Hahahaha I'm so glad I didn't invest in crypto. It's all coming down tumbling upon you guys

Hahahaha I'm so glad I didn't invest in crypto. It's all coming down tumbling upon you guys.

While you guys were busy investing in digital fake scam garbage that is all ending now. I was busy actually making use of my time finishing up my drywalling apprenticeship.

I'm from Canada and the trades are fucking booming up here in Vancouver. Construction will never end. My father was a dry waller and he taught me the only way to get far in life is through hard work.

Did you rely think that you could click buttons all day and make a steady stream of income? No that's right because your investing in vapour ware.

Why don't you stop kidding yourself and do yourself a favour and pick up a toolbelt so you can actually make some real money?

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't the Canadian housing market setup to crash right now? What are you going to install drywall in when no one is building houses?

i agree coinfags need to get btfo but lmao at being a faggot drywaller manual labour is nigger tier

I live in Vancouver, we are going on vacation next month and were considering redoing out great room. While your at it you can cut my grass.

>that is all ending now

You will never be as good as a mexican who drywalled all his life to support his obese wife and 9 kids. He will work harder and longer than you ever can comprehend.

>hahaha i'm so glad i didn't buy crypto last year or 6 years ago
>now you're only 3500% up instead of 4000% hahahahah get scammed

>implying I dont have a high paying job with great career opportunities
>implying I dont stack paper on the regular
>implying cryptos is more than a sidehustle

No the housing market won't end because of all the rich Chinese pumping foreign money into the market.

Mean while I'm busy going around to all the Asians houses mansions charging 250.00$ an hour and you idiots are clicking buttons losing it all haha

How do you live with yourself OP? That's probably the shittiest job on the planet. Someone would have to pay me 2k a week for that shit, and even then I think I'd rather make 400 a week at mcdonalds

Drywall apprenticeship? That's the dumbest shit I have ever heard. It's so easy to hang drywall you just screw boards to studs you are shittier than roofers.

Don't you fools realize the only way to progress in life is through hard work? What value does bitcoin even fucking bring to this world?

I understand companies like Google or Amazon, but bitcoin and all these scams? Fuck that shit.

I'm so glad I invested in stocks instead, at least they will be around in the next 100 years, unlike your fucking bitbeans

Keep working hard slave, while i work smart and get rich

Bro it's literally the easiest shit EVER to hang drywall. You'd be getting paid more to put in lathe and plaster which actually takes some talent.

Did someone actually make you pay money to learn how to hang drywall?! You can learn everything you need to know about hanging drywall FROM WATCHING YOUTUBE.

So you haven't actually invested your money? You're lucky inflation rates are low.

The key isn't to work harder but smarter. You're body will be fucked eventually from shit tier work and then what?

Implying making 250.00 an hour isn't outpacing your fucking scammy cryptos. I make more than lawyers in drywall because my clients are millionaires.

I put it all into stocks and make 10% a year. Mean while you invest in shit scams and garbage cryptos with no real world use.

Didn't see this post. How much do you have? How much do you expect your salary to be, before/after tax?


Cope harder Bud I been was buying ETH sub 100

>Construction will never end.
You're in for a very rude awakening, eh.

Easy bait, so many fish.

I'm sure excessive taxation, covert inflation, rigged markets and negative interest rates will help everyone

How'd you find these clients?

You forget it's Canada. Where OP has probably to learn 3 thick tomes worth of regulation regarding the allowable drywall color alone.

It's all a huge red tape scheme to keep the bloated government relevant. Fucking Canada.

I agree hardwork is better for society. Otherwise you're just moving money around to make money and that just makes you a Jew parasite. OP nice try 6/10


How does it make you feel that you need help learning a skill that takes a few hours of youtube to master? I built basements, walls, ceilings etc and drywalling is the easiest task of them all, although a bit tedious.

Good on you for learning a skill.

One of the wisest decisions you could ever make user.

Bitbabies will be shedding a large layer of skin and they don't even want to accept it.

My father taught me how to do drywall. I Laugh at all you poor neets stuck in your fucking shit pen mommy basements living off of your chicken tendees and ramen noodles.

Then you make fun of the boomer generation and blame them for ruining the economy. Mean while you're just too fucking lazy to go and pick up a hammer and swing your way to financial freedom.

