A moment of silence.
A moment of silence.
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> inb4 people who don't live under dictatorships defend dictatorships and monarchies because it's edgy
Middle Eastern countries function better under strongmen. It's just a fact of life.
Except for all those democracies that got destabilized somehow.
Middle Eastern democracies are inherently unstable. To have a functional democracy you need a reliable and impartial civil service and judiciary. Then everyone else has respect the outcome. Otherwise the losing party can just accuse the other side of rigging the vote and pick up weapons and go to war every 4/5 years.
What you need for a reliable democracy is a process of stable government and gradual reform. Which no Middle Eastern nation has gone through.
In the absence of all that, the next best thing is a strong authoritarian regime imposing order through force of arms.
dude thats right for most countries in middle east but turkey is a bit special and also our strongman isnt that strong. just a colonial governor.
Booted out of NATO when?
Constantinople returned to Christendom when?
Turkey finally rejoins the rest of the muslim world. You weren't missed, but you are where you belong now.
Being a presidential republic is a reason to get booted out of NATO?
I can think of another presidential republic.... the USA for example.
Turkey is just mirroring the USA, I don't get why Americans would be mad at this and call it dictatorship, its literally what you have as well.
Now, Erdogan himself is a classic American style bible thumping neocon, except his bible is the Quran, and his wars aren't across the ocean, they are right next to the borders.
Still this is a small difference, and Erdogan winning the referendum is as much "dictatorship" as Bush Jr winning elections was.
>Presidential republics are now dictatorships
Tasty delusional redditor tears
>turkey is just brown america!
fuck off retards
Iran was doing fine as a democracy
Though Iran is unusually civilized for the region
You mean until the CIA backed coup to overthrow the democratically elected government? Could be.
You learn something new every day.
Turkey has a history of coups, this one wasn't out of the ordinary in any way other than that it failed.
Turkey has this cycle:
>democracy and freedom!
>democracy and freedom intensify!
>people freely and democratically vote their freedom and democracy away to be a sharia state
>military arrests the government and reboots the cycle
It has happened several times.
However, this time before the coup happened Erdogan purged the army, so it was weak when it came time to act.
The coup was a desperation move more than anything else, and it helped Erdogan solidify his position.
You don't get it do you, he switched from a parliamentary to a presidential system WITHOUT bringing in the checks and balances needed in the American system, he, quite literally, IS the Senate now
Erdogan went full Sheev
Tbh if turks wish to live in an Islamic state they should be allowed to do so.
Well the western secular army disagrees, but thats gone now, so we will see.
This is literally unironically Obama's fault.
Thank god the 25 years rule is respected so much around here
The military hunta - democracy - theocratic revolution - military coup cycle is older than 25 years.
Who cares? Mehmet make me another lamb platter, easy on the hot sauce, your subhuman cousins back home are going to be needing those euros now more than ever.
thank you for raising the level of discourse
>C U R A T E D
>P R I S T I N E
>Q U A L I T Y(tm)
How about you go to the rest of the history forums that are much more moderated and "mature" instead of trying to fight the tide of shitposting?
>A moment of silence.
Yes, because this is totally referring to the cycle in general instead of the very recent intrerruption in it
>Break board rules
>But le r/Veeky Forums greentext that articulates an opinion I can't, but share in BTFOs u!
So how are you newfags better than /pol/ exactly?
>America spreads Democracy to nations often violently
>Allow the people to hold elections
>but wait
>they voted WRONG
>America steps in and topples the new Democracy
How many times has this happened? In how many countries?
America needs to stop enforcing their best interest on the rest of the world.
So, is this rush for strongmen in power mirroring WW1 or WW2?
>How many times has this happened? In how many countries?
Do you count the Cold War spy wars in South America and Africa?
No. There was no rush before WWI, and there was a revolutionary wave before WWII.
This here is anti-revolutionary power consolidation.
Neither. Now go knock some more trashcans over.
top fucking kek. Recovering from your wounds the other day lad?
Why would't it? Protecting the American hegemony is in it's best interest, no matter how hypocritical it's acting.
>Why would't it?
Because of spooks like international law, self determination, sovereignty, liberty, ethics, morals and so on.
>rush for strongmen
>In the 10s
Ridiculous proposition by itself
>What normies think a rush for strongmen mirroring the prebellum of WW2, let alone WW1
You're serious, let me laugh harder
Of course
None of those matter when America's future is at stake.
This guy has a point.
Putin, Kim Jong Nuk, Duterte, Trump, Assad.
Seemingly Canada was the only one who missed the memo. They got a summer camp counselor.
sexy* summer camp counselor
That's the mistake. America was never intended to be a global force for anything but Liberty, Freedom and the pursuit of Happiness.
The Founders warned us against getting involved in the ancient battles of the past. This was the New World and we were supposed to be a beacon for humanity.
241 years later we're fully entrenched in all the cyclical drama of the whole world.
>people democratically vote to give the President more power
>somehow this is a disaster for democracy
hmmm... almost as if armenian and greek filled media want to turn world against us
>Kim Jong Un
Impotent leaders of backwater banana republics
Impotent leader of a county, half of which wouldn't listen to him if he wished them happy holidays.
Maybe fits the bill of a "strongman" in power, yet our current political situation is so removed from the 1930s that it's completely irrelevant to the status quo.
Okay arguebot
>We expect a high level of discourse, as befitting of the board
What? He just took an oppositional stance to be oppositional.
Not him, but kek 80% of this board should be purged if "high level of discourse" was a requirement.
>So, is this rush for strongmen in power mirroring WW1 or WW2?
>This guy has a point.
>Arguebot disclaims false comparison (redditors are addicted to analogy)
>What? He just took an oppositional stance to be oppositional.
Oh lol maybe you weren't aware that everyone is threatening War right now.
Iran and Rus threatened the USA that they would intervene if we used further military force against Assad's regime.
Then, since it's Spring the DPRK did their traditional pulling the pin on a grenade and threatening to blow up the whole room and everyone in it. And China was like be cool everyone he'll do it he's crazy.
Then Russia and China went full OH SHI- as Donald one-upped Kim and pulled out a box of grenades and just started tossing pins out the window like an absolute madman. And Mike 'Turning Fruits Into Vegetables' Pence nodded and started pulling pins out too!
So China sent a few hundred thousand troops to the Border and Donald sent Pence with THREE full carrier battle groups and Russia and China went OH SHI- and sent boats to follow from afar.
So now Kim is trying to figure out how to put the pin back in without losing face and the absolute RETARD says he's going to pull a pin every single week from here in out.
And Donald and Pence are STILL pulling and tossing theirs with no sign of stopping.
You think that the world will go to war over an irrelevant dictatorship?
This isn't 1914 user.
And your """""prose""""" is shit and unfunny desu
arabian, algerian and turkish same shit !!!
user, I...
arabian, algerian and turkish same shit !!!
They detest civilized countries and want to impose their laws and religions
I got you know Kebab poster, leave Mehmed alone
>Posting some popculture garbage for the braindead masses
We can post images here for a reason. Try not giving yourself away this quickly.
By civilized you mean materialistic hedonist atheism of course.
It's all so tiresome
Riddle me this:
If you like popculture; Enjoy liberal points of view and behave generally like a redditor, why don't you visit a reddit community based on history, political or philosophical discussion? Why do you have to participate in a community where you clearly don't belong in?
What do you stand to gain?
I think of civilized countries like the USA, Europe, Russia, China, etc.
Where people are free to think and believe in what they want.
And where women are free to dress as they want!
>pop culture
>don't belong
>stand to gain
Holy shit you got every single part of that backwards. I'm flabbergasted
Actually other than the late 90's they mostly targeted Leftists
Heck the military leaders of the 1980's used Imam Hatip schools to fight leftism
this is one of the most reddit posts I have ever seen.
Well you're a newfag so no one really cares
Your whole premise is faulty
>reddit spacing
oh boy, you just keep going
>reddit "humor"
I've been here longer than either of you two summerfags
you realize it's spring? not summer?
> not arabs talking about how arabs are incapable of having democracy because "western values"
The whole "strongman" talk is the most racist, condescending shit ever, and the reason I'm getting pissed off at this rather than usual /pol/ stuff is because it sounds like something you could actually get someone not educated on arab culture to believe.
So you are either a butthurt Kabyle or a butthurt French
Which are you?
Pick one
'criticizing islam' is nowdays a code word for racially motivated hatred against middle easterners, arabs, north africans, turks etc. which makes no sense either way because they are the same race as us
usually this sort of thing comes from people that would absolutely LOVE a strongman like erdogan leading their country and threatening minorities, like erdogan is seen as a threat to the kurds
Dutdut is actually doing a good job cleaning up the place. Not to mention he's going to federalize the country once he's done fixing it.
Iran under the shah wasn't exactly a real democracy lad, it just seems that way because their '79 revolution made the iranian lives 100% worse.
This sadly. Now turkey is going it will be hard to argue that muslim majority countries in the MENA can be naturally democratic or liberal. Their own population voted against it.
Not disagreeing on the destabilising part, but do you mind pointing out which (((democratic countries))) you are talking about?
Lad this sort of chest puffing happens all the fucking time. You're not a happeningfag, right?
It's like people on this board think other ethnicities are literally NPCs or enemies.
Not that guy but I can almost guarantee you're both newer than me.
I'm the first generation 'newground fag'
It's kinda how politics always read, mate. Just pick up the next edition of foreign policy and tell me how mainstream publishers behave any differently.
It doesn't HAVE to be this way though. We choose daily not to be shitty people.
>not that guy
>types exactly like him and also uses reddit spacing
Redditor spotted
Why do people get upset about spacing?
I'm genuinely not that guy, but I never understood why that was a thing.
Lol not even same user, but
>What is Arab Springs for 100 babby
That's real nice user, but you do know the other side doesn't quite return that favour right? Maybe in private they are like us and hope for peaceful outcomes, but publicly they don't because betting your security on fee-fees is hopelessly naive.
it's a sign that they are from reddit, where one has to pres the enter key twice for a new paragraph
> what is Jesus
>demonstrations are now governments
Really snaps my synapses
Did you just have stroke?
>Kurds before Erdogan
>Couldn't even speak their own language
>Kurds after Erdogan
>enjoy equal rights as Turks
because of "Muh Umma" "muh Muslim Brotherhood"
Soon user.
What is actually happening right now? I've never seen anyone get so assblasted over something so not-confrontational.
Might as well be posting how the ZOG is behind everything and how hurricane Katrina was a FEMA plot to execute dissidents against Bush Jr.'s regime.
its something underaged shitlords argue about
>being sad a republic died
If they culture converted to roman before death spiralling then maybe I would care about your run.
>my post proves the MENA status quo wrong