Who are the most oppressed people on the planet right now?
Who are the most oppressed people on the planet right now?
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The Nightcrawlers, the caste beneath the Untouchables in India.
Yazidis and MENA Christians
Who cares about people, faggot. In reality nobody gives a shit about you.
probably sex slaves.
They're fucked like objects until they're all used up then they're killed and disposed of
Upper-middle class female westerners and not at all people like the yazidi in Iraq or Koreans in North Korea.
probably children
Stop misusing stirner.
possibly in south africa
otherwise not really
Maybe in Zimbabwe as well.
>Who are the most oppressed people on the planet right now?
>right now
right now i doubt white south africans are as oppressed as bushmen in congo or MENA christians/yazidi, women in saudi arabia
Yazidis, the copts in Egypt. Being a religious minority is suffering.
People like MENA Christians, females and ecspecially female MENA Christians are some of the most oppressed right now in the world but whites in certain parts of Africa are noticeable with stuff like calls from the SA president to seize white property with no compensation.
How poor are whites in South Africa
As a nation?
they're somewhat ok right now, but south africa can easily become zimbabwe
there's a nationalist party that doesn't live in the real world, they want to take the lands from white farmers, basically driving millions of people from their country etc.
ANC isn't quite there yet, but Zuma is a retard
Whites in SA have dropped from~20% of the population when apartheid ended to ~6% today. This is one of the biggest genocides of the past 100 years, yet you will never see a single mention of it on the news of in the history books.
>Being a dhimmi is suffering
FTFY. Religious minorites do just fine everywhere but the muslamic world.
Hold the phone.
They have killed more than half of all white people who lived in South Africa?
this isn't a genocide you fucking retard
their numbers haven't decreased a lot, and it's mostly due to emigration
i said they were oppressed due to affirmative action, but you /pol/ fucks are of course as retarded as ever
this too
if there were no international consequences all the palestinians would just be dead right now
Oy vey why haven't the jews been mentioned!? Jews have always been victims of anti-semitism in egypt, rome, Europe, and america today
The Rohinga.
Probably North Korean political dissidents.
You've got entire generations being born and dying in concentration camps, toddlers being eaten by hungry dogs, entire families being put into gas chambers to test out nerve gas.
If you used this thread as an excuse to trot out your normie political bullshit, please kill yourself.
>implying the Jews haven't been THE oppressors in every society they've ever been in
Jews are by far the most privileged group in society no matter where they are. No one has it easier. They had it easy in Middle Ages and they still do.
The common people.
Most major conflicts currently occurring in the world have been orchestrated by both the global elite and corporate interests in order to distract various groups in society from uniting against them. Social media is also being used as a sedative to this end.
Kill yourself.
white males
Nice rebuttal, Chaim.
they've been leaving the country or not joining the natives in their favorite pastime of reproducing past their means
they're more oppressed than blacks in america are for sure but the other poster needs to provide citations for his claim of genocide
>they're more oppressed than blacks in america are for sure but the other poster needs to provide citations for his claim of genocide
White people in South Africa are among the poorest demographics? Less likely than average South Africans to own a business?
Yinz is all dumbasses
You're both wrong. South African whites are the richest and most well-off group in their society. Blacks in America have it 100x worse than White South Africans. The racial disparity there is worse than it is in America so to say that they have it hard is stupid.
Why do whites want to be victims so bad. There has never been a genocide of whites by blacks. Whites have never been enslaved by the millions by blacks. Yet you cry when you're not even being oppressed.
The poor
Driving people from their homes is ethnic cleansing and genocide. And yes, plenty of them have also been outright murdered, hence so many others fleeing their homes.
> what was the mass torture, rape, and murders by revolting haitian slaves?
> who were the barbary coast pirates?
Damn, you don't know shit about history, guy. This board is not for you, especially what with your hatred of native Europeans overpowering your love of fair debate.
The most oppressed people on earth are the same as they always were.... the ugly and the overweight.
>what was the mass torture, rape, and murders by revolting haitian slaves?
That's hilarious. Do you want me to dive into what was done to them?
>Torture of slaves was routine; they were whipped, burned, buried alive, restrained and allowed to be bitten by swarms of insects, mutilated, raped, and had limbs amputated. >Slaves caught eating the sugar cane would be forced to wear tin muzzles in the fields
You can't point out what was done in response to the colonialists coming in and doing what they did for no reason. What they did to Haitian slaves still stands as one of the cruelest things any human beings have ever done.
>who were the barbary coast pirates?
They weren't black. You had Sephardi Jews who were a big part of that too. On top of that you're talking about less than 1 million slaves vs. 12.5 million who were shipped to the New World.
>> who were the barbary coast pirates?
They were not from sub-Saharan Africa.
Me and my friends
>implying this was bad
it's only been recently considered bad in literally the 20th century because it was a sign of wealth. This trait was shared by all the major cultures.
getting whipped justifies going full genocide on women and children? maybe that's hilariously sound logic to you, maybe whites being slaughtered under crazy despots in countries like zimbabwe is too side-busting to you, but non-sociopath non-racists are unlikely to laugh along with you
Jews were also huge in the New World slave trade, what little of it went to present day USA went to the city with the oldest synagogue. What the muslims and the mongols did to whites absolutely dwarfs the total slaves owned by non-hispanic whites.
Slavery is as old as African civilization itself, and it's not ending there anytime soon. Meanwhile, whites freed theirs hundreds of years ago. Arguing that South Africa is a paradise for Euros because blacks were never in a position to enslave millions of whites is plain retarded.