>is a leaf working in an industry that relies on speculation and is currently in a mother of all bubbles
>talks down on anons who use a part of their spare time to pioneer new tech that's speculated to grow beyond any user's belief
rofl, no wonder people make fun of yet-to-be-disabled manual laboring retards

> he didn't invest in crypto

>Mean while you're just too fucking lazy to go and pick up a hammer and swing your way to financial freedom.
They are quite the lazy bunch of collectivist slaves aren't they?

ITT: baited

>make 10% a year

Jesus and I thought I was missing out after only making 9% profit on my first week of crypto
top fucking kek, put down the drywall and dry my dick first

>gets cucked by chinks who take over his country
>learns outdated trade to work for his new chink masters
>gets replaced by chink robots during coming automatization wave

solid life choices OP

>drywalling apprenticeship.
isnt it like not that hard

ive seen youtube videos it looks incredibly simple

is that the joke

Enjoy your heroin OD after you realize you will never be able to afford a house.

>250/hour to hang drywall
yeah no

even retardedly-good welders don't make that much money on pipeline work


>I was busy actually making use of my time finishing up my drywalling apprenticeship.

So what youre saying is you weren't smart enough to do STEM?

>mfw the Antshares we're buying right now will be used to finance Chinese replacement robots for OP's job

>hurr-durr I don't understand basic economics

keep in your social bracket, commerade

Rofl you think you can automate drywall. Jesus how fucking retarded are you? All these fucking retarded techy wannabes wanting to over take the world with their fucking digital wiafus and robots.

Can a robot learn drywall building codes? fuck no, does a robot know about fire prevention drywall codes fuck no.

Can a robot swing a hammer, measure to a 1/16th of an inch No no no. Fuck your baby tech hive minds

>Can a robot learn drywall building codes? fuck no, does a robot know about fire prevention drywall codes fuck no.
you don't need a fucking robot to do that, any pc since the 80s can pick the right code from a database and print it out for you. With greater accuracy than you, too.

can't tell if bait or retarded

>Can a robot swing a hammer, measure to a 1/16th of an inch No no no.

Are you fucking retarded, son?


>lol robots are never gonna reply my highly specialized skill to put panels on a frame

yeah theres no way this is ever gonna happen

I work as a woodworker in California. I often make staircases and things for rich people.

They generally make contractors bid for the job, lowest price gets the job, then the contractors make sub-contractors bid for parts of the job (like making the staircase).

So your claim that you make 250 an hour because rich people is bullshit, rich people don't just dump money on your head.

>Rofl you think you can automate drywall
Oh honey... you are in for a rude awakening soon sweetie

she can pay one of the millions of imported shitskins that will be also jizzing inside her

I'm just happy I followed in my father's footsteps to becoming a dry wall millionaire through hard work.

I work 14 hours a day and make more than any of your shitbean or ethereum scam piles will ever make.

Best part about it? I get paid to work out and stay healthy while lifting heavy sheets of cardboard.

Oh, you were just pretending to be retarded.

Yeah I did this and made as much in 5 hours busting my ass as I do in literally two fucking clicks.
>not taking advantage of this burgeoning market
Why not? You act as if income should only be generated one way. You should have 5 income streams.


oh, at first you were coming across like a self made man, not a professional son of the original business owner who'll watch his retarded children piss it all away
I'd love to see you parachute in california and compete with paco the drywaller illegal alien, yeah in such situation you'd find time to make quality shitposts on career choices on Veeky Forums

No wonder he says he makes "$250/hour", he's probably running the company in trust for his father and pays himself that much

top kek OP

I realize that this is bait, but commercial construction is actually a pretty good way to millions over 5-10 years. It's just not sexy and chicks don't respect you for it.

Why dafuq am i gonna argue with a drywaller about cryptography?? I studied programming and mathematics at a tier 1 university and I'm gonna defend crypto to a mexican tier sheetrock installer??

>Why don't you stop kidding yourself and do yourself a favour and pick up a toolbelt so you can actually make some real money
Why would I want to work harder rather than smarter like some uneducated nigger? Currently a millionaire btw - mostly from bitcoin

Why are you so emotional about this? I made a 500% return on crypto with 2 months. Meanwhile I was finishing training for my profession.

>drywallers bitch
>can't work and crypto

> Op doesn't know what a short sale is & how to make money in a declining market & is doomed to a life of peasant wage slavery

Crypto will explode in 10 years. Maybe less. Holding a bitcoin may make you a multi millionaire

Guys, guys, relax, just because he throws out a number doesn't mean its in usd. 250 pesos/hr is roughly 14 usd. It makes perfect sense.