on some of the companions. For Sunni's it's not accepting criticism of the companions, especially the 1st 3 caliphs (this is different than insult), seeing them like Shia see the imams, and a few other things. Today I don't identify as either but politics have pushed me more towards identifying as a Sunni.
Oh yeah, and I also hate the concept of a Shiite clergy. This is probably my biggest issue with shiism
>Shiite clergy
What is it exactly ? And why do you have a problem with it ?
It's like the Catholic clergy in a way.
It's good because you get less litteraly who imams giving their special snowflake interpretation of Islam.
It's bad because the Shia clergy is basically a mafia in Iran that's taken over the government.
>It's bad because the Shia clergy is basically a mafia in Iran.
So pretty much like the Catholic Church.
Actually i've always liked the fact that there is no clergy in Sunni Islam, it give you a more personal connection to God in my opinion.
Its pretty much a Muslim clergy with a hierarchy system. It's pretty much a bunch of elitist snobs who aren't even really good Muslims themselves but are in it for the power and the connections it provides. Most clerics are corrupt as fuck
>So pretty much like the Catholic Church
I guess in a way you can make the comparison. I don't know much about Catholics but from what I know I don't think they're all that similar.
>Actually i've always liked the fact that there is no clergy in Sunni Islam, it give you a more personal connection to God in my opinion.
Exactly this. Sunni's only have sheikhs and imams who are basically Islamic scholars and are very knowledgeable about the religion.
because you get less litteraly who imams giving their special snowflake interpretation of islam
How is having different interpretations a bad thing? At least the Sunni way anyone can become an imam and preach a peaceful interpretation of the religion. without having to kiss ass to a bunch of mullahs. Omar Suleiman for example is an imam in Texas and ISIS has called for his head because his teachings of Islam are the opposite of ISIS
Fugg forgot to greentext the first part :DDD
>How is having different interpretations a bad thing? At least the Sunni way anyone can become an imam and preach a peaceful interpretation of the religion
But the opposite is also true, any moron can preach his own version of Islam and he will be as much listened as the other, it's how you get islamic scholar in saudi arabia claiming that the earth is flat, or that it's okay for muslim husbands to literally eat their wives flesh in case of emergency
I'll take different points of view any day than a singular one that is decided by a bunch of clerics.
Also those "morons" at least need credentials. Clerics just have to be part of the clergy
The Netherlands
Julian the Apostate
if only he lived
t. neo-pagan fag
Im agnostic
so just a normal fag then
Kingdom of Prussia
Freddy Two and the Army for You
just go to /b/ and be edgy there please
Norton I
>he still doesn't know
>Ethnic identity still isn't a thing in Iran
You have no fucking clue what the fuck you're talking about.
Stick to /int and /pol for your shitposting.
I'd be careful about what you say online you muslim cunt, I guarantee 100% your online activity is being monitored. I will pray USA drops a fucking bomb on Qom and Ahvaz.
t. LA diasporafag
Ahmad Shah Durrani
Napoleon was technically emperor of part of our country at on point, I'll go with him.
>not Strang
Based on your post I doubt you have ever lived in Iran.
"Persian" and "Arab" ethnicities don't exist anymore. Arabs are mixed with Persians and Persians are mixed with Arabs. Iranians in Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar all identify as Arabs, as do most practicing Muslim Iranians in Iran who know fluent Arabic. If you were to call someone a "Persian" in Iran you would get laughed at and maybe beaten up, as it is seen as a throwback to pre Islamic Iran and also an insult to who Iranians are today.
Arabic has also been taught in Iranian schools since the revolution and in 50 years everyone in Iran will know fluent Arabic once again. Inshallah Arabic will be our national language once again.
Half the words in Farsi and Arabic are already the same btw, and they are the closest two languages in the world
half? I speak Afghan Dari, i think it's a little less than that
Willy the first
Well like I said Arabic is mandatory in Iranian schools, so since the revolution the language is adopting more and more Arabic words the longer the Islamic Republic exists.
I have spoken Farsi with my afghan Muslim friends in uni and they always tell me I speak it with a heavy Arabic dialect
His outlawing of the word "Frisco" was a little heavy-handed.
1. America
2. We never had monarchs, but Theodore Roosevelt is my favorite president.
>Ironically Shiite Islam is the more Arab supremacist sect because they think leadership should remain in the prophets bloodline where Sunnis believe your blood or ethnicity/race shouldn't determine your standing as a Muslim.
But in Sunnism you have to be a Quraysh to be eligible for Caliphate as well.
1.Your country
Arabian Nation
2. Your favorite leader
Ali bin Abi Taleb
A quote from a letter he wrote to the governor of Egypt Malik al-Ashtar (translation to English from Wikipedia):
"Infuse your heart with mercy, love and kindness for your subjects. Be not in face of them a voracious animal, counting them as easy prey, for they are of two kinds: either they are your brothers in faith or in creation. Error catches them unaware, deficiencies overcome them, (evil deeds) are committed by them intentionally and by mistake. So grant them your pardon and your forgiveness to the same extent that you hope God will grant you His pardon and His forgiveness. For you are above them, and he who appointed you is above you, and God is above him who appointed you. God has sought from you the fulfillment of their requirements and He is trying you with them."
He said: This is a right way with Me: Surely, as regards My servants, you have no authority over them except those who follow you of the deviators.” [Holy Quran, al-Hijr; The Rocky Tract, Shakir 15:30-42]
How is this related to what I said?
Mark 10:44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.
Napoléon 1er
Nonsense, that was a fair and just law
Either the Qianlong or Kangxi emperors.
It needed to happen.
His name is Krum/Krom, that's a barbarian enough name for me to believe that stuff
I really wonder what would happen if he won, he was considered near divine up until that defeat
> Turkey
> Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Conqueror)
Augustus best princeps
He was Italian Tho.
Born in Corsica while it was still Genoese to a local Noble family.
Shouldn't Napoleon III be a better example?
That's something the frogaboos forget my man
As a Arab seeing ک being used like that in the end of a word rather than ك triggers me
Don't you guys identify as "Khorasanis" or is that just Ultra Nationalists
Keiser Lech I
Doesnt matter, he fought for France and the French, he was our Empereur.
So... an italian fought for france and the french, and became their emperor?
Yes..? I dont understand the point of your question. And even if he was culturally Corsican, he studied in French schools and climbed his way up in the French army.
Assuming you're french, what or who do you consider "french", if you consider napoleon your emperor?
>1.Your country
>2. Your favorite emperor
By that logic Adolf Hitler isn't Austrian but German
Doesn't change the fact he was Italian by birth
kłaliti post debilu
>Not Gustavus Adolphus
Empress Angela I of the Merkelreich