>Removing major historical events to make my shit country look good on world stage*
Removing major historical events to make my shit country look good on world stage*
Other urls found in this thread:
Have some examples?
My country doesn't do that.
Turkey, Armenian genocide.
>having half of your country support the losing fucking side of a civil war, and then say the war wasn't about slavery it was all about them states rights!
>Proceed to make arguments like "every state has the right to leave the country "
>Move to a state that celebrates "Confederate Memorial Day"
>Even the Confederate generals didn't really want to do it but "muh states pride"
the Rwandan genocide was a bigger hoax than the holocaust. that's the real reason the UN wouldn't "intervene"
Deluge? What Deluge?
So insensitive dude
>country elects an elementary school teacher as prime minister
>proceeds to spend his whole term wearing silly multicultural outfits, saying stupid shit and directly contradicting everything he said before he was elected
I know this isn't /pol/ but I needed to get that off my chest
These polish officers have escaped. To Mongolia.
You couldn't be talking about our dear leader, could you?
who are you quoting?
>That genocide doesn't matter because it was White people getting killed
>Those slaves didn't matter because they were White
>White people are responsible for slavery but Arabs are exempt
t. Cletus "dixie boy" Adcock
Literally no one but hardcore sjws say this
literally every liberal I subscribe to on twitter say that
>appropriating a middle eastern religion as your own and claiming that it is a "white" religion
>implying greek isnt a white language
>implying greeks are white.
Since we're using /pol/ memes
>nice divide and conquer rabbi
I would bet money that the majority of those people are unaware of the Arab slave trade
Every state does have the right to leave the country, provided the majority of its population wants to GTFO
Unconstitutional therefore illegal
Abraham had Isaac and Ishmael
Isaac had Jacob
Jacob had Joseph
Joseph was enslaved by Ishmaelites on their well worn caravan journey selling slaves in Egypt.
And of course Arabs are the current slavers as well. It's their business, the buying and selling of men's souls.
If by "every state" you mean Texas, and perhaps Hawaii, you're kind of dumb. There's 50 states, and only those two made those kind of provisions.
Every muslim jihad ever.
u from sweden aren't u?
The United States staged a coup d'état on the Queen of Hawaii and then annexed it.
And that's how Hawaii became a state.
Even today, Hawaii is in a crippling state of poverty because of the tourism industry. No one cares though since it's not one of the mainland 48 and it's thought to be a land of rainbows and sunshine, quite literally.
>Everyone that disagrees with me is Jewish
>You lost WW2, that means you cannot fight at all!
Hate this shit.
That Hawaiian sovereignty move should pick up steam. Texas and Alaska get all the attention.
the Holocaust didn't happen, but I hope it happens again
the Holodmor never happened, but it was the kulak's fault and Stalin is a hero for causing it
Spoilers: it's the best thing that ever happened to them
Nice reading comprehension. I literally said we were using /pol/ memes now.
>those people dying everyday in Africa dont matter because "they're niggers"