> "Yet you cry when you're not even being oppressed."
No one is even crying, retard. Whites are the most egalitarian, charitable, forgiving people on earth. No African country would be as willing to fundamentally alter their demographics like how Germany, Sweden, France, and UK are doing, if anyone would even want to go there.
Assuming this requires someone to be oppressing them, not to simply be living in a shithole.
I am going to go with ISIS sex slaves. Really don't see life getting much worse than that.
>getting whipped
If by getting whipped you mean that and being burned, buried alive, restrained and allowed to be bitten by swarms of insects, mutilated, raped, and having your limbs amputated, then yes.
>Jews were also huge in the New World slave trade
They were 60% of the slave owners in America
Proof this happened in Haiti?
By their own accounts.
Transsexuals in africa and the middle east
So link them.
Yazidis, gays and Christians in the MENA region
I'll name a few:
>Whites in SA and Zimbabwe, arguably in US and some of Europe (Sweden comes to mind)
>Muslim women
>North Koreans
>Christians in MENA region or any highly Islamic areas
Oh and anyone that thinks Whites in SA have it good can go fuck themselves. They have residual wealth, that is all, other than that, the government hates them. I'm not even going to go into Zimbabwe.
Nationalism, at least in my country.......
american indians
abbos do not count because they're not even aware of their own existence
ur mom
Doesn't seem that far off. Its pretty well documented that during slavery, at least in the United States, this happened (ie mutilation, people having their feet amputated, Achilles tendons cut, the tops of their feet lopped off, etc). Slavery in the Carribean was more brutal. I'm sure there's evidence for it somewhere or the other, but meh- far too lazy.
Just because it sounds plausible does not mean it's true. Especially when people are trying to justify a genocide and given the island was French, and the French had just abolished slavery (briefly, it never reached their colonies but it shows the social conscience of the time).
Slavs. Let them be! I want a world free of Slavs!
Serbs in Kosovo
Tell us about the "nationalism" people
t. fat ugly guy
This too
Rohingya, Iraqi Sunnis, black people of Sudan
>Muslim women
>being forced to wear a headscarf constitutes "oppression"
some slave for ISIS
>get raped as a 8 year old
>either marry him or die
I do mean the more extremist terrorist muslim parts tho
a lot of muzzie women did have freedom (wearing skirts etc) but when terroist controlled areas enforce stricter rules
is that even a thing
Doesn't ISIS prohibit the mistreatment of slaves?
Yes, and Islam is a religion of peace
Women, gay people, and religious minorities in countries like Saudi Arabia
west papuans
indonesia is just waiting to genocide them all
yes also its very nice in the caliphate you should go there totally!
Jews have been also opress during the finno -korean hyper war you antisemite
lmao, "palestinians" cry genocide when they only get 3 hamburgers instead of 4
>arguably in US and some of Europe (Sweden comes to mind)
holy shit you're a fucking moron. Comparing SJW shennanigans to what North Koreans deal with. You're spoiled as fuck to think there's ANY comparison
ISIS's fatwa on female sex slaves says that "the owner of a female captive should show compassion towards her, be kind to her, not humiliate her and not assign her work she is unable to perform" and that "the owner of a female captive should not sell her to an individual whom he knows will treat her badly or do unto her what Allah has forbidden". There are no proofs that ISIS mistreats female captives. And no, unverifiable reports are not "proofs"
>you should go there totally
I did
>its very nice in the caliphate
It actually is
White South African here; it's closer to 10% when you include people who spend some time here, some time elsewhere.
The stuff from /pol/ about a "White Genocide" in South Africa is pure far-right fantasy. If you believe that you will believe any fake news idiocy.
The decline as a percentage of the population is primarily because of a lower birthrate (most whites are middle / upper class so have naturally fewer kids), and to a lesser extent emigration to the UK, Australia, and North America.
If a mining engineer or investment banker migrating to Australia or London to earn mega dollars, but keeping a beach house in Cape Town that he visits every Christmas is genocide, then please genocide me!
The truth is that White South Africans live more comfy lives than 3/4 of Europeans and a lot of Americans. There's problems here with corruption, crime and sometimes limited infrastructure, but most whites have it very, very good.
"people" really is a stirner spook. Just like almost everything else. Stiner is shit, and I don't see how is misusing it at all.
How are MENA christians oppressed?
they usually live in special isolated neighbourhoods, and usually are rich
also if they were even ""oppressed" " which I'm sure some of them are, they certainly won't be the MOST oppressed people the the planted.
this world is so big slaves definitely exist somewhere, so there's that
>yes mistah, I wuz raped n mutilated n shiet
Rohingyas in Myanmar and Christians in the Middle East (outside of Israel and Lebanon).
North Koreans or anyone under ISIS control that isn't a Sunni Muslim. A lot of minorities in China, especially the Muslim ones get treated like shit.
Jews literally have their own mini-superpower country, complete with nuclear weapons and a right to bully their neighbors.
Quit yer' bitchin' Scholmo
This. ISIS follows the Quran by the letter, and some parts of the Quran are surprisingly progressive.
>whites in US and Europe
Sure, North American white nationalists will continue to get BTFO until the end of time, but only because they're objectively wrong and are an embarrassment to civilized culture.
That's false, if you're a "person of the book" (i.e. Christian or Jewish), you just have to pay the jizya tax and ISIS will leave you alone.
Yes. Some missionaries talked to some who were scrounging through the medical waste of an AIDS hospice at night searching for syringes.