Incel need advice, thinking of suicide

Hey Veeky Forums I'm a mentalcel teen who is going to university in one year,
Want to study business management, rn my life is pretty shit, zero friends, mentalcel mother and can't even numb the pain,
Can't be productive because jerking off 3 times is the only thing I can do to numb the stress.
I was wondering will joining a fraternity cure my autism?
If I could rape a bunch of sluts I think I would be pretty much set, my dopamine receptors would explode,
Going from basement dwelling aspie to sorority rapist would change my brain chemistry for he better, do you agree?
Just to keep it biz related, I'm planning on getting a sales job, I could supplement more income with trading or poker. This good idea?

Also I have a dream of starting a male pattern baldness research company, I am a good person.

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i think you took a wrong turn
this is Veeky Forums not some relationshit advice board for angsty teens

>Also I have a dream of starting a male pattern baldness research company, I am a good person.

Well, whoever discovers the cure to baldness will become a billionaire from night to day and will help billions of men who have developed psychological problems and low self-esteem due to it. Kinda blows my mind the lack of resources put into it right now.

Having anxiety as a teen.. I don't think you're ready for the real world kid

the fuck is this?

t. baldy

Do you actually intend to be a serial rapist or do you just want to get laid?

Probably join a frat. Oh and buy cocaine. I always found it easy to get laid if i was high on coke. Simply because it erases fear of rejection. If you're a perma virgin give a cocaine a try. Its better than alcohol because you're lucid, improves sex, and not a slurring mess.

>improves sex

Nah just get laid desu, I swallowed the black pill and am looking forward to live a life of hedonism to make up for the lack of pleasure I have had for the last 17 yes.

fuck off and buy a good rope. genetic dead ends like you shouldn't be alive.

Yea I can't see coke dick boosting anyone's confidence either

Relax dude everything will be fine. And joining a frat could help out with feeling happier yes

I'm not leaving this world until I fuck 100 women and do plenty of drugs,
I want to die without regretting anything, also from my intense inceldom I have realized the nicest are the haopiest, happiest people are usually good looking, only an ugly person would tell a mentally ill good looking person to hang himself lol

To be fair, i do remember being unable to have sex because i'd done far too much coke. By the same token i don't always get coke dick, so perhaps the trick is just to do a few lines and not go all pablo escobar.

You're probably going to end up being the next Elliot Rogers.

>You girls.

do any anons get highly aggressive on coke? It has that effect on me

Ur right, I should relax, I'm going to hit the gym tomorrow,
We're all going to make it.

Except you, ure not going to make it xD

>Removes fear of rejection
Not in me
I got slightly more talkative and open but that's it
Maybe didn't have a proper settings with grills. i think I've done coke for 3 times.

Because you ask nicely, here you go:

Yeah, me too, paranoia too