A world free of money

Imagine a world free of money.
Imagine all the people sharing all the abundance of the world.

Who is anyone to claim ownership of all the great things the Earth has provided us with (water, oil, crops, etc.) and all the great minds who have invented numerous helpful creations? Why not share all the abundant resources of this world with each other?

Why are you reluctant to envision this? Are you a slave to this system?
A slave to greed? A slave to your idea of sole ownership?

Together we can change this world but we have to be in agreement to do so.

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>first time hearing lennon
The whole part about getting 6 billion animals to agree with each other is what makes it impossible.
For example you can be the first one to travel to gaza and load them up with this "imagine if we shaaaare" let us know how that message is recieved.

If you think about it user the world is almost there.

When government print endless currency we are basically saying that such currency is pointless.

It is fake population regulation.

The human race does what it wants as it was designed.

Procreate, expand, contract and do it all over again.

Money is just a means of exchange. What does a world without money even mean? People trading fish for wood? Wheeew

RIP Jacque Fresco

That bridge is unsafe as fuck. Plz delete.

>claim ownership
how do you intend to accomplish that without getting all totalitarian communist about it?
it is unnatural to share anything outside the closest members of one's in-group
another problem is capex and opex of resource extraction and refinement, I'm sure people like OP would love to bear those... NOT

Ownership exists because you own your body, and you own your time to spend on this earth. To deny ownership is to deny your rights to your own body.

Tell me. Why do you own your body simply because you were there first?

All those abundant things you mention have too be worked for.
You think wheat just grows naturally without bugs and animals eating it before it's even large enough for people? And why would I work twice as hard as some other guy and have a shit life just to end up with the same rewards?

Also a world without money used to exist. It was called bartering and it was shit.

Go spend a week in the woods trying to live off your own skills and you will praise God for the way things are. Humans never had it so easy.

Imagine a world where you are full of money!


You are under the impression that the scaffolding stays up?

>Together we can change this world but we have to be in agreement to do so

Sure doesn't seem likely until Islam has been raped off the face of this earth. Come back in a few hundred years and we can talk.

Get off the internet and move to a commune, faggot. Start living the bullshit.

That kind of utopia would be extremely difficult if not impossible on ethnically and racially diverse societies (thus prone to conflicts of interests), and it would only be aggravated with the current models of mass immigration, with migrants coming from abroad taking and hoarding everything free for themselves in an abusive and selfish manner.

yeah but nigger that is going to bring us back to the woods and stuff, who is going to power your energy if we all just shaaaare no one slaves to the system xdddd weed lmao

>can't own shit

you have a weird definition of utopia

This is the ultimate redpill. We have the ability to give a wonderful life to the whole of humanity, but it requires having the willpower to purge a significant amount of the population. Genuine kindness requires strength, not weakness.

Beautiful sentiment OP but it won't be possible until the earth's population is drastically reduced.


Should have written "utopia".

What? Socialism is a system designed to let a large amount of parasites survive at the bottom and a small amount of parasites thrive at the top, supported by actual workers. This is hella different from a meritocratic eugenics program / worldwide genocide of undesirable traits. Commies would be the first to hang.

Imagine a world without untermesch

I think you meant Israel. I think you knew that too.

> this is different
> it wasnt real socialism

> said every commie ever

Stay in your bubble bucko

Do you even read what you quote?

Are you illiterate?

Can never happen. Most of humanity consists of the vile jealous compensating small cattle "people".

It is very possible, and it doesn't demand 7 billion humans to "agree," it demands a global evolution in consciousness. Then this world manifests as self-evident, not necessarily something that has to be "agreed on" and put in place.


Many of us are willing to give our bodies freely and even if we are not we are ultimately recycled

>you own your body
a common misconception.

>with migrants coming from abroad taking and hoarding everything free for themselves in an abusive and selfish manner.
aw yes, those greedy selfish mexicans that have the nerve to ask for half of minimun wage

I'm talking more about the model we have here in Europe with some migrant communities where around 70% of them live off welfare.

Despite, working illegally and asking for half minimum wage is still extremely damaging for the local working class due to the social dumping it creates.

If you can contract a "slave", why would you employ someone who demands a decent wage?

ih yeah, that.
fuck them





Slavery infringes the free market.... monarchist

only in ancapistan famalam
>no POC govt
>no extortion fees ie taxes
>no welfare for niggers
>no foreign aid to shitskins
>no conscripting ubermensch to get killed for untermensch in some shitty govt power play
>social darwinism which untermensch are highly susceptible to falling behind and eating each other

Why every ethnonationalist isn't an ancap, I honestly don't know

ps: believe it or not, a roads captcha came up. Not even mad: if we'd get rid of the FAA & DOT, we'd have flying cars right now. checkmate

if everything was spread out equally worldwide then you can live a comfortable life with only a few days of work a year.

Nah, people love to eat shit and die too much for this to ever happen.

>tragedy of the commons
>all your shit copied and spread to everyone, everywhere, basically creating multiple universes for each one of us to be alone in
>inb4 b-b-but personal property and private property maaaaaaaaaan
>doesn't realize that since the group is in charge that THEY not you, get to decide what is and isn't personal and private property, including your wife, your children, and your boipucci ie banditry
yeah, this is reality desu. stop apolizing for (((people))) who keep rejecting it and substituting it with your own

People can't get rid of greed on a physical level