Daily reminder ETH acts like this when its about to go parabolic
Daily reminder ETH acts like this when its about to go parabolic
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o rly? show us a past example, faggot. otherwise, you're full of shit.
Sold at 302, bought back in at 263. Did i do good? Does parabolic mean its going upwards?
after 50$ and before 100$
Past Performance Is No Guarantee of Future Results
I've been thinking of buying some and letting it sit. Good idea?
it checks out
No, it doesn't. Eth is actual dog shit. Look at the last few weeks. It acted like this and went to fucking $ .10 you fucking clown
That happened because of a combination of whale sloppy selling, retarded people setting up stop-loss orders and and a hoax about vitalik dying.
ETH over 1000$ next year. Screencap this.
the amount of delusion eth bag holders have filled themselves with is fucking pathetic
I tripled my principle with ETH.
Dice is also easy money since etheroll is attracting greedy weak hands.
Solid investment for me so far.
>ETH over 1000$ next year.
more like next week
not even kidding
i bought @ 256 in polo, yeah i think 258-260 would be the support level before the next big rally
parabolic up or down? eehheheheheh
daily reminder this is a coinfag cope thread
Free pumps for everyone!!!
explain why
because hes a delusional faggot who wants to see gains after he bought in at 300+
We're in a weird spot right now. The blue and red lines are linear on a log scale and represent the channel in which we've been since about $15. There's a strong pattern there and we're still inside the channel. The orange and purple ones are this downtrend.
If we break through purple, we're going to the moon. If we break through red, we're not.
Ethereum holders delusion is pretty strong. Ethereum holders in a week:
Same thing, but log scale
normies are pulling their money out due to volatility as are many investors, if the trend continues ETH will be nothing but speculators and the volatility will continue alongside a downtrend.
[spoiler]Still holding till next year desu[/spoiler